‘A Song of Dirge’

‘A Song of Dirge’…Note: ‘The Coming Sequential’ is the prelude to six other writings, only one by me, that I was told to hold until today, the 23rd. The others are ‘Raised Windows’ (Yeshuah), ‘Time’s Sequential Move’ (Yeshuah), ‘Thoughts Encircled’ (Yeshuah), ‘Tried’ (God), ‘Abasement of Time’ (Yeshuah), and ‘A Song of Dirge’ by me. All of the given pieces are concentrating on the seven churches under the sun, continuing what God said in ‘Heaven’s Sword’ and ‘The First and the Last’.

A Song of Dirge

jeremiah's lamentations
spoke of harsh situations
that took place
as his 'predictions'
began in realization

begging and pleading
with the Lord†
begging for His† return
why they…He† has burned

testing hearts
around every circumcision
by breaking hearts
bringing them way low
testing for fornication
blasphemy, recklessness
all such wickedness
‒what will come out
in such situations

'o Lord†, it is sad to see
the way they flee
on what grounds
they plea

I have seen
it all made me angry
makes me scream
how could they be so lame

the most obscene
protecting rapists
and all other abusers
ignoring the Lord†
placing scars on their hearts
that will need
to be redeemed

yes, jeremiah's laminations
tell of truth
what people do
sell into prostitution
eat their children
turn and burn
one another
without due process
in consideration

when people are faced
with truth
the sole root
they turn and burn
and forget you

behind your back
you become the situation
no one else
‒then it's equal
a small touch of consideration
but never the truth
‒something has to be on you

I sing my lamentation
I have witnessed it
for generations
the world seeks dramatization
a cinema of reaction

they have turned
on those they create
they have burned
those who don't follow
they have destroyed
those driven to madness
of wealth, abandonment of self

they have ate the children
‒eating the children
lost in fornication
pleasures of self

I beg and plead
after You† have forced their bleed
when they finally get
down on their knees

grant them reprieve
some small bit of relief

in the world
that is coming

they may not remember
who is it
to bow down to

but give them
to take with them

for I know
hope will live

so please
in Yeshuah's† name
so the remnant
to be free
to see
Your† glorious deeds
when the rediscovery
‒with words to read

(September 23, 2023)―Written with guidance after being led to Jeremiah’s lamentations.

Note: The Coming Sequential is the prelude to six other writings, only one by me, that I was told to hold until today, the 23rd. The others are ‘Raised Windows’ (Yeshuah), ‘Time’s Sequential Move’ (Yeshuah), Thoughts Encircled’ (Yeshuah),Tried’ (God),Abasement of Time’ (Yeshuah), and ‘A Song of Dirge’ by me. All of the given pieces are concentrating on the seven churches under the sun, continuing what God said in ‘Heaven’s Sword’ and  ‘The First and the Last’.

The photograph David chose is from September 27, 2019: Love From Heaven. Photo was taken at 5.56.55

You can read all of the visions, dreams and words, as well as see all the images and see the time frame in which they were given by clicking on Message Index.

Author: k. e. leger

I'm a writer.

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