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‘The Passion’

A sample from Book 2

  The Passion
we live in a closed fear
our laugh a bit queer
He† died on the cross—
so we may not be lost
we build a big house
we’re not treated like a mouse
He† was beaten by a strap—
releasing us from our trap
we worship the almighty green
it matters how we are seen
His† skin fell from his body—
while they stood laughing
we spend wanting the best
who cares about the rest
His† mother watched her son—
evildoers had their fun
we ridicule the less fortunate—
breed cruelty and hate
His† skin soaked in blood—
hitting the ground...raging flood
we spit the hungry in the face
carrying around a can of mace
He† wore a crown of thorns—
so we can be reborn
how much more can we take
how much more can we fake
He† forgave us for our sin—
how many prayers can we lend

(2004/05)—If you asked me to describe this day, this year in a sense of its character, its morality, I would shudder with a peculiar sickening feeling in my gut unable to explain thoroughly what causes it.

How could anyone describe the character of the way in which we live? How could anyone explain it with any truth or coherence? We are surrounded by greed and all its material worth. We believe the more tangible assets we have the better. We have forgotten our hearts, our passions. We have settled for comfort instead of reaching for truth. We blame others for our shortcomings. We live for that blame. We sacrifice for that blame.

With our men at war in the holy land trying to find peace, are these people in the desert trying to tell us something we’re failing to hear? The almighty powerful West. We say In God We Trust but do we really trust him? We have that printed on the very dollars we spend—isn’t that ironic. Our dreams are washed up in the West. We have replaced God with the tangible, with the greed.

There are no words to describe this day, this year. Sexual misconduct by priest, Wall Street gone a muck with Martha Steward, a writer grosses a billion dollars, a pop star faces prison for child molestation.

Where are we today? What have we done to the land of the free? Our children are not allowed to pray during school. The very Commandments we built our country on are no longer allowed to stand watch in our buildings of honor. But yet In God We Trust.

We are in search of someone to believe in. We are tired of liars. But yet we hold onto racism. We hold onto blame. Our ancestors were ridiculed so we are today. Why are we still punishing ourselves for the past? Why don’t we listen and learn from the past? If we can remember hatred, why can’t we remember love?

This day is a day of change. In my heart there is a change. Mel Gibson’s The Passion of Jesus Christ marks that change. A movie being viewed by millions yet it’s not drama or action. It’s not part of the imagination. It is about a man the world has been shutting out.

I am glad Mel Gibson put his honor on the line so that we may open our eyes to reality and the life that gave us hope. In all the press coverage that Gibson’s film received, the question that irritates me the most is ‘Why did he do it?’How funny that we should ask that question. The real question that should have been asked is ‘Why hadn’t it been done sooner?’We’re so concerned with making money and all its glory that we have forgotten who we are.

There’s a question out there—why did so many people who hadn’t gone to the movie theaters in ten-twenty years, go see Gibson’s film? Maybe because there is a higher power that’s greater than us that we can’t impress with money. Material possessions mean nothing to the self or to the understanding of who we are. Sometimes, we have to look beyond the front doors of our fancy houses, beyond the doors of our expensive cars, beyond the name brands of our clothes to see what really matters—that’s the self. In the end, you can’t take all those treasures with you. In the end, they mean nothing. In the end, you’re on your own.

(April 19, 2014)—When I think of the Passion, I think of the betrayal. Jesus was betrayed. They didn’t stand up for Him. They didn’t fight for Him. They didn’t put themselves on the line for Him. They let Him be crucified. Only after He proved His Light, did they celebrate Him.

Does that ring a bell? They all crucify you when you are honest. They all betray and abandon you when you are down, struggling, and weak. They all stand with the enemy because it’s easier than facing the truth, it’s easier than having to explain to you why they abandoned you, it’s easier to deny than to face their fallacy. They completely ignore you like you were dead. But once you regain your ground, once you have peace, then they want to be a part of your life again.

If you don’t make it and kill yourself, they stand at your funeral, celebrate you and lie about loving you so others will feel sorry for them; hence, when they betray you, when they mourn your death, they are seeking some ill-mannered celebrity status…living something that isn’t true to gain sympathy because they can’t face who they really are.

One’s actions tell everything about a person’s character.

Jesus forgave all of those who betrayed him because they asked to be forgiven. They asked to be forgiven. They saw their wrong. You don’t owe those who have done you wrong one damn thing. You don’t owe them an apology. They owe you. Never forget that. They owe you.

Love the skin you’re in and remember why we celebrate the Passion. Tomorrow, all of you will be in some church or other. I won’t. I find God is better praised in my heart and not surrounded by people who treat me wrong but claim to praise God in the same breath.

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Paperback: Denial and Isolation of Self Political Charms: Looking at Life on the Outside While Denying Life on the Inside Book 2
Kindle: Denial and Isolation of Self Political Charms: Looking at Life on the Outside While Denying Life on the Inside Book 2

Additional Readings On The Law of Attraction, Spirituality and the Mind

(Each page has loads of additional books (in every format), videos, instruction materials, and inspiration gift ideas.):

Battle Field of The Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind by Joyce Meyer

Cathechism of the Catholic Church Published by Doubleday

Chicken Soup for the Soul by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Amy Newmark

Christ the King Lord of History by Anne W. Carrol

Daily Devotions: Wisdom From the Bible to Light Your Way by Gerard Kalan

Essence of the Heart Sutra by The Dalai Lama

Fasting to Freedom: A Revolution of Body and Spirit by Ron Langerquist

Money, and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness by Esther and Jerry Hicks

Mystical Traveler: How to Advance to a Higher Level of Spirituality by Sylvia Brown

No Matter What! 9 Steps to Living the Life You Love by Lisa Nichols

Notes from the Universe: New Perspectives from an Old Friend by Mike Dooley

Peace, Prosperity and the Coming Holocaust: The New Age Movement in Prophecy by Dave Hunt

Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife by Eben Alexander, M.D.

The Answer: Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life by John Assaraf and Murray Smith

The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide by Esther and Jerry Hicks

The Daily Bible In Chronological Order 365 Daily Readings New International Version

The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham by Esther and Jerry Hicks

The Mind Connection: How the Thoughts You Choose Affect Your Mood, Behavior and Decisions by Joyce Meyer

The New American Bible Published by World Catholic Press

The Secret by Rhonda Bryne

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

War Room: Prayer Is a Powerful Weapon by Chris Fabry

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