‘Behester’ (God)

‘Behester’ (God)…Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall, and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.—2 Peter 1:10,11

Behester (God)

the time is coming
the time of warning
is passing
the time of all times
a time you cannot figure

a moment wasted
a moment lost

the prayer session
closing in

why are you wasting
such precious time

what a beautiful day
until it is not

the means coming to an end
it will end
you cannot stop it
you cannot stop
what I†, the Lord Almighty†
have put into place

I† deemed it so 
for you have not learned Me†
you forbid My† ways
yet you call on My† name
pillaging My† name
for self glory
instead of glorifying Me†
and the good things
I† have done

what sorrow you bring
how heavy a burden
you bring

stop! the nonsense
you move as if I† cannot see
I† see all things!
your waste
your pitifulness
is absurd

I† call for righteousness
to peep its head
from among you
still I† see no change

all your cost
all your wages
as the suffering continues
as the greed magnifies
stuffing your monies
in pretensions of
being a god

who are you that you
can pretend to be such
a thing?

answer Me†!

can you stop the rain?
can you make the rain?
you claim you can
well, go ahead
make some rain!
I† have bound many
who need the rain
be my guest—
feed them the rain!
'o arrogant one

your manipulation has been
I† see your plow
your lustfulness

'o arrogance of arrogance
sucking up the land
taking what is not yours
I† see
but you don't see Me†!

I† can give you rain
do you want the rain?

'o why should I† give
the rain
you are a god
you can make it yourself!

'o blissful science
man's waywardness
clouded over
into lustful desire
malicious intentions
boastful indifference

scan fa gus

'o intolerable Me†!
has My† love for man
brought gold to your door?
has My† goodness
brought wood and nails
window panes and flooring
has My† will of grace
brought you silks and furs
linens and wool?

has it?

answer me†!


that is the true answer
I† brought no such things
to your door

My† grace doesn't bring
you wealth of any kind!


'o arrogance of preachers
seeking glory from My†
to build a lustful kingdom
on earth!

your wreckage is being known
all your years
I† set you up
to spread the word
of what I've† done

and you pay Me† back
by robbery!

I† have come to take back
what you have stolen

o' pillage ramparted souls

I† hold the power
to move
I† hold the will
to unearth and to earth
to harvest and to plant

I†, the Lord Almighty God†
hold the power
to hold the rain back

the change, 'o arrogant one
I† made!
you little peas of men
have no power to change
My† mighty mountain

My† hand waves
and the seas move
My† foot pounds
and the mountains shake

you, o' little tyrant
can't move a thing
larger than your needless
but there, too
I† control that move, too

you fear the wrong things
it is My† hand
that moves!

who are you little tyrants
who are you human vessels
that you are capable
of overcoming Me†?

do you know about the sun?
well, do you?
are you sure you know its
tell Me†, 'o arrogant ones
who placed the sun at such 
a distance that its heat doesn't
burn you up?

under My† watch
nothing is done accidental
all serve its purpose
as you do, 'o arrogant
when your purpose is served
without repentance
I† throw you into the flames
of eternity!

do you have 'that' power?

tell Me†, 'o arrogant ones

I† am the Lord Almighty God†
the one, true living God†
I† live
I† am
there is no one above Me†

I† speak to all nations

it is coming
all that the prophet writes
for I† deem it

says the Lord Almighty God†
the alpha
and the omega

nothing changes
until I† deem it

I† have deemed it

Notes: The picture is from October 7, 2019: Faces. The picture is actually a screenshot of what David told me to find. You should be able to see the faces.

(June 24, 2022)―After ‘Behester‘, I was led to the Second Letter by Peter and Hebrews. All of it.

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