‘Sad Silver Bells’ (God)

I can NOT post what He sends me and be normal and accepted by mankind, or…OR I can post what He sends and be accepted by Jesus! Let me see…Jesus wins EVERY TIME! I can’t deny Him.

 Sad Silver Bells (God)
 can you hear it
 the wailing, the moaning
 it's everywhere
 no blood, no, there's none
 no funerals
 or sad goodbyes
 just wailing
 ‒a dim shock
 at how real
 the Judge's† deal
 there are eyes staring
 into empty space
 there was no time
 to heal
 no where's
 can you hear it
 there's strings of lights
 here and there
 glistening crimson and gold
 but the packages‒
 they stopped coming
 there's no desires
 ‒just wailing
 that doesn't seem to stop
 won't they be quiet
 I'd rather the silence
 I don't wanna see
 too much in their eyes
 ‒this answer of why
 oh! hold me
 while, I, too, sigh
 ‒turn to my God†
 but He† already answered
 can you hear it
 the lack of praying
 even as they lay dying
 oh! there...is that it
 is that prayers to God†
 is that prayers seeking
 is that love
 is that what I'm hearing
 'no, it's your imagination,'
 they say,
 there is no god
 look at all this death!'
 oh! my sweet, sweet Jesus†
 why can't they hear it
 look! He's† there
 riding on His† white horse
 bow down
 worship Him†
 He's† standing in
 standing between
 you and God†
 seek Him†
 the sickles are ready
 the judging is already begun
 look! how shiny they are
 He† sweeps a silent sweep
 absent of blood
 they fall to the ground
 the dove is here
 open your ears...hear
 be not afraid
 in comes the age
 ‒time, times time and
 a half
 the beginning has arrived
 all says the Lord Almighty†
 left up your head
 can you hear it
 the sound of His† voice
 can you hear His† anger
 'I† am He†,' the Lord† says
 'I† am the alpha and the omega
 the beginning and the end
 I† am in Him†
 and He† is in Me†,'
 says the Lord Almighty†
 find your glory in My† Son†
 find your redemption in Me†
 the time has come
 I† am
 I† am
 this is the only living God†
 the one above and below

Note: The photograph is from October 23, 2019: The Dragon and the All-Seeing Eye. The dragon is in the center, it is at an angel slightly to the left. The head is facing to the right and the wings are behind him. The message is clear: GOD IS IN CHARGE!

(December 9, 2020)―I got the title, as I always do, then, ‘Write,’ came. Half way through He took over. That would be God. Then when He left, David told me, ‘Open the book,’ and Revelations! It is the first time in all of this writing that I have been led to Revelations directly after a writing!

Continue reading “‘Sad Silver Bells’ (God)”


The truth cannot be changed or argued. It is. As God is. As Jesus is. Nehemiah…remember! It’s up to you to educate. No one can save you but yourself. Amen.

I saw Him†
larger than life
His† gown...brilliant white
glowing in grace
His† gold hair
‒surprising in color
it was black
during my first site
His† hands griping tight
His† arms bent
to His† chest
two blades
to the left, to the right
curving up
to each side
ready to splice
I couldn't help notice
His† eyes
staring straight ahead
‒now I want to cry
all that I've felt inside
couldn't adjust
to this raging sight
He† is love
He† is might
standing before me‒
Jesus the Christ†
then again
He† went
out of sight

Note: The photograph was taken September 27, 2019: Love from Heaven. There’s a lot that was revealed this day. The spots on my neck, not only orbs but other images, and not only this particular day. On days after this as well. David told me that I would have to deal with something involving my neck, my throat. I knew for a while that I needed to quit smoking, a habit I enjoyed…a LOT! I also received a dream telling me that I was going to have a fight with an invisible enemy. I wrote about this dream in my writings. The invisible enemy was my addiction to tobacco. I have quit…11 months! It is still difficult, but I have to release my earthily desires. This was one of them.

(December 6)―Nehemiah. He put the wall back together, too…that wall around Jerusalem that kept being torn down by war. As God wants us to put our wall back together. Which wall is that? Our hearts. Our minds. Our self. Heal. I didn’t write today, as in a poem. Instead, I was directed to ‘Sickle’, which was written May 13 of this year. I was asked to read it aloud. I did. Then, ‘Open the book.’ Nehemiah and confession was put before me. Do you see it now?

He’s warned you. God our Father, and Jesus warned us about God’s wrath. I don’t blame you for not hearing. Those who are open to them heard loud and clear. You will mourn. You will complain. You will get hostel. He knows already. After…after you do these things, He asked that you forgive Him for bringing you to them. And He IS bringing you to them. Trust Him.

Continue reading “‘Sickle’”

‘This, This, This’ (Jesus and God)

He is there. You just have…HAVE…to believe with all your soul and all your heart.

This, This, This (Jesus and God)
the Son, the Son of Man,
named Jesus† declares:
they have a funny way
of saying they changed
‒but they haven't
they are given more power
more brain matter
and they can't decide
for themselves‒
good or bad
they are so caught up
in materialism
that they don't know
it's really amusing
that they only trusts
‒they 'say' they only trusts
in what they can see
taste, smell
‒yet many are
in relationships of
some sort
they can't see that
but they know 'it is'
why do they know 'it is'?
they can't see that 'is'
they can't touch it or
even taste or smell it
how can they know?
how do they know love?
it is only because I†
give it to them
they feel guilt
they feel shame, hate
lost, found, happy, sad
yet they do not know
from where those 'feelings'
come from
did I give them knowledge
on this?
everything to do with
the mind and the heart
comes by way of the
their understanding is
on giving bit by bit
when the need arises
then it is given to all‒
this understanding
the Lord Almighty† declares:
to try and duplicate
Me† through machines
given to man by Me†
is laughable
but I† let it be
you were right in saying
that all are beings‒
all are
everything I† tell you
is correct
don't let man get in the
way of Me†
man gets what I† give
man moves at a pace
I† set for him
no one moves over Me†
as to the prophet:
you hear Me†
the Father†
and you hear Him†
the Son†
separate and together
for We† allow it
as for the masses‒
the time has come‒
that time and this‒

Note: The photograph was taken October 23, 2019: The Dragon and the All-Seeing Eye. It is the first dove that appeared in the photographs. The entire set of photographs that day was revealing and descriptive, from orbs to the faces to the figures, whole figures of beings that were pointed out to me. To believe in what you cannot see is amazing. To see what you cannot believe is lunacy. It is there, all around. He is there. You just have…HAVE…to believe with all your soul and all your heart.

Continue reading “‘This, This, This’ (Jesus and God)”

‘Lay Siege’

She is facing to the left. Her hair is parted in the middle, and she is wearing a face mask! He was warning us of what was to come! Back in November of last year!

Lay Siege
I lay without emotion
except when the Lord† comes
my whole being
pours out its devotion
I don't go out much
not at all...do I endure
a human's touch
I live in a world
of sanctions
where governments
have lost the formulation
lost peaceful's gratification
I squirm under God's† hand
as He† makes me speak to man
through words‒
I very much understand
‒truth...no one's a fan
against human kind
they've lit a torch
my country, with empathy‒
there's no crush
peace and luxury‒
they hold the clutch
far superior to any nation
but it's still‒
not good enough
they allow themselves
the vine broken
without ramifications
no one really knowing
where lies jurisdiction
for false preaching
has added to their
I'm lost in this failed rush
on sex and deception‒
all of them
hold a crush
Your† truth my Lord†‒
they've turned to mush
as jeremiah cried
forever entombed laminations‒
they still eat the children
fearing wounds of hunger
they're throwing away
their ability in justification
byway of economic
Lord†, Your† wrath's here
to flush
all those arrogant
in strut
as I sit and watch‒
I can't stay in hush
You've† built in me‒
a worded rush
go against every bit
of shush
‒so hold me
while I fight them
getting on the bus
give me strength
to hold on
in all the fuss
I'm not going against
Your† wrath
I'm moving with it‒
in pure glorification
I'll sneak in the seeds
try to beat the corrosion
as You† implement
Your† cleansing application
‒I'll get in whatever I can
through the confusion
that is setting them
in delusion
I can do
at least that much
as long as on me‒
as on mankind
You† lay siege
‒You† continue Your† grace
in touch

Note: November 9, 2019: Certainty of Visions. An extraordinary day when it comes to the Lord revealing His magic. The below frame is of a woman. She is facing to the left. Her hair is parted in the middle, and she is wearing a face mask! He was warning us of what was to come! Back in November of last year! If you cannot see this then you are blinded to God and Jesus and you really need to figure out why! This frame is a blow up taken from the frame below it. It is in the water, in what we see with the naked eye as shadows. Embedded in these shadows are actual works of art from GOD. This is what He was mainly pointing out that day. Amazing when David started pointing them out to me and I began to see. I wanted to look at all the art work, which changed in seconds to entirely new canvases, but David said God thought I was overwhelmed! I was! He is flat-out amazing!. If I were an artist of brushes, which I’m not, I would be out there every day taking pictures of shadows then searching them for the gifts God is sending! I recon there’s some out there who have figured this out byway of a special messenger!

(June 22)―I am the man who has seen affliction by the rod of His wrath. He has driven me away and made me walk in darkness rather than light; indeed, He has turned His hand against me again and again, all day long. He has made my skin and my flesh grow old and has broken my bones. He has besieged me and surrounded me with bitterness and hardship. He has made me dwell in darkness like those long dead. He has walled me in so I cannot escape; He has weighed me down with chains. Even when I call out or cry for help, He shuts out my prayer. He has barred my way with blocks of stone; He has made me paths crooked. Like a bear lying in wait, like a lion in hiding, He dragged me from the path and mangled me and left me without help. He drew His bow and made me the target for His arrows. He pieced my heart with arrows from His quiver. I became the laughingstock of all my people; they mock me in song all day long. He has filled me with bitter herbs and sated me with gall. He has broken my teeth with gravel; He has trampled me in the dust. I have been deprived of peace; I have forgotten what prosperity is. So I say, ‘My splendor is gone and all that I had hoped from the Lord.’ I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope:—Lamentations 3:1-21

(November 26)—I slept all day because once again I have my days and nights mixed up. No worries. I’ve always worked better at night. It’s quiet. I sat down to write and ‘Open the book’ came and Ezekiel’s words about the end days. I wanted to cry. David said, ‘I will show you a work that goes with that.’ About an hour later, he did, ‘Lay Siege’, which was written in June of this year. There’s no argument that David led me to this piece on purpose!

Continue reading “‘Lay Siege’”

‘Virus’ (The World Vision)

God put into my heart the grieving of it and I began to cry

Virus (The World Vision)
over fifty million infected
the people still don't get:
it's not a one-nation affect
over a million in death
no one yet
holding their breath
words of God† in neglect
putting it all‒
in prospect
the lost of respect
God†...going to have to
more authority
over all these subjects
nothing on earth
seems serious
without an intercept
all over the internet
‒plastered death in all its
gory flesh
it's become
a passing acknowledge
‒nothing interesting
expect for sex
in another's bed
common has become
the weak‒
can be dead
no tears
will they shed
all has to be
in the collect
to make any awaken
in dread
all else
they'll shred
spend millions
push the weak
in front the bus‒
claim responsibility
no...it was indirect!

Note: The photograph was taken November 9, 2019: Certainty of Visions. I couldn’t see what was at the bottom of the pond. After I got home and took a look at the photographs, did I realize that God could! I didn’t point these out, David did, nor did I guess at what was in the photographs. They were told to me. Believe that or not…your choice. It still is.

(November 24, 2020)—I fell into a deep trance of sorts during prayer November 23. I don’t believe I’ve been taken this deep before. I felt my head limp and I didn’t have a desire to lift it. I just let it take me, then there He was, beside me: Jesus. The following is what I saw:

Continue reading “‘Virus’ (The World Vision)”

‘Open Up’ (Jesus and God)

And as God duly reminded us all in the writing above: He finalizes all transactions. He is the one who closes that door at the end!

Open Up (Jesus and God)
its brethren haunts you
leaving you empty
‒a careless, wasteful bird
one...I've† already heard
it is in songs
that you hear
the same ole words
year after year
don't you know
from where they come
you power-play
your way through
not knowing
the way to truth
you fail test after test
you don't even try
to guess
who's put before you
the tests
you sway back and forth
but never too sure
of what to do
you never once think
to seek the truth
from the One†
who knows exactly
what to do
you wage wars
he said, she said
iran did this
russia did that
the middle east, china
korea, the islands
‒without looking
at yourselves
I†, the Lord† Almighty
am looking!
I† see all that you do
all nations, I† see too
they all have become
they all have become!
I† see! I† hear!
I ask: why don't you?
the coffin's been laid out
the sackcloth spread
on the ground
the death cloth is ready
as the chariots are churned
fire is spilling
running over
you defiled Me†!
ALL mankind
you've forgotten
who I† am!
I† am the Lord† Almighty
there is no one before Me†
you have become weak
the conforming peas
as My† writer calls herself
every nation is under scrutiny
every nation has become
My† enemy
your sins against Me†
I† can no longer withstand
I† have anointed the Holy One†
to lead you
those chosen have followed
with sin on their tongue
building man's church
‒instead of His†
all will perish
all will lie down
life will seep from you
like worms spilling
to the ground
for I† am RELENT!
the choice is yours
behind you‒
I† close the door
this is the Lord† Almighty
the beginning and the end
REPENT! now is the time
to repent for your
sins against Me!
My† hand is sweeping
slowly across you
it is light, gentle
repent before it gets
hard and heavy
I've† already taken
one king down
he will soon lay
where he stands
then you will know
that I† am the Lord†'
declares the Lord† Almighty

(November 22, 2020)…I will keep re-iterating the importance of these photographs and the words that are being sent to me. You can deny them all you want…they are. These particular frames were chosen by David to, again, show you what God is telling you: He is! These particular frames were shot on October 7, 2019: Faces. I did not go to the lake on purpose to take pictures and then try to trick you. I was instructed to go and told where to take the pictures by David. There are many faces that are in all the frames and you, too, have them in your pictures if you know where to look. We are always being watched. Get use to it. It’s actually a good thing. God knows all and He keeps score. It does not matter what man thinks or does. He is not getting away with anything.

Continue reading “‘Open Up’ (Jesus and God)”

‘If I Could’

To give that Jesus kind of love is the hardest kind of love. It is rare but when you see it, you know what it is.

If I Could
if I could
I would
if I had known
words I wouldn't have blown
if I'd heard
I wouldn't have wasted words
but I didn't know
all I know
if I was angry
for love...hungry
all I know‒
I move in haste
at the sight of hate
I change my perception
when faced with deception
grab the illusion‒
shake it
in the realm of manipulation
all I know
I don't deal with evils‒
in forms of trivia
I don't take them
in my head‒
I beat them down
‒it doesn't matter
you or someone else
‒this is how evil's dealt
I throw all back to hell
match for match
I don't bow down
‒play like some silly clown
may way…just may
cause you to frown
‒feel beat down
this...for...you're in drown
with evil's in found
if I could
I would
smash that bitch
to the ground
bring you back around
shake you...tell you‒
hey, it's me
but I said the words
I wrote the words
hurt...I didn't betray
‒except evil
and all its ways
with better eyes
you have to see
hard love was heard
I flew like a bird
‒for with evil
I don't swerve
I hit it straight on
so if I could
be party to evil‒
I would
‒but I can't
I'll take the chance
so when I'm gone
you'll have a chance
‒with the light

Note: The picture was taken on September 27, 2019: Love from Heaven. I wrote about this many times. The green orb and the helicopter. David said to take pictures of the helicopter and that I will see he is for real. I have a number of frames where the Orb is playing with the helicopter. I see orbs in all the movies and TV shows that I watch…IN EVERYONE of them. Those are different from this one. I’ve seen this type of orb in many pictures from friends. They are there for a reason. I know because David has told me things and when I look at the frames, when I get inside my apartment because I could never see the screen outside, I then see what he was talking about and why he had me take those particular pictures at that particular time. It’s something when you believe in something you cannot see. It’s awesome when God shows…SHOWS you what you normally cannot see! And in ALL these pictures, including those of my face, HE IS SHOWING YOU!

(November 20)—I love you. I feel this way for all that I meet. And this leaves a person with hardly any friends, but I feel, deep in my heart, that it is worth it. There’s a deeper love that all should feel, but most just feel the surface love or no love at all…love for self. That deeper love is the love that Jesus was talking about. If you can feel that, then you are not of the world. Instead you belong to Him. But it can’t have prejudice or hate or envy or jealousy or anything like that mixed with it…that makes you of the world.

Continue reading “‘If I Could’”

‘Senseless Botherings’

Fact: I’d rather be a Karen than any other name because I was born a Karen and that’s all I know how to be. So, if labeling TRUTH “a Karen”…You are right on point!

Senseless Botherings
manipulative tactics
adds a tartness
to life's many twists
a change in malice
towards the coming neurosis
open for the opportunist
‒a continued crises
keeping confusion
in madness
simple words
simple phrases
simple gestures‒
learned behavior
through hatred
‒variables of influence
to fit in‒
you must be
in consistence
with all the malevolence
without interference
to be white or black
depends on the surface
‒doesn't matter the mix
breed the educational fix
adds more fire
to the matrix
don't show too much
or gratefulness
‒the other side of the fence
has a special cadence
to fix
all that nonsense!
in comes‒
a well-trained harness
bred in materialness
lack of godliness
full of darkness
‒they can't be bothered
with any happiness
they'll strip it
in pure rudeness
without thought
‒for their blindness
has made them mindless
to what matters
in gratefulness

Note: I will continue to point out the photographs that I was directed to take. I don’t have to take anymore I was told. I have taken enough to show you God! You can question these photographs. You can picked them apart. The symbols that appear are not camera tricks. In one photograph, God converts the symbol into an angel. Search this site God’s Mercy to discover them all. I have left none out. He wants…WANTS…you to view them, to pick them apart. I’m told within these symbols are some sort of message. I am only to present them. The vine is suppose to come together and discover them. This was way before all this wrath that is upon us. Sooner or later, you will figure all this out. From the scars that He puts on my face, to what the orbs are pointing out (He played with a helicopter once. I know this because David said to take pictures of the helicopter and see what they are going to do, and sure enough the green orb followed it.), to all the cloud messages, to all the faces and the messages sent using the things around me, and the green footprint of the Lord!

Taken September 27 at 17.33.31
Taken September 12 at 14:55.38

Note: The objects in the top left hand corner appear in a lot of pictures. Whatever they are, they are not present to the naked eye: meaning…they weren’t there for me to see with my eyes. They only appear in the pictures on many different days, in many different areas but only over the water.

Taken October 07 at 17:52:50

(November 16)―My mind has been circling around the mean things people have demonstrated towards me lately: the postman and his arrogant rudeness and then a lady posting a comment on my page about the press bringing fear to the people for no reason! I’m beginning to think that the postman’s rudeness was due to color because I really didn’t do anything to justify his response, and I shouldn’t have to be concerned about my mail being delivered in the United States of America! The woman’s comment, which I deleted, is pure blindness because we are in a pandemic! So, this morning when I sat down to write, ‘Senseless Botherings’ came out. It’s clear it is talking about what is coming…the meanness and rudeness and arrogance will only get worse.

Jesus directed me to His words: He says in John 4:27-38:  My food,’ said Jesus, ‘is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work. Do you not say, ‘Four months more and then the harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Even now, the reaper draws His wages, even now He harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true. I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.’

Continue reading “‘Senseless Botherings’”

‘Chastise Me’

Just because they say it, doesn’t mean it’s true.

Chastise Me
You† place a dare
I abide
by the heir
You† had me write it
I questioned it
You† demanded it
‒O Lord†, did I fake it
hearing Your† voice
through the ages‒
ever so rare
‒over the top
do I care
‒into space
I stare
for with the world
You† demand
I share
my heavenly Father†
my sincere Brother†
of all...the most holy
if I have heard wrong
with all the strength
in strong
chastise me
flog me
strip me of life
for I only heard
what was there
to write
now, I beg, O Lord†
teach this young heart
how close
to being an heir
do I fare
in words You† declare
all the responsibility
on my sleeve‒
I wear
because You† said it
in Your† sovereign declare

Note: The photograph is from the February 9, 2019: Rough Waters…Millions Will Die collection. The title was given to me. In every set of photographs there’s a cross. This cross is combined with the Anchor. It’s there. If you see it, you see it. Many other things were revealed with God using the Clouds to help me, help you. If you don’t want to learn, I can’t help you understand. It is…still!

(November 7)—God does not lie. I woke up this morning to the declaration that Biden won the USA presidency. I’m told it’s a lie. I’m not at all involved in politics and I hate having to write or comment about it because the US government has become too corrupt to even consider it worthy of writing about. I should know. I do have several books on it. I have done enough research to know truth. The accepted truth in America is the lie.

Continue reading “‘Chastise Me’”

‘He Speaks Softly’ (Jesus) and ‘Times in Need’

I’m told: God will make what seems impossible possible not for any man but for Himself! The prophecy will be fulfilled. It has to be fulfilled.

He† Speaks Softly (Jesus)
'I† am the way
if you can't see
then hear
seek comfort and surety
seek refuge in Me†'
....says our Lord, Jesus Christ†
words to you and me
the ultimate One†–
who faced bullies
who faced liars and murderers
whose life replaced all
–with one simple law:
to love is not to betray
to love is not–
beside many...lay
to love is not tales to say–
to get your way
to love is not fake
–and has no destroying wake
to say His† name–
with sincerity engrained
–pure love will remain

Note: The photograph is from the Page: November 9, 2019: Certainty of Visions.

(November 4, 2020)—I’m not writing these things to undermine anyone. If I am wrong, I am wrong. I am used for one of the two sides. I pray it is not for side ‘dark‘. I’m told I am working for side ‘light‘. I am told that I’m truth and that the Spirit of Truth is on me. I feel the hand of God on me. I cannot dispute this.

You don’t have to believe any of the things I write. You are given a choice: Free will and unconditional love. You, and you alone, have the decision to choose which gate you want to walk through. And you WILL walk through a gate when your time here on earth is done. God wants all hearts to heal. He’s calling for this strongly, not just through me!

Continue reading “‘He Speaks Softly’ (Jesus) and ‘Times in Need’”