‘Call Her Witch!’ and ‘Uncircumcised’ (Jesus)

…I rather my child heart than adult B.S.! I see God’s vision a lot clearer that way!

 Call Her Witch!
 join the unbelievers
 chant it loud
 'witch! witch! witch!'
 then pick up your stone
 –cast it on your own
 you...the deceivers
 gather your ropes
 around her neck...tie
 then watch her kick
 'til she dies
 chant it loud
 'witch! witch! witch!'
 go ahead...take pictures
 with your phone
 join the connivers
 those living in the dark
 crucify her–
 show your heart
 she paid for her sins
 now let's see you
 pay for yours!
 in control...there's the Lord†
 whom you already crucified
 over and over
 you continue your shame
 calling it holy
 using the Lord's† name
 in your circles...shout
 'witch! witch! witch!'
 for she received wisdom
 –your dark secrets
 for you to heal
 instead...her life–
 you want to steal
 go ahead!
 chant it loud
 'witch! witch! witch!'
 the future will know
 which of you
 the Lord† almighty–
 leaves in the ditch
 scratching walls
 of an endless pit! 
deep hidden inside the temple
lies the sanctuary
pumping gold and silver
–to and from
up and down
sometimes soft
sometimes hard
knowing a cleansing
–soon to be coming
the removing of the dark
from the sanctuary walls
takes time
a complete bleed out
a total rebuilding
for its beauty to shine through
for it's beautiful music
to be heard
it is in these times
marks of hatred are noticed
–that too must be cleansed
cut, cut, cut
'til all the baggage is gone
clip, clip, clip
every single loose grip
wiped out
a purification
as the walls are strengthened
the workers hard at work
each one
working on the sanctuary
that is part of one
through time
its beauty shines through
the darkened halls
fill with light
and there's nothing left
but that bright
–and the sanctuary
is opened for‒
the entrance of life

Note: The photograph was taken in October 2019. The image on top of my eyes is the Hand of God on me. He is allowing me to take these photographs to teach about who He truly is. (I’m sure I’m not the only one!) You can see more pictures like this and the process that began the awakening part of this on the pages Third Eye (Spiritual Gifts), My Aura: The Love of Jesus, God, the Sun and Me, God Sends Love Orbs. I’m not concerned with the criticism of the titles of these pages or what I called things like Jesus Sprinkles on the page Jesus’ Army and Jesus Sprinkles...that is childish B.S. You name them whatever you want to name these things. I name them what comes to my heart, I rather my child heart than adult B.S.! I see God’s vision a lot clearer that way!

(February 28)—For the first time since I left him, I texted the sweet man. Since November, it’s been a monthly thing but he texts me first. And it always ends the same…anger. He not even coming close to resembling anything remotely close to healed. Me getting to the point of just driving in what God wants of him. All the rest…total BS! And…the man doesn’t see it at all. So, this time was no different…except that I sent the first text and it was to see if any healing was being done. None!

Continue reading “‘Call Her Witch!’ and ‘Uncircumcised’ (Jesus)”

‘Shouldering Damage’

You deal and accept the physical damage caused by narcissism’s carelessness

Shouldering Damage
upon her shoulders
carries the weight–
shouldering damage
from those who couldn't stay
–a go-getter
they couldn't take
she...never wanting‒
any kinda hate
‒that was never
her intended fate
‒she let love lead the way
ending in heavy price's
to pay
only in moments
she lived in sedate
all them medical doctors
had to medicate
she just needed room‒
a bit of space
to grasp the idea
of her body ache
never using it as an escape
‒it hurt...and she was its bait
she knows she gave it all
she wasn't some pity rage doll–
standing somewhere in stall
she answered a simple call
–but others led her to fall
not caring the damage at all
upon her shoulders‒
she wears the cape
an anti-depressant to mask
a different kinda ache
–emotional chains
she couldn't tolerate
a burning heart
left in saturate
mixed with anger
lust and hate
without intentional berate
from love
that just couldn't stay
then again‒
she let love be her mate
a heart damaged‒
in too many ways
–again...a turn in obliterate
a brain burned in uncultivate
all that damage‒
on her shoulders
in blissful weight
men who couldn't bear
the cape
of her physical‒
being in waste
she knows she gave it all
she wasn't some pity rage doll–
standing somewhere in stall
she answered a simple call
–but others led her to fall
not caring the damage at all
she now wears‒
a suit of armor
from love's mate
as the heavy scars from fake–
I can't stay
you...I could only tolerate
builds her face
straight to a destiny's fate–
the writer in massive create
she...to never deny God
in whatever she faced
so she shoulders damage
left behind–
by carelessness
and self hate
building her rose‒
from a destroyer's
intentional state
she knows‒
she gave it all
she wasn't some pity rage doll–
standing somewhere in stall
she answered a simple call
–others led her to fall
not caring
the damage at all
oh! how
she can stand tall–
she picked herself up
from the fall
using the rest of her life
in God's hall
lost to true love's
missed call
she knows‒
she gave it her all
–it was not her
that caused
the fall!
Continue reading “‘Shouldering Damage’”

‘Anger’s Infest’

Anger wants you steadfast! God wants you moving forward!

 Anger's Infest
feel it beneath your skin
evil's way of getting within
actions in horror's den
‒ways of evil's perfect sin
it'll trap you in cussing
it'll condemn you in swearing
pulling at you...probing
wanting your reaction
for it's only satisfaction
it'll take all
of your triggering notions
as it smiles
in sadistic laughing
craving your giving in
your fight...it's welcoming
your mind's condemn
anger...evil's infested gem
words, actions
its consistency in playing
wanting you
self to defend
so it can celebrate
in its win
feel it beneath your skin
evil's way of getting within
actions in horror's den
‒ways of evil's perfect sin
Continue reading “‘Anger’s Infest’”

‘His Softness’

That which gives you inspiration to go on!

A sample from Book 12

 His Softness
(Sweet Man)
there's moments
I want to cry
in this aging bit of life
‒not understanding
what to fight
he comes into my sight
deep in my thoughts
I get lost...caught
then he kneels before me
‒my world gets lost
in his sea
cradling me in his arms
all that fight...gone
aren't you tired of this yet
his question without hiss
we both knowing
we keep rocking a boat
that just needs
to float
my response in insist
over and over...rowing
this knotting rope
without losing
gentle's hope
feeling it all melt away
with soft words‒
he has to say
as he pulls me
in his sway
I want this‒
not just for today
but every day, in every way
I know the truth‒
when I look into his face
love...in every line
to trace
as his black hair
fades to gray
by his side
I feel everything safe
when he leaves the room
behind...closes the door
I'm left with my thoughts
shifting deep
in my core
yes, I'm tired of this
love is far more perfect
surrounded by his softness
then sitting in a room
lost in miss
his love
trying to forget
Continue reading “‘His Softness’”

‘Humble of Mercy’

You Want It to Be! So Bad….

A sample from Book 12

(September 26, 2018)—

Praise for Joy and Security of the RighteousKeep me safe, O God, for in You I take refuge. I said to the Lord, ‘You are my Lord; apart from You I have no good thing.’ As for the saints who are in the land, they are the glorious ones in whom in all my delight. The sorrows of those will increase who run after other gods. I will not pour out their libations of blood or take up their names on my lips. Lord, You have assigned me my portion and my cup; You have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.

I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because You will not abandon me to the grave, nor will You let Your Holy One see decay. You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.―Psalm 16

Continue reading “‘Humble of Mercy’”

‘Unconditional Terms’

‘Unconditional’ Fades When Another Takes Your Place!

A sample from Book 12

(July 25, 2018 [Didn’t post on Facebook.])—When toxicity takes its toll, there’s nothing to say or do.

A weak heart turns to go, finds a new heart to rip apart. A strong heart cries alone, struggling to regain ground, move on. You don’t lose to cheating. You lose to betrayal. That’s why those who don’t marry, stay single. They can just hang it up, move on to another. The faithful one can’t do this.

Continue reading “‘Unconditional Terms’”


Surviving the Knife of Those Who Betray You!

A sample from Book 12

(April 21, 2018)—That knife becomes weaker when we gain the support of others, when we start to see the true meaning behind our life. That knife doesn’t come out that easy especially when you see everyone’s true disclosure.

There’s so much to say, then there’s nothing to say. I have this much on my mind: If they don’t want to see you, it doesn’t matter what you say or do, they won’t see you.

Continue reading “‘Knife’”

‘Do Your Thing’

When they’re paving the way for another ‘thing’!

A sample from Book 12

  'Do Your Thing'
standing still, so rigid
memories return, so rapid  
do your thing
words that seem splendid
once before, becoming frigid
leaving me in stupid
words that shouldn't‒
but still stick
like a repeated lick
too afraid to admit‒
concentrating on self's wick
leaves doors open for the slick
that's just not it
it's that aged-old skit
played out...without a script
distance begins the slit
less hugging, more anger
words constantly in twist
‒making the mind constantly flip
there should not be panic
when felt before
this tactic
flip, flip, flip
skippy, skip, skip
the past's certain mimic
leaves only you in chaotic
breaking your spirit
turning to God for guidance
less comes the kisses
every ounce of erotic
disappears in a lick
‒the body is just an it
you become invalid!
time with you, the omit
things get drastic
leaving pure conflict
and you are the reason for it
how to be so quiet
when affection‒
you can't even solicit
pushed away...again and again
leaving you frigid
a body drowning
in an unhealthy orbit
taking you're the reason
for it
you're not pretty enough
you're too fat, too sad
when...in truth's logic
their argument, distance‒
all part of the already written
‒no need
to repeat it!
Continue reading “‘Do Your Thing’”

‘Ex-foliate My Soul’

You have to leave others out of ‘self’!

A sample from Book 12

 Ex‒foliate My Soul
I still hear the winds blow
I know, still, from and to
the direction it goes
I depend, too much
on human souls
‒directing my emotional role
these feet‒
so stuck in muddy ground
I've lost the feelings
of being found
trying to understand
hear...every sound
I've stumbled away
from which I'm bound
raise me up, oh Lord†
these maggot-filled holes
rub your sands deeply in‒
pull me out
as you wash away clean
the filth
of this infested bowl
help me again‒
feel fit and lean
where I once had strength
of a lion
‒the sanctuary
of a crystal clear stream
enlighten my heart, sweet Jesus†
relight this drive
I so carelessly left behind
enrich my soul
wash away the corrode
so me, in ease, I can stand
on my own two feet
understand words in my heart
having strength to sort
‒without falling apart
yes, Lord†, raise my tempo back up
so I can feel, once more
the unstoppable me
‒that pure individual feeling
of being free
without the need
of another's glee
I open me up‒
mind, body, soul
I'm, again, letting go
so...whichever the winds blow
matter is not needed
for I'll be free again‒
in the total of
letting go
Continue reading “‘Ex-foliate My Soul’”

‘Depths of Heart’

Mind your heart or others will not!

A sample from Book 11

 Depths of Heart
protecting self‒
not letting any other
put it on a shelf
seems to be utmost important
‒above anything else
for in self
happiness lies
rises high
above health
any amount of wealth
‒pulling the heart
out of hell
out of the darkest well
for in truth heart dwells
untied from man's inhuman belt
released from whatever shelf
man tries to impel
keeping the heart from melt
‒happiness locked in a cell
get out, get out
see yourself‒
way deep inside
where happiness compels
in heart
where it truly swells
Continue reading “‘Depths of Heart’”