The Case of the Buried Treasure

by Ray Stedman, Authentic Christianity

[k. e. leger Note: This article was written June 27, 1971. Please take note how this article, written 48 years ago, still holds true today. This really helps us to understand the struggle with Israel, and why the governments are acting the way they are. This goes with my article titled ‘Discovering the Hidden Treasure in Yourself.’]

In the great series of parables in Matthew 13 our Lord gave us, as He said, ‘The secrets of the kingdom of heaven.’ The kingdom of heaven is God’s work among men, God’s rule and authority in the midst of human affairs. In this series, Jesus is revealing the work of the kingdom as it is going on throughout the centuries of this present age since His first coming and before His return. We come to the fifth parable this morning, the parable of the buried treasure.

I don’t know what that may evoke in your mind. It always reminds me immediately of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island, of Long John Silver, and doubloons and pieces-of-eight, peg-leg pirates, and all the exciting things usually associated with the idea of buried treasure. It is intriguing to realize that Scripture deals with this subject as well. It recognizes the allure and the mystery, which always gathers around the notion of hidden treasure. God has His buried treasures and He is speaking of them in this parable.

Continue reading “The Case of the Buried Treasure”


Racism, hate: Evil’s best friends. Don’t let it consume you!

A sample from Book 11

liars seek truth‒
falsifying a life
without any light
manipulation...their due
cutting it on cue
‒without noticing
the coming dues
their belief‒
trying to convince you
all they do
true, true, true
backing them‒
there are few
their spots change
sending you to the loo
oh! what to do?
‒without cursing them, too
truth is truth
no half truths
‒it's either all true
or just makings
of a waterloo
Continue reading “‘Truth’”


When politics blinds your truth!

A sample from Book 11


she stood there shaking
what have I done‒
causing this imagined awakening
‒have I forsaken
forgive me, Lord†

ease this hating
in her silence
her heart opened
‒a simple token
what truly lived
in this here maiden
she watched them all
as the stones began to fall
‒to her knees
no longer...she felt tall
over and over
coming at her skin‒
little hard balls
then a sudden stall
a mere moment
she recalled
the dust settled
her tightly closed eyes opened
upon her dress‒
tiny red splattered drops dribbled
her pain...tiny tickles
what...a blink before
it seemed a fable
her fear lifted
was this a gift
her sins shifting
to ultimate's forgiveness
‒this she did not know
but the sudden stop
she felt her heart unfold
cast your stone‒
if clean...your bones
she heard the voice
then the made choice
as all around
stone after stone
hit...not her
but the ground
silence remained
she still knelt‒
in blood stains
as shifting of feet
the sudden in retreat
silence...not daring
to lift her head
then a shadow overcame the red
a hand reached out
get up child
a mere whisper without shout
strength from Him† came
as her legs rose
her eyes did the same
His† light dried her tears
all became so clear
her heart felt clean
in His† eyes...she seen
truth's unending scene
her life redeemed
it wasn't a dream
‒pure and serene in Him†
she proclaimed
for the Lord† her side
Continue reading “‘Disillusionment’”

‘Places Shackled’

You’ve got to ask God and stop complaining!

A sample from Book 10

  Places Shackled
He† asked not to forsaken Him†
yet gives a choice‒
free-will to accept within
analogies, theological preachings
leads only to leeching
the wrong, deceitful teaching
‒a constant arguing of bitching
leaves hungry souls
waiting, anticipating
in places allowing shackling
He's† proven enough
for everyone's love
He† doesn't have to do rough
‒that's the enemy's stuff
but He'll† get tough
when love's smothered in crud
to push buttons
lead people to suffering
‒He's† testing
seeing who's believing
wondering how long
for hearts in changing‒
faith begins ringing
amazing to watch‒
tickings of the cock
deceptions...coming in hot
‒evil's little bot
it'll be easy to come in‒
without a knock
as you wage wars
on a dot
careful now‒
He† understands wow
hears every prayer in loud
evil things...He† does allow
waiting for the choice
a hungry heart's voice
in free-will...the bow
‒without asking how!
Continue reading “‘Places Shackled’”

‘Looking Within’

Men miss the point of what makes a woman special!

A sample from Book 10

 Looking Within
it's not to your treasures
you are bound
look carefully around‒
is your heart sound
quantity of possessions
do you measure
your worth
all your journey's identities‒
do you take pleasure
now...from your birth
is that the quality
your only creation
all your roads traveled
of life‒
are you still baffled
you were still
in the cradle
on no experiences
to tattle
is it no more a mystery
your back there history
for every lesson
comes a reason
for the next season

round and round
goes the merry-go-round
'til no more
you see the clown
never lost, never found
stuck in between
that round and round
not seeing the lesson
not rightfully sound
'til it comes from within
the stuck
always in begin
again and again
so sad at the end
feeling still in begin
Continue reading “‘Looking Within’”

‘Tradition’s Backfire’

You are NOT a girl! You ARE a woman!

A sample from Book 10

  Tradition's Backfire
they said
you're just a girl
this is a man's world
messing with my head
holding me back
in their dizzy twirl
I tried to push ahead
but esteem
they made me lack
on my butt‒
they'd just slap
ignoring my educated snap
putting me in dead
all those words
they said
but I don't go down like that
my mind...I discovered
so much world
all around‒
I bounced back
learned a few facts
I got over their curse
learned new adverbs
set it all up‒
for a reverse
when they came at me
in their attacks
they said
you can't put it out
like that
you're too bold...too negative one will respect
they'll drop you

as a contact
‒see you as an 'old crab'

much more than that‒
from all sides
came their attack
my professional swirl‒
downgraded to just a girl
my mothering cap‒
smashed to the ground
with a raging man-ego trap
stripping me
of those I gave birth
my christian-wife-giving perk‒
crushed into dirt
as hands
around my throat...grasped
my daughtering burst
my sistering worth‒
taken, stripped, clasped
as man-driven pride submersed
fist to head‒
stripped 'til I was dead
I couldn't go down like that
my mind‒
put in the back
‒lost from sound
so much world
all around‒
on a different
leveling track
I bounced back
‒met their crap with crap
in sexual immortality‒
I did flirt
around edges of freak
I certainly did skirt
‒screaming, yelling, cursing
I explored my worse
from the depths of dead
completely lost in my head
over and over rolling‒
those words they said
‒all those lies fed
I did the dread
around every corner
I did tread
but I don't go down
like that
my mind...I discovered
much more sound
so much world
all around‒
I fell in their trap
but it's just fact
I bounced back
into a dim light
I emerged
put up
my hard-core fight
as the light
moved to bright‒
breaking their holding-down trap
unveiling their curse
‒I moved into rebirth
learning my worth
what truly
sets my turf
I am a woman
not just a girl
my looks‒
just a perk
on my body‒
let your eyes flirt
‒all this framework
aids my intelligence
(the likes of brilliance)
yes...on my face
a slight smirk
out...I reemerged
this butt‒
yes, try and slap
see if I don't call out
your crap
this mind‒
try to trap
I'll come at you‒
out of this cave
like a bat
yes, it's like that
don't like it‒
down...sit back
for I've learned my worth
bridges...I'll easily burn
say it like it is
this right‒
I've readily earned
and...I don't go down
just like that
my mind...I know
all this world
all around‒
I am bound
for, indeed, I bounce back
with the resistance of a cat
it's just fact
you...I'll come straight at
I'm 'all' that
and...that's just that!
Continue reading “‘Tradition’s Backfire’”

‘Internal Exposure’

Ladies: ‘Lean In’ and take the lead!

A sample from Book 10

 Internal Exposure
get it out–
that ingrained lesson
in your head
stop! suppressing it–
you are not dead
don't worry about
green or red–
stand out
too many...already bled
for you to shrivel in dread
don't quiver...beg
you do have a choice–
redefine what's been fed
rewire that inside voice
female verses male–
look who's already led
down, down, down–
the bottom of a cell
–on the surface
why do we still tread
slogans they spread
find a good man
–what happens
after I thee wed
dreams...cave-on in
while man elevates in win
pretty little mommy
on lists of craig–
might as well list
held back little mommy
–tuck her...nice and sweet
in her bed
advancement's common thread–
smart like daddy
t-shirts read
propaganda of j.c. penny
–analogies deeply bred
she's just a girly
words...over and over
follow the creed
every the 'reg'
–you're a 'she'

be a teacher in ed
or a nurse for ned

forget going into med
forget running for the leg

or even a pres
–don't you see

for this
you need a third leg
words...buried in the head
advancing...common avoidance
leaving dread
hanging their intelligence
on a peg
I'll say it...what other's said
get out of your head
go out...lead
forget the man-ego clout
don't be misled
don't listen to internal's doubt
bypass labels...bitch, bossy
–ambition is not damnation!
but a reclassification...recondition
of old worn, torn traditions
here's some jubilation:
it's okay...go red
save green
for those babies
you wean
you can do both
it's okay to be a queen!
expose that internal dread
in front of the crowd–
be in the lead
–hire someone to clean
forget all those slogans said–
you're a woman–
removed from bygone's dead
be heard...seen
never again
hiding behind
tradition's thread
let another make that bed–
dawn those heels
paint those lips red
rewrite those unwritten regs
that wrongly imposed
man-ego driven creed
Continue reading “‘Internal Exposure’”

‘Hands to Hold’

Is race going to continue to rule your life?

A sample from Book 10

 Hands to Hold
you come at me
you're not discrete
maybe there's a gun in my hand
maybe I've some contraband
or maybe I just like hands in pocket
or wearing my earphones in my car
so I can answer this here phone
for this car absent of bluetooth–
protecting me and you
or maybe you're angry–
having a bad day
I pass your way
through your veins runs hate
so I become your play
I'm just like you‒
generation after generation
passed through
without obligations
to changing the view
–it all seems like voodoo
we both–
not really having a clue
‒taking it upon ourselves
get off that dusty shelf
change the view
so our kids
won't suffer too
maybe I do have a gun
–anger raging in stun
do you see inside of me
my hard history
maybe my hand shakes
though you can't see
–you're so angry
not seeing what's at stake
maybe I did some drugs–
stopping the pain
keeping from going insane
but soothing I didn't gain
all looks like a game
emotions adding to more pain
then you come along
thinking I'm a thug
you want to cut me down‒
stump me like a bug
without knowing the deal at home
why I'm here–
a gun...all alone
maybe don't yell–
let it swell
instead of jail–
lead my soul to help
without making me
hate myself
I, too, want peace
between you and me
maybe instead of arrogance‒
show understanding
I don't want a free ride
just a reason...inside
not to cry
I am tough
I've got muscles, tats
my life has been rough
–crazy and all that
it doesn't mean
I'm just stuff
to pluck
a handshake
a hug
–that just might be
I'm a human being
I don't mean to sting
just a little bitter
please, your anger–
could you reconsider
look at me for me
God's† child
making my you
through the miles
–the past is gone
this is now
we can make it all
worth while
if we just remain calm–
approach each other
in mild
without death coming in fowl
Continue reading “‘Hands to Hold’”


Cloth yourself in God’s Word!

A sample from Book 10


in faith
vulgar, ignorance
cast away
live in light’s way
voices come
protect your way
hear, hear
hypocrisy is hypocrisy
it’s not your matinée
to sway
only you‒
your individual attaché
you need to obey
in faith
no one can penetrate
when God’s† your main deejay
your test
may cause some weight
‒keep the faith
you’re a work of clay
‒a simple, little pâté
a life
building résumé
it’s okay
‒be a little risqué
your faith
your way
don’t adhere
to man’s way
‒that’ll only bring
a bit of pompeii
your thanksgiving day
the only entrée
‒your only needed sway
being the protégé
of words Jesus†
had to say
can never be passé
when you’re open‒
your main forté
Continue reading “‘Yclad’”

‘Colorless Birds’

We’re all various shades of brown!

A sample from Book 10

 Colorless Birds
a failed adhesion
‒mixed hypercritical damnation
of all the hysteria‒
the misunderstood mystery
hundreds of years
still shed tears
still darkened fears
what was fought
so hard for
it doesn't seem
we came too far
even living
under the same stars
keeps bringing us back
‒justice lacked
heresy in a broken-down shack
tackle the government
‒greed's endowment
that stupid war's enlightenment
taking it's very commitment
back to days of judgment
where are the colorless birds
‒haven't you heard
that war ended
in a blood-soaked swirl
leaving this mixed-race girl
in a confused swirl
‒still an uneven world
lost in racial twirls
we're still paying tokens
‒what was broken
thought to be fixed
‒all should be mixed
still backwards
the clock tics
years and years
suffered pain
what did we gain
‒it's just insane
still playing
this black-white game
didn't king die
for a simple dream
to live in a time
where there is no color
just people
where each other
given no time to smother
no matter skin color
you're still my sister, my brother
honoring a man's life
doesn't give war the right
to bury the dream
‒words he openly screamed
leave hatred...difference behind
to each other
be kind
it's just time
stop banking on race
look into each other's face
see beauty's lace
of God's† amazing grace
Continue reading “‘Colorless Birds’”