‘Formendable/Formentable’ Difference (Yeshuah/Flower Field Vision)

Formendable/Formentable Difference (Yeshuah/Flower Field Vision)…He was reminding me, literally through doing, how it hurts to fall, and then the joy of having help to rise.

Formendable/Formentable Difference (Yeshuah/Flower Field Vision)

it's a time waited for
this time
one searched for
even guessed

it's right before your eyes
and you don't even see

for it is not a time to see
it is a time for hearing
but this too
is hard to do

they 'want' to see
they don't 'want' to hear
hearing takes work
patience, understanding

the thoughts cloud the hearing

it is suppose to
it is part of your testing
your endurance

once you master the hearing
you're well on your way
to the kingdom

it is I†, your savior
everything they wrote about Me†
I† am
Jesus†, Emmanuel†, He†
a king, a prince
the high priest
I† am


only through Me†
can you get to Him†
the Father† Almighty
creator of all things

to do this:
to enter salvation
you must hear

how can you understand Me†
if you can't hear Me†

are you going to take the word
of man alone?

I† am the entrance
there is no other entrance

there is an exit
to the forbidden
many of the collection
go through that door

I† am here to prevent
so much destruction

why do you destroy yourselves
so eagerly

I† am the way
the journey is hard
but the end of it
leads to the entrance
or the exit
and you have the power
to decide which
you prefer

I† am the beginning
of the journey
and the end of the journey
you have Me†
but only if you ask

He† has given Me† many
I† see their struggle
with faith
‒to believe what they can't see
but they can hear
if they choose

the ear
what a wonderful tool

the world loves noise
to hinder what is being said
all the time
the world loves to hide
behind this noise
it makes money and
gets the collection to believe
in its mastery

egypt did this
the babylons as well
many cultures before them
many cultures after them
the cretes
the romans
the altarians
they all mastered noise
as to avoid the hear

á shá dâ má

it always ended
in destruction

yes, the warnings were given
God's† love never fails
but their noise was too loud
they called the truth
being spoken
the foolishness of the world
and they called 
the foolishness of the world

they loved their masquerades
and sequins
their parties and balls
their high standing in
the collection
and their man-made
objects of desire

yes, the warnings always
but the desires of the world
are more pleasurable
at any given time

but this time
is a different kind of time
it is 'that' time
written about for thousands
of years

it is the kingdom's tomorrow
and your future
the future searched for
debated about

and you do not see
nor do you hear

I† am
as He† is
you are
as I† am

I† am in Him†
as you are in Me†

solo quē none

instruction is important
during the passing of warnings
repentance equals healing
that is the call from the Father†
the creator of all things

for those who have ears
let them hear
this is the Christ†
go in peace
then peace I'll† give you

Notes: The photograph David chose is from October 2, 2019: Wave Warning.

(April 10, 2022)—The title today was a bit hard for me. The n has to be in there because I heard it clear. The following two words came up in my search:

  • Fermentable: (verb) (of a substance) undergo fermentation, incite or stir up (trouble or disorder); (Noun) agitation and excitement among a group of people, typically concerning major change and leading to trouble or violence
  • Formendable…I kept getting Formidable: (Adjective) inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable
  • á shá dâ má (Irish) being pushed if
  • sólo qué nŏn (Spanish) just what (Javanese or Aramaic) nŏn ?

I received instructions on April 2, 2022 ( for how my week was to go. Several things took place during this week which I was instructed to write down and include on this writing, which I was told I would get and I was told this would be a long post. It is.

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