‘They Don’t Come’ (God)

‘They Don’t Come’ (God)…Your love is like the morning mist, like the early dew that disappears. Therefore I cut you in pieces with My prophets, I killed you with the words of My mouth; My judgments flashed like lightning upon you. For I desire mercy, not sacrifice…—Hosea 6:4-11

They Don't Come (God)

they are empty inside
a planned way
so they don't have to choose
a choice is made
for them
it's easier that way

man has a way
of forcing his way
to be accepted

to be condemned
is far cries
man can't accept

it's considered failure
if you are condemned
by man

are you going to give in
are you going to cave

I† slapped you
'o arrogant beasts
of the ground
the Lord Almighty God†
took a simple stand
against arrogance
ridicule and hate
a pillage of the suffering
which I† hate

instead of correction
you condemn
you ostracize
not unlike what happened
to the prophet of words

I† slapped you
a virus put to you
charged with discipline

I† charged you 'o arrogant
with protection
instead your greed
replaced the simple
your arrogance
stood in the way
of simple

'o arrogance
what have you done
a warning sent before
but you refuse to see
a mixture
a combined of arrogance

a simple discipline
should have been 
quick and precise
but you have conquered
an over charge in the charge

time will complete itself

the discipline is yet to be
a change is upon you

in the mixture
a combine of change

since genius is on earth
I† leave you with the sorts
since you are more than Me†
see to it
I† have given you all of it
all that you need
if man's genius is so great
'o arrogant man
the puzzle maker spoke
His† riddles are sound
I've† given them in
different forms
and languages

are you so dull
that it's too hard

time marches on
the wave moves
slow than fast

four then five

try, try to stay alive
a combine
is in thrive
today you are here
a questionable fear

repent, repent, repent
your adolescence
has a dint

this is the Lord Almighty God†
not a word has gone against
it will all make sense
when genius on earth
unravels the fence
since they have common sense
I† leave it to them
see, see what I've† sent
I† will not bend

I† am
the Father† of creation
I'm† speaking

Notes: The screenshot is from a photograph taken October 7, 2019:  Faces. The orb in the top right hand part of the screenshot and the black floating object in the far left hand corner. That object has appeared in many photographs on many different days. It is not ON the water. It is ABOVE the water. It is up to you to see what God is revealing. If you can’t see it then you are veiled. Pray that the veil is lift.

(May 17, 2022)―He led me to Hosea 5:1-15 through 6:1-11 directly after He sent these words. You say you know God, but you kill, steal, manipulate, lie, gossip, argue, blame, ignore the helpless, the weak, shun the good ones and deem those who speak with God and Yeshuah nuts or you just ashamed of them…Yeshuah warned of these things. You don’t know God. And if you don’t know God, how can you know Yeshuah. God is in each one of us, as is Yeshuah, and yet they are separate in Spirit, and yet you say you know them, but you can’t live by their commands, their truth. Why is that? Why do you judge and not question and judge yourself? Why is it so hard to look at yourself and your own actions?

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