‘Sedimentary Stability’ (Yeshuah)

‘Sedimentary Stability’ (Yeshuah)…When the Heavens are shut up and there is no rain because Your people have sinned against You, and when they pray toward this place and confess Your name and turn from their sin because You have afflicted them, then hear from Heaven and forgive the sin of Your servants, Your people Israel. Teach them the right way to live, and send rain on the land You gave Your people for an inheritance.’—1 Kings 8:35,36; 2 Chronicles 6:26,27

Sedimentary Stability (Yeshuah)

do you know what rock means
solid mass
hardened over time
do you know how long it takes
for a mass of anything
to harden into rock

if you know this
then you understand something
but when you don't know
for certain
when you are not sure
it is just a guess

science bases its logic
on guessing approximatity
on data collected
from the collection
it bases its answers
on the collection

I†, Yeshuah, do not base
My† answers on a collection
My† answers are precise
and true

because of logic
the ability to reason
if what I† say doesn't fit
man's scheme of reason
then it is not taken as truth

at the same time
science gives answers
based on guess
based on data
from the collection
and this is accepted
as truth

do you see your lack
of reason now

the world has lost its way
in materialness
in industrialism
so much so
that to even fathom
something living beyond
is hard to do

I† exist, I† am
as He†, the Father†, is

we are the unseen
in a world of seen

you move in the seen
but you are moved
by the unseen

perishable and imperishable

I† gave this instruction

you have forgotten

perishable is seen
imperishable is unseen

you are seen today
and gone tomorrow
but not really
you become the imperishable
whether living or dying
you are still imperishable
whether happy or suffering
you are still imperishable

as the body lives
so does the soul

the body lives in the world
the soul lives out of the world
the place man is
constantly searching for
amongst the perishable

this will never be known
within the realms of
the perishable

My† servants are shown
in order to give them
to give the solitude
in knowing they are not alone

they tell you
but few believe

it is

I† am the Son† of God†
those who do not belong
to God†, the Father of all creation
will not accept Me†

I† am a prophet, too
but I† am more
I† am the head of you
who come to Me†
and become the body

there is strife in all
who don't accept Me†
and if they don't accept Me†
how can they accept
the Father†

the hand that is upon you
yet you do not see
death is among you
yet you accept it
so easily

all that was given
through the prophet of words
will be

when? you ask

why are you so eager
to know time
when you haven't given

He† said He† will make
this plague your friend

you have surrendered
and it is your friend

you are moving
as if no one is dying
as if no one is sick

because science told you
you are protected
by science itself

are you?

He† is not finished His† discipline

do you not believe
the words He's† sent

you should

a combine is coming
a change of range

you of ignorance
you of arrogance
so eager to live your 'normal'
yet claim to know My† name!

do you know Me†?

there's a yes and a no

do you know Me†?

I† send words
I† have the ear of a prophet
yet you do not hear

I† have shown Myself† to her
the Father† commanded
that she tell you
she did as she was told

you don't believe her

arrogance ignores her
even her family
ignores these words

she is
the words that escape
her pen
will become life

secure yourself
for the wrath is still
slow and precise
a darkness is coming
you will wail and mourn

for you believed man
instead of the mouth
of God†


Notes: The photograph chosen is from September 27, 2019: Love from Heaven.

taken at 5:55:44

(October 7, 2022)―He led me to the King Solomon’s dedication of the temple. The temple is the heart, in your body. This is where God lives amongst men. It is your choice to accept Him and bring Him forward. After Yeshuah’s resurrection, all people because Israel, as one, chosen by God. He tells us this over and over by actions in the Bible. From the time of Jacob, through the time of Ruth and ever moving forward, God reveals that we are ALL part of Israel.

Note: We all fall as well. Solomon fell. David was righteous in God’s eyes but he still fell. Read. Study the word. Understand God so that you can know Yeshuah. He’s wonderful. The kingdom is real. Your struggles are only for a moment. The kingdom is forever.

Continue reading “‘Sedimentary Stability’ (Yeshuah)”

‘Pen and Paper’ (God)

‘Pen and Paper’ (God)…The Lord spoke to me with His strong hand upon me, warning me not to follow the way of this people.―Isaiah 8:11-18

Pen and Paper (God)

I† train who I† train
I† open ears
to whomever I† please
'o solemnness of man
you go on parading
for the world you own
without due process
of My† law

says the Lord Almighty God†
the king of all kings

where are My† people?
why have you grown deaf
and blind?

where's your bowed head?
is it planted in deception,
malicious and chaos?

do you not hear Me†?
am I† to place names
before you?
am I† to describe places
in detail for you to hear
these words I† speak?

rise up 'o nations in vast
earth is My† bounty
she is My† magnificence
these words are about her
the mountain
of My† people
and you have forsaken her

your nation's borders
mean nothing
to Me†
in this time of change

it is not one nation
out of balance
but the whole
of the whole

you mighty men
of man
you gather in your
meet in secret
as if I† don't have eyes

why are you pillaging
My† people?

for this the charge is made

anty up 'o leaders of nations
your secrets lie open

from My† kingdom
all things are evident
conspicuous and vile
for the very earth
is forsaken
for your vastness of greed

pillaged on My† candor
pillaged on the holy
pillaged goes the poor
and needy
building without stopping
all for gold and silver

I† am collecting
what is Mine† to collect
you have nothing for Me†
the balance
has been thrown

to set it back
into balance
I† will shake you
'o earthly of men
like you've never
experienced before

then you will know
the Lord Almighty†
is awakened fully

how bold are you!
'o nations of earth
to dismiss
these words of wisdom
words from My† mouth

the displeasure is vast
to anything known

the words are set
I† am breathing
through them
I† have breathed
through them

'o seas come forth
'o earth beneath

[He stopped me and led me to
Isaiah 8:11-18 and 8:19-32. I've
included them below.]

time will tell
in matters of words

these things foretold
as war looms
from the north and the east
from left to right
from the cold to the warm

all things are not what
they appear
an uncanny surprise
a stir of folly
anguish and hate
as the combine
moves across the earth
so will the punisher
who is set
a heart hardened

twisted and tangled
massive heaps of iron
scatter the land
bringing more poison
to the earth

the darkness prevails
because they did not see
they were too busy
with pleasures of the world
seeking, grabbing
a blindness covered them
they were caught off guard

then they wallowed
and wailed
unbelief of what lies before
their eyes

'o sad goes the darkness
for the light remains
less are those
who seek it
because they place
where it isn't due
leaving themselves
on dark paths

awaken 'o slumber
the light is here
put your pride aside
seek salvation
the Son† of the Father†

I†, Am†, the Lord Almighty†
has given you

Notes: Again, this particular photograph is chosen. It was taken on a night walk in which I ended up in the same area that I was always stopped at during the day at 5:55.

(October 4, 2022)―‘Pen and Paper’ was given on October 2, 2022.

Call to Trust GodThe Lord spoke to me with His strong hand upon me, warning me not to follow the way of this people. He said: ‘Do not call conspiracy everything that these people call conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it. The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, He is the one you are to fear, He is the one you are to dread, and He will be a sanctuary; but for both houses of Israel He will be a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall. And for the people of Jerusalem He will be a trap and a snare. Many of them will stumble; they will fall and be broken, they will be snared and captured.’ Bind up the testimony and seal up the law among my disciples. I will wait for the Lord, who is hiding His face from the house of Jacob. I will put my trust in Him. Here am I, and the children the Lord has given me. We are signs and symbols in Israel from the Lord Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion.―Isaiah 8:11-18

Others Cannot be TrustedWhen men tell you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and utter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living? To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn. Distressed and hungry, they will roam through the land; when they are famished, they will become enraged and, looking upward will curse their king and their God. Then they will look toward the earth and see only distress and darkness and fearful gloom, and they will be thrust into utter darkness.—Isaiah 8:19-22

‘Bad Ramifications’ (Yeshuah)

‘Bad Ramifications’ (Yeshuah)…On the appointed day Herod, wearing his royal robes, sat on his throne and delivered a public address to the people. They shouted, ‘This is the voice of a god, not a man.’ Immediately, because Herod did not give praise to God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died.—Acts 12:19b-23

Bad Ramifications (Yeshuah)

it isn't the story
you tell yourself
it isn't the day
you see what your eyes see
it is far deeper
ramifications of pain
spreads like a disease
across borders
across many lives
before it is stopped

it is I†, Yeshuah†
let Me† explain

healing is due process
of a journey
in the making

you're not going to be

you are going to leave behind
for all journeys cross
no matter how hard
you try to bury
what lies beneath
it seeps its way out
through love
through hate and anger
sooner or later
it shows its face

sometimes in ways
you never dreamed

I† know
I† see each procedure
each process
but it is the walk
through life
the testing of hearts

'what will you do'

when your back
is against the wall

will you allow love
to come through
understand each's journey
and why behavior is

or will you get angry
draw swords
and fight against
each's journey

there's no point
in understanding
your own journey
if you can't see another's

wisdom comes in understanding
knowledge is just that
knowledge does not lead
to wisdom

in wisdom
the perils of hurt
are known
in all its depths
as this awakens
understanding peeps its head
it lessons the weight
on the heart

there's no such age
in which this happens
but age does lead
to completeness in wisdom
an acceptance of truth

time is important

when anger is the answer
when hate is the answer
the ramifications
stay…you are stuck
until you see truth

this could take years
the cycle of healing
has no time limit
it is a process
of each being

judgment of this process
is not welcomed
yet it is always given
by those not healed
who are struggling within
but are too proud
to face their own pain

a healthy soul
one belonging to Me†
will eventually face their pain
they will dig deep
within themselves
and use the tools given
their inside master
to awaken
the healing process

in these souls
truth prevails
even through more pain
truth forces the awaken
it wants to be free

the healed and the unhealed
must walk side by side
patience must be given
forgiveness must be given
or else a heavy heart
weights them down

these souls know
this weight must be lifted

it takes time
but all avenues of pain
must be faced
for the heart
truth's serum
must be fulfilled

it is I†, the first Son†
go in peace
then peace I'll† give you

My† sheep understand this
yes, they fight against this
but only for a while
they are tested massively
until truth peeks its head
it will peek
until it is fully unveiled

Notes: The photograph David chose is from October 15, 2019: The Phoenix. The screenshot below was the actual picture he led me to. The green Orb plays a big part in the things that was pointed out to me. The second screenshot was the green Orb made into a footprint. David said it was the footprint of God.

(October 1, 2022)―‘Bad Ramifications’ was given September 29, 2022. After the writing was given, He led me to the persecution by Herod Agrippa I.

James KilledIt was about this time that King Herod arrested some who belonged to the church, intending to persecute them. He had James, the brother of John, put to death with the sword. When he saw that this pleased the Jews, he proceeded to seize Peter also. This happened during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. After arresting him, he put him in prison, handing him over to be guarded by four squads of four soldiers each. Herod intended to bring him out for public trial after the Passover. So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him.—Acts 12:1-5 (Jerusalem)
*Angel Rescues PeterThe night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shown in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. ‘Quick, get up!’ he said, and the chains fell off Peter’s wrists. Then the angel said to him, ‘Put on your clothes and sandals.’ And Peter did so. ‘Wrap your cloak around you and follow me,’ the angel told him. Peter followed him out of the prison, but he had no idea that what the angel was doing was really happening; he thought he was seeing a vision. They passed the first and second guards and came to the iron gate leading to the city. It opened for them by itself, and they went through it. When they had walked the length of one street, suddenly the angel left him. Then Peter came to himself and said, ‘Now I know without a doubt that the Lord sent His angel and rescued me from Herod’s clutches and from everything the Jewish people were anticipating.’—Acts 12:6-11
 Peter Tells of DeliveranceWhen this had dawned on him, he went to the house of Mary the mother of John, also called Mark, where many people had gathered and were praying. Peter knocked at the outer entrance and a servant girl named Rhoda came to answer the door. When she recognized Peter’s voice, she was so overjoyed she ran back without opening it and exclaimed, ‘Peter is at the door!’ ‘You’re out of your mind,’ they told her. When she kept insisting that it was so, they said, ‘It must be his angel.’ But Peter kept on knocking, and when they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished. Peter motioned with his hand for them to be quiet and described how the Lord had brought him out of prison. ‘Tell James and the brothers about this,’ he said, and then he left for another place.—Acts 12:12-17
Herod has Guards KilledIn the morning, there was no small commotion among the soldiers as to what had become of Peter. After Herod had a thorough search made for him and did not find him, he cross-examined the guards and ordered that they be executed.—Acts 12:18,19a
Herod Dies Because of PrideThen Herod went from Judea to Caesarea and stayed there a while. He had been quarreling with the people of Tyre and Sidon; they now joined together and sought an audience with him. Having secured the support of Blastus, a trusted personal servant of the king, they asked for peace, because they depended on the king’s country for their food supply. On the appointed day Herod, wearing his royal robes, sat on his throne and delivered a public address to the people. They shouted, ‘This is the voice of a god, not a man.’ Immediately, because Herod did not give praise to God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died.—Acts 12:19b-23 (Caesarea)
John Mark Taken to AntiochBut the word of God continued to increase and spread. When Barnabas and Saul had finished their mission, they returned from Jerusalem, taking with them John, also called Mark.—Acts 12:24,25 (Antioch)

You can read all of the visions, dreams and words, as well as see all the images and see the time frame in which they were given by clicking on Message Index.

‘Aggressive Nature’ (Yeshuah)

‘Aggressive Nature’ (Yeshuah)…if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins.—James 5:19,20

Aggressive Nature (Yeshuah)

you peddle around
what lies ahead
as if I† never told you

why are you not listening

do you think I† don't know
that I'm† guessing
that the prophet
is just writing
to write

let Me† school you
Yeshuah†, the Son†
the one in God†, the Father†
as the Father† is in Me†

the instruction is vast
and on going
it will serve its purpose
in the time God† deems

listen close to all these words
they will serve
their purpose

a time approaches
the time of need
not want

a time to save
all that you throw away
without thought

a time of sacrifice
a sacrifice of time
is coming
where you'll be forced
in the sacrifice

are these warnings
they are as such
as well as instruction
to live through
what the warnings contain

you wager wars
on thoughts
on ill-considerations
the horrors of war
release the true nature
of men's hearts
what lies in them
it puts out their worldly desires
evil lives in those desires

evil is beginning
its march
it will spread
and yet you go on
living fully
in your materialness
because it doesn't affect you

it will

the Father's† words
are direct
all the languages
can understand them
the interpretations are vast
the vine is at work

don't hold them
to yourselves
spread their message
each person relies on the vine
of certainty
you are charged with telling
informing each other
of the nature
of the Father's† warnings

His† love is unconditional
seek Me†
and I† will lead you
to Him†

salvation is upon you
inquire of it
redemption is looking
for you, each of you
you must welcome it

you asked for the Lord's† day
you eagerly wait for it
but you do not recognize it
when it's upon you

dila ray bay
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understand the words given
understand all that God†
has given
through the prophet of words

a slow yoke
is being wrapped around
for the goodness of you
for the Father† loves you
He† must save you
those who belong to Him†

it is vast in the making
what's coming into the world
it cannot be changed
the decisions will be made
they were shown
to the prophet

heed to what was shown
it is slow and precise
the preparation
should be almost complete

a time and place
it has been written
it is sealed
it is dawned in time

I† deemed it possible
says the Lord Almighty God†

a left in change
a coming range
of time
will replace time
already spent

don't waste time given
a purpose is soon
to be known
a combination of man's arrogance
will fall upon him

it will be

the Son† speaking for the Father†
for His† sheep must listen
know My† voice
hear it clearly
do not be like the hypocrites
who denied My† voice
and sealed their fate

I† am now the unseen
your faith must endure
you must pass it down
to future generations
by words said
for words written
will fall away
for a time deemed

you must teach them
by words of mouth
the truth
leaving out the lies
passed by unadament shepherds

the Spirit of Truth† is
and He† lies heavily
on the prophet of words
I† tell you this
I†, Yeshuah†, the first Son†
whom you should know
the truth is coming
from My† mouth
into the ears of a prophet
hear them loud
remember them
they will breathe
as the prophet now breathes

open your ears
what is coming
is coming into the world
you must prepare
for the combination
of wrath from the Father's† hand
disciplining an unruly lot
for trespasses
against earth itself

it is I†
stay in peace of heart
love one another
love God† more
with all your soul
and with all your heart
seek refuge in Me†
and I† will give you
peace of soul
peace of heart
to sin no more

Notes: The photograph David chose is from December 25, 2019. I did not post this set of pictures because it was a gloomy time for me. David pointed out the face on top of the water.

(October 1, 2022)―‘Aggressive Nature’ was given September 27, 2022. Right after, He led me to the Letter by James. The entire letter is below.

Continue reading “‘Aggressive Nature’ (Yeshuah)”

‘Consensual’ (Yeshuah)

Consensual (Yeshuah)

it is in the heart
that we know truth
down deep
what tears us apart

if it isn't said
it leaves us dead
lost in death
separate from the rest

when truth is hidden
it drives in the forbidden
brings in darkness
that leaves us in

a pull from within
filling us
a strange notion
of demotion
of anger and hate
changing the course
of our fate

the truth must be spoken
it's an honorable token
from strength given
to speak what others
deemed forbidden

the truth must be spoken

no matter the hurt
or the ill-feelings
in flirt

it is the call of Christ†
it is today
a called sacrifice
a force in heal
from forbidden's deal
bringing it into the real
unlocking the hurt sealed

the one who finds courage
to speak it
the cup has been given
it is up to them
to drink from it
‒bringing out the course
of sin

this isn't easy to do
it is a charge
put upon you
the one drinking
from the cup

animosity and blame
finds their way
out of tame
burning in rages
of flame

it is I† speaking
the one who fills the cup
the one who offers the cup
the only one who can offer

blame comes out
within fears of doubt
who has the clout
who doesn't
to call such sins out

it is written
long ago
to bring such sins out
to take them out of hiding
place them on the table
forcing a discussion
enabling a heal
of what is damaged

My† demands
have not changed

My† prophet was put
through this
for reason
not for glory
she receives no glory

she was charged with
she did
not for glory
she will receive none

faith is tested
as hearts are tested
learn the ways of the Father†
He† is simple
man makes it complicated
he endures complication
he wanders in its confusion
trying to sort through it
by himself

he can't

those whom speak for Me†
through ways and words
are condemned by man
I† have warned you
of such things

Mine† feel the pain
of others
they seek the truth
in all things

when I† charge them
to set the truth free
they do as they are told
no matter the consequence
because they know Me†
as they know the Father†

no one wants Truth†
to speak
but its Spirit† is powerful
it forces itself to the surface
by what means it deems

be careful your living
be careful your hearing
be careful your seeing

to see Truth†
through the darkness
has to be consensual
between you and
the Spirit of Truth†

if doubt plagues you
you will get parts
of the truth

the vine is charged
with the rest

be careful of the vine
parts are broken
choosing the world
instead of Truth†

anger surfaces
because your heart
knows this
and it is fighting
what the world knows
comparing it to Truth†
and wanting to trust
what is of the world
those lost in shame
those lost to sin

I† call upon Truth†
the Spirit of Truth†
who does not lie
He† lies within My† servant
He† lies within all My† servants

your conflictions
lie within your self only
the charge is
for you to battle
these conflictions
it is a consensual act
of bravery

once you have resolved
these conflictions
with self
you must stand behind
the answers you

for the Father† demands
either a yes or a no
anything in between
is of the world

the darkness that
surrounds you
is of your making
you cannot blame
anyone else
this is your place
of resurrection
you either rise or not
it is your choice
it is a given choice
for you to make

My† servants guide you
they will not force
neither will I†
nor will the Father†

Notes: The photograph David chose is from October 8, 2019: Oil Spill Warning. He actually chose the screenshot below. Oil on top of water. This is for you. You can click the link and read the explanations given yourself. It is a test of faith on your part.

the bright green object to the center

(October 1, 2022)―I didn’t expect this writing. Yeshuah is discussing what I witnessed the last couple of days. Then the Scriptures: 2 Timothy 2:14-19 through 2 Timothy 4:6-8 right after. If you actually read the writing and the Scripture, then you can feel what I felt: Pure Love.

Truth. I was brought down to the darkness beginning in 2011. It was put into my heart to write everything that went on outside my mind and inside. I didn’t know what I was doing. All I knew was this profound demand to write and if I didn’t write, I would be filled with this huge guilty feeling that made me feel even worse. I’ve written about this plenty of times, but it seems it needs to be said again.

Continue reading “‘Consensual’ (Yeshuah)”

‘Trivosity’ (God)

‘Trivosity’ (God)…Now you, if you call yourself a Jew; if you rely on the law and brag about your relationship to God; if you know His will and approve of what is superior because you are instructed by the law; if you are convinced that you are a guide for the blind, a light for those who are in the dark, an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of infants, because you have in the law the embodiment of knowledge and truth―you, then, who teach others, do you not teach yourself? You who preach against stealing, do you steal? You who say that people should not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples? You who brag about the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law? As it is written: ‘God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you’ [Isaiah 52:5; Ezekiel 36:22].―Romans 2:17-24

Trivosity (God)

the coming sanctions
won't help you
against the hand
that's upon you

no mention of My† name
in this wrath of Mine†
you have forfeited Me†
your ownership

it is I†, the Most High†
the giver and the taker
the grace and the inducer
the riddle maker
the story writer
the condemner
and the forgiver

how is it
after all this time
that you cannot fathom Me†?

I† showed you My† hand
I† controlled a plague
set out before you
I† held the rain
I† hold the rain
I† released the rain

still  you place blame
on man
on the very earth

how can you be so dull?

it is My† hand
who weakens you
it is My† hand
who hardens hearts
who sends and takes

flooding a desert land
do you sincerely believe
earth has this power?

the time has been released
you've forsaken My† name
mocked My† very law

I† put the rainbow in the sky
a sign of My† peace
to never destroy the earth
by water again
I† will not
despite your mockery
using My† symbol
for which I† hate

go! you blasphemous peas
go in wonders of your sins

I† will not destroy earth
by mere water
I† once did
though you don't believe
it was I†

water is a necessary tool
to wash things clean
to help things grow

you manipulating the rain
have caused your own

did you not think
that by being your own god
that you wouldn't suffer
the reactions
brought forth

your arrogance deceives you!

the change is moving forward
there is no turning back
a darkness is falling upon you
o' nations of deceit

do you not see
that I† see all things?

you scream foul
but do not see truth

I† sent you truth
though you are blinded
by hatred and greed

I† am the one moving
the hand
that moves you

darkness is surrounding you
but you continue doing
falling into its hands

the discipline is not over
arrogance will prove
your arrogance
without you having to try

I† am the Lord† of all lords
the one and only
the beginning
and the end

your fruitless moves
will become known
your paved ways of wealth
will fall short
and turn its hand
upon you

I† am the seeker
the giver and the taker
I'm† aware of your sins

turn back from your sins
and I† will give you life
learn from the words
of the one I† sent
taste His† name upon
your tongue

I† will squeeze you
until you are forced to choose
a yes or no
I† demand an answer
'o wayward souls

My† children will know
My† hand
they will bow
seek mercy
and I† have mercy to give

says the Lord Almighty God†
the one that gives
and the one that takes

seek redemption
before the words are no longer

Notes: The photograph David chose is from the third eye set taken in 2019 as this change was happening to me. He said He would change my appearance, my face and body. And He did. As for the third eye itself, He tells me patience.

(September 25, 2022)―The title is as I heard it. He said it very slowly twice. tri (try) vos-ity.

After the writing, He led me to Romans 2:17-24 through Romans 4:19-25. This is for you.

Continue reading “‘Trivosity’ (God)”

‘Set Range’ (God)

‘Set Range’ (God)…’then He said: ‘My words are not ancient but are young. I tell you beforehand the reason of your destruction. They have listened from time to time. The human is a stiff-necked sort. They have to be babied, stroked like a child. Reason in today’s generation is lacking. I will se to it that it returns. Science has deemed reason to matters of uncertainty for money and status, no longer a need to see what really moves them. You rather accept ‘unexplainable’ then the truth: the hand of God! So it shall be until it is no more, says I, Am, the Father Almighty of all Heavens and Earth. So it is spoken. So it is written. So it shall be.’

Set Range (God)

watch My† hand move
'o watchman of the tower
witness what is coming
it is not of man's doing
but Mine†

says the Lord Almighty God†

I† shall pull apart
what is together
I† will put together
what is apart

you will have no
reasonable explanation
nor scientific proof
to void the truth
I† am laying before you

I† am the Lord†

you…the void of you
is approaching
a dire insight
of what you can't fathom

your peril
will be deep
a solemnness
you won't find words
to record

those coming after you
won't be able to reach
its depths

come 'o ignorant conscience
see what the Lord† is doing
your basketed climate change
is an explanation
that won't hold water
against My† hand

I† am grace
I† am love

for the grace of humanity
its humanism
the balance has to be brought
full circle
put back into its place

My† hand is slow and precise
to wicked men
who try to replace
what I† am

'o self-righteousness
of the nations
you have brought
this discipline
upon yourselves
for thinking knowledge
has replaced My† hand

your wisdom
will fail your arrogance
it 'has' failed your arrogance

seek refuge in the one I† chose
the one I† sent
who changed the course of time

how arrogant you are
to acknowledge
this change in time
then forbid your people
to seek refuge in Him†

this arrogance
has been brought
to My† attention
at this place in time

a time for words of new
prophecy to be written
for the old is falling away
for they are about
to breathe

you fail to understand
fully the words sent
so I† will show you
not in cinema
but in reality

yes, I† am speaking
so much betrayal
blasphemy of My† name
mocking My† grace
for your material gods

they can't help you
'o great nations
who are about to fall away
the condemnation
is too vast
the slaughter is too vast

an unshakable time
is approaching
the time in nines

a void out
of My† kingdom
for a kingdom on earth
a kingdom
you will bow down to
worshiping your false gods
honoring them
with your merciless heart

My† unconditional love
will give you what you desire
'o reckless peoples

the words have been
laid down
My† prophets honor them
you don't

you will

wait! 'o vastness
of arrogance
the Lord Almighty†
is speaking to you
in the mountains
in the deserts
in the plains
in the islands

all your cities and fortresses
will change
will be rearranged
in the time approaching

all you hoarders
all of your wealth
will prove fruitless

the walls will fall
a crumbling mess of desire

awaken 'o blindness
feed My† people
shelter My† people
I† am watching
your every move

I† have come for the revenge
the days told to you
'the day of our Lord†'
is upon you

a slow and preciseness
watch and you shall see
the mightiness of My† wrath
placed upon a selfish

awaken My† people
I† have come to honor you
stay in faith
of My† Son†
He† is the way
to My† house
the very holiness
you seek

look! see the unrighteousness move
they seek worldly wealth
they seek worldly status

I† am 'NEITHER'!

I† am the truth
the world hates the truth
so they accept
'part' of My† Son†

and do away with the rest

in His† hands
lies the sickles
of judgment

the charge I've† given Him†

who deems worthy of Me†
pass through the hands
of Him†

without Him†
there is no Me†!

listen! for the words given
then the words won't 
be given

says the one and only
living God†
who gives life
and takes life
the alpha
and the omega
the God† of all
the seen and the unseen

Notes: The photograph David chose is from September 27, 2019: Love from Heaven.

(September 24, 2022)―He led me to Ezekiel 4:1-3 through Ezekiel 6:1-14. He said to include them all, then He said: ‘My words are not ancient but are young. I tell you beforehand the reason of your destruction. They have listened from time to time. The human is a stiff-necked sort. They have to be babied, stroked like a child. Reason in today’s generation is lacking. I will see to it that it returns. Science has deemed reason to matters of uncertainty for money and status, no longer a need to see what really moves them. You rather accept ‘unexplainable’ then the truth: the hand of God! So it shall be until it is no more, says I, Am, the Father Almighty of all Heavens and Earth. So it is spoken. So it is written. So it shall be.’

Continue reading “‘Set Range’ (God)”

‘Confidence Given’ (Yeshuah)

‘Confidence Given’ (Yeshuah)…No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God. This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother.—1 John 3:7-10

Confidence Given (Yeshuah)

how can you be weak
when you're given what
you need

all the ins and outs
of time given
of the moment given
how to pray
what to pray for
the why: to heal

you are not sitting there
you are being guided
you are being told
how to get into a kingdom

why would you forfeit that?

I†, Yeshuah†, have been telling you
explaining to you
without much mystery
for the time has come
before the time coming

it has always been
you are not the most
advanced generation
in thought

there were several more
and they faded off
into weaker nations
weaker generations
for their advancement
did what you are doing
replacing God†

they didn't demand
that their people trust God†
they demanded instead
excellence in reason
until reason replaced heart
until the weight
of the heart
became too heavy

they were grand scholars
these past generations
they were enablers

you still study them
and their work
those whom were honorable
and their work didn't burn

there are a few like them
in your generation

but only a few

these have done well
for the people
constantly fighting governments
and other people
to feed the people
to clothe the people
to shelter the people

many have been beaten down
because the fight
is not in them anymore

it is not that
isn't it

it's more of the machine
of power
what strives for control
who will allow the suffering
to continue
as long as the machine
is well oiled
well fed
with the elements of greed

this part
greed's everlasting hold
always gets in
always sinks its claws
in deep
and always causes the
down fall
of great generations

why this call?
why is the Lord† sending
so many words?

this generation
has caused the imbalance
of earth
no  other generation
has done such a thing

it is I†, His† Son†
the words will come
dear prophet
until they do not come

wisdom is a hard shoulder
to bear
knowing truth
while watching them
go against truth
for mere treasures on earth
for mere status
and high places
all which do not last

it is best to concentrate
on what lies beyond
this one life

satan has not won
he is merely a tool
sin has not won
the mind of the human
is weak
the heart of the human
is fascinating
and it is here
where lies truth
of the essence
of each being
and where he or she belongs
in the order of space

those who have ears
will hear
those who have eyes
will see
but not until
it is their due time

these words will penetrate
hearts of a future
who hasn't arrived
they will
and what they will find
is not what you see
in front of you

it is a very different
because of what you
are doing today

the Father† is allowing it
for prophesy must breathe
and it will

go in peace
and then peace I'll† give you

Notes: The photograph David chose is from September 27, 2019: Love from Heaven.

(September 22, 2022)―After He gave ‘Confidence Given’, He led me to 1 John again. I have once again included the whole Scripture.

…No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God. This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother.—1 John 3:7-10

Continue reading “‘Confidence Given’ (Yeshuah)”

‘Time’s Ultimatum’ (God)

‘Time’s Ultimatum’ (God)…This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666.—Revelations 13:18

Time's Ultimatum (God)

you stagger over your feet
accepting defeat
but with eyes
that don't see

how can this be

there are so many stages
to God's† wrath
the change in speak
is taking its peak

I've† come to show you
it's not a sneak
or tricks in cheap

it is slow and precise
a yoke going on tight
for greed
hidden from sight

it's not easy for you
to prevail
unless your soul
is for sale

open your mouth
it's not time
to lay back
or take a seat

it's time to stand up
wage a good fight
keep darkness
away from the night

I† am
and there is no one
above Me†
that you need to see

these words
will one by one

for the riddle maker
it is not a dream
everything is not
what it seems

go in peril
if you'd like
I† have sent the light
it is your very birth right
to seek what's been given

'o awaken 'o shepherds
in sleep
see My† might
as My† wrath seeps
in deep

confusion is proper
in its time of nines
a war will awaken
one future generations
will study
in their academia
it will be a priority's agenda

but not after survivors
walk across great plains
seeking refuge
seeking solemnness
asking themselves
what happened
they won't know
this time
this generation
the generation between now
and the age of industrialization
they won't know Me†
for I† have been forfeited
for house and cars
land and gold

the resources become scarce
for I† will hide them
for abuse of power
overshadowed man's ideals
of freedom

it is I†, the Lord Almighty God†
watching from a far
watching the makings
of war
on My† beautiful land
the same as before
beauty turning to sand
swamp and mud

be on the look out
'o watchman of the tower
tell them where they are headed
a man-king trying to save
his riches
always crumbles under
his trinkets

I† am openly aware
of the time in nines
the prevailing
all dressed in wines
crowns and scepters
is fading away

earth is in her birthing right
slow and precise
from deep within
to the skies far above
her healing process
has begun

I†, the Lord† of all
am her guide

awaken 'o wonder
see what man has done
he set earth
in an imbalance
of time
and it has to be reset
put back into balance

I† have come
to right this imbalance

and you will know
I† am the Lord†

Notes: The photograph David chose is from October 15, 2019: The Phoenix. Again!

(September 22, 2022)―He gave ‘Time’s Ultimatum’ on September 20, 2022, then He led me to Revelations 12:13-13:1a through Revelations 13:18.

Continue reading “‘Time’s Ultimatum’ (God)”

‘The Long Haul’ (Yeshuah)

‘The Long Haul’ (Yeshuah)…In this meaningless life of mine I have seen both of these: a righteous man perishing in his righteousness, and a wicked man living long in his wickedness. Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise—why destroy yourself? Do not be overwicked, and do not be a fool—why die before your time? It is good to grasp the one and not let go of the other. The man who fears God will avoid all extremes.—Ecclesiastes 7:15-18

The Long Haul (Yeshuah)

did they buckle in
for the ride
did they prepare


I†, Yeshuah†, will explain

many sought preparations
in a different way
a worldly way

they didn't worry about
food, proper wear, proper books
they didn't concern themselves
with 'supplies of need'

it was 'supplies of want'

they didn't pay attention
to the distractions
for they were distracted
by the distraction

they didn't bother to question
why so much
they didn't bother looking
as the distraction was
right before their faces

they were busy doing
what the punisher set
before them

buying and selling
using and abusing

they were busy
keeping maliciousness breathing

praying went into confusion

they began praying
for things
material emptiness

the rich hoarded the wealth
the poor began to die
the poor who knew God†
and Myself†
the poor who knew
what gifts are
who understood grace
and mercy and forgiveness

the rich struck deals
souls were sold
for wealth became the idol
people became the idol

I† was mocked
God†, the Father†, was mocked

the beheading of My† church
took precedence
the enemy was patient
one country at a time
it began to make its mark
drive its impact

two enemies
one hidden
one in the open
pretending to bring peace
but was doomed
in secret
betrayal between the two

death spread
darkness started small
in small places
then it spilled across
the lands

the Father† backed away
letting faith conquer
letting the people watch
as what they deemed
faith to be

it was never faith
it was the mockery of faith

the darkness rested
on the people
God† handed them over
to their desires

only a small remnant
remained in true faith
the Father† hid them

for you, the reader
to understand your fate
to understand
how they lost God's† protection

sin didn't win
discipline did
the ways of the world
get too big after a period of time

the Father†
the creator of all things
knows, is always aware

man fools himself
pleading there is no God†

God† lives always
His† kingdom is always
I† am always

Notes: The photograph David chose is from September 4, 2019: My 5:55 Lake Visits. It was taken at 5:55:09. There is something indeed in the photograph. Click on the link and learn. This was one of the first times at 5:55 p.m. that I was asked to take photographs at this lake.

(September 22, 2022)—‘The Long Haul’ was given September 19, 2022. After I received it, I was led to Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes 3:1-17; 12:11,12; Ecclesiastes 7:1-6 through Ecclesiastes 8:1.

Continue reading “‘The Long Haul’ (Yeshuah)”