‘Shaded Lines’ (God/Elephant, Leaf, Shaded Box Vision)

‘Shaded Lines’ (God/Elephant, Leaf, Shaded box vision)…The great day of the Lord is near—near and coming quickly. Listen! The cry on the day of the Lord will be bitter…In the fire of His jealousy the whole world will be consumed, for He will make a sudden end of all who live in the Earth.’—Zephaniah 1:14-18

Shaded Lines (God/Elephant, Leaf, Shaded Box Vision)

a powerful notation to

'he who conquers
must be conquered'

I† can give you all that you need
I†, the Lord Almighty†
of all
can dictate every notation
can give you words
even pictures
even drawings
and I† have

the master of riddles
I† am
the quintessential One
the puzzle maker
setting before you
all you need
to denote

but you fail
in this time of nines

and though man has been given
its essential parts
it still hits a wall
when it comes to Me†
the one and only living God†

I† have put before you
a great puzzle
I† have given you
most of the pieces
in words, new and old
in code
through photographs
and visions, new and old
given to the prophet
and those of the past
she has placed them all
before you
as instructed

you think you've won
'o careless scientists
'o impartial mathematicians
'o syndical politicians
you've fooled no one
but yourselves

My† placement of hand
yet stretches
where it intends to stretch

I've† masked the powers
then I† unmask

it is 
it will be
it is

these things put before you
they cannot be changed
unless I† change them
the Lord† of all

you have overstepped
your bounds
and My† discipline
is not over

grieve the puzzle
'o man of means
decipher and analyze
all that I† put before you

it is given
for the time of preparation
is here

I† deemed it
it is

I† give to the see
or keep falling to the world
the unknown vice
that I† have placed
before you

the darkness falling
on you 'o earth
will come
is coming
as was written long ago

to redeem
all who can be redeemed
follow My† commands

your vastly unnecessarily
place burdens
where burdens shouldn't be

one by one
fall, fall, fall

your ruin will be
on your own heads

seek and you will find
until you can no longer find

an uncounted number
an unfathomable move
unencountered by man

watch 'o watchman
tell them My† intentions
hold them back
from perishing
given them all
that I† give to you
or it's on your head!

come 'o praise worthy one
believe in My† intentions
the future age comes
it will awaken
all the earth
all who see Me†
all who don't
in a blink of an eye
all will awaken to Me†

don't speculate
don't assume
don't believe what man says
and don't be frightened
of their ways

all that you set your eyes on
is meant to be

the paths have been paved
the way is open
let them hear you
without fear

I† come with tidings
I† gave salvation
seek that
until salvation
can't even be found

I† am the Lord†
I† am still
as I† always Am
the 'Am' of all time

(April 30, 2023)—I’ve written many times about the visions I have. I even included a page on my website about the introduction to me from Yeshuah, The Third Eye: September 2019: The Third Eye (Spiritual Gifts)

I had said on the bottom of that page that I would include more as it was given to me, but the writings kept coming and the visions and dreams and the thoughts I needed to go through before posting, that I just included these visions and dreams with writings that I was told to include them with. Then I made the Message Index so that they are easier to find for you.

Not many travelers seek this page, nor what is on it. And that is for my benefit, as I’m told. Those who God sends are those meant to read and see what He sends. I must, as a human being, appreciate this. What I’m about to explain is a direct instruction from God. He wants you to know how He works in all ways. This is, to me anyway, extraordinary, magical, to the point there are no words to describe God’s magnificence. I can’t make you believe or understand all the things I’m shown. I’m shown them. He says to share with you here. So I am.

Continue reading “‘Shaded Lines’ (God/Elephant, Leaf, Shaded Box Vision)”

‘Isotopy’ (God)

‘Isotopy’ (God)…But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.—Galatians 5:13-15

Isotopy (God)

there are times passing
even if it seems not
the times are slipping
a mighty warrior approaches

as in the stories you read
many words have been given
most use this knowledge
to benefit themselves
to prosper and gain wealth

it isn't in the meaning
of the words
each whisper they heard
it's in the meaning
of the whole context
‒a message given
a message lost
for the love of wealth
that which is meaningful

it is I†, the Lord Almighty†
the one with all the words
to give

I† have sewn the words
but they do not want to listen
they want to build tales
and luxury
easy comfort
forgotten are the words'
true meaning

I† am the teller of tales
the maker of riddles
and puzzles
and kaleidoscopes
of beaming colors
flavors of all sorts

I† give and they take
for improvement I† see
but for far worse things
wealth over justice

I† come bearing many gifts
and they easily take them
giving thanks and praise
but then all is lost
to selfishness and lust

desires are plenty on earth
desires of man
his lustful heart
always seeking
to comfort himself

among the ruins of his seeking
lay the dying and sick
lay the poor and wreckage

the power man seeks
is part of this lustfulness
this adamant
of endless seeking

they think they have conquered
My† wrath, My† discipline
it is only in thoughts
that they wage up hope
that they are conquered

they have not conquered
they put new on top of old
as every time
I† pass My† hand
they never dispel truth
they cover it with new
burying what lies on the surface
to save face‒
all inquiries
money, political standings
status of all natures
the immense holding on
to a control they think they have

I've† watched the goings on
as time passes
seeing who will step up
speak the truth

then I† watch
as each truth seeker
gets squashed by the hooves
of dungeon horses
only bred for one thing
horde in truth
box it up
and lock it up
hiding the key
amongst mountains
of letters and
writings of all sorts
masking the ways
to righteousness
using the eye of confusion
to tell their tale

I† have watched
from sea to sea
from ocean to ocean
across plains and deserts
over mountains
under mountains
around mountains
across streams and rivers
through marsh lands
and gulfs

I† watch steadily
as the pouring of filth
onto the earth continues
as the building of more and more
leaving the old to rot
man ignoring the old
as if it never existed
as weeds overcome
‒masking of the forgotten

but I† see all
come 'o time of nines
awaken to the sound
of My† voice
the God† of the giving
and the God† of the taking
Lord† over all the earth

man's eye is blind
for the choosing of man

My† eye never goes blind
and no place is too dark
that I† can't see

awaken to the wonder
for man fails to see
what I† see
all the time

I† have plowed the field
with plowers of My† creation
then I† give light
to lesson the load
of the plower
but instead of help
man has replaced man
turning a good day
of plowing
to lessor of My† big toe!

on and on this goes
from sowers to threshers
from millers to painters
from canners to winers
on and on
man has replaced man
NOW! from thinkers to doers
lazy has become 'normal'

as lazy takes the place
of work
the mind bores of life
and man seeks more
unconventional wisdom

sexual immorality prospers
every time
boredom seeks desires
for the work of hands
ceases to exist

the fires of desire explodes
but control must endure
man's evolution of thinking
always returns to the simple
infracture: desirable lust

to empower himself
he overshadows this fall
but swelting up
means of the flesh
strapping new ideas
on old moral endeavors

I† see all
I† am waiting
I† am always waiting
for this switch
in the moral conflictions
of the heart and mind

forty years in a desert
watching the unraveling
of man's hearts
after they are provided for
in every way
after they are forced
to turn to Me† fully
every time their needs were met
time passed
then the fall again
to the weakness of the flesh

the demonstration
of man's true nature
was revealed by those
forty years
they were written and taught
preached and argued over

what have you learned?
have you learned the lesson
meant for you?

No! for it seems you can't
listen 'o peoples of the earth
no matter how big
or how small
no matter how intelligent
or how ignorant
man always succumbs
to the will of the flesh

your rainbows and
colorful words
your forced tolerance
to the whims of the flesh
have done nothing for you
except insure your path
to the fiery furnace
that awaits you

I† am not with you
'o matters of the flesh

your debauchery is noted
your unwelcomed latitude
of sin
the means you go to
to be favored by the flesh
has only one road
and it isn't to Me†

woe to you sex changers!
woe to you people of the flesh!
woe to parents who lead
their children from Me† 
because they want comfort
in matters of the flesh!

woe to those who are controlled
by the flesh
who have contaminated
the temple
of My† holdings!

time is coming
times of dark peril
the entire world of people
who have contaminated
this...My† most sacred temple
with the sins of the flesh
‒control with the flesh
will increase
desires of the flesh
will increase
it will take hold
of the world
as My† wrath stretches
from one end to the next

a choice will be put
before you
a choice has been put
before you
the weakness of the flesh
is clear

the war upon you is coming
the bear is unsettled
the eagle is losing control
the iron will realign
a spore is rising
from ambers
it will awaken

fire and wind
ice and wind
famine and plague

you couldn't last a year
you couldn't hold out
you whined and complained
greed overcame you
money took the place of Me†!

what you revealed
was expected

the end of time
of each time
always reveals
the same break

each time I† send
more words
each time
less listen

judgment is upon you
two paths are given
deception and confusion
was already released
their effect is prosperous
and rewarding to them

the fall will be hard

this is the Lord†, the Almighty God†
I† am revealing
until I† stop
My† stop means millennials
of blindness
My† stop means centuries
of blindness
My† stop means years
of blindness
My† stop means
time of My† own!

(March 1, 2023)―He led me to Galatians 5:13-15 through Galatians 6:11-16. Then Yeshuah instructed: ‘You will hold this until I tell you to release.’

P.S. I originally wrote Isoatobe…because that is what I heard. I had never heard of Isotopy until today.

(April 13, 2023)—I’ve talked about the Third Eye a lot in 2019. On the page concerning the third eye, I had to photograph my face a lot during the process of receiving this third eye. I knew it was in place for I saw a box above my right eye and in this box I saw that I was standing somewhere high looking out what looked like a window and out the window I saw the tops of all these trees. When I got to where I’m living now, I was brought to where that which I saw in that box was. God was revealing to me where I’d be living, although I still had much to learn.

Continue reading “‘Isotopy’ (God)”