‘Advanced Notice’ (God)

September 30, 2022: ‘Advanced Notice’ (God)…This was written September 30, 2022. I’m beginning the editing of the final books and came across this. I don’t believe in accidents. He had me not post this in 2022 for a reason.

Advanced Notice (God)

you're give the words
all the words
you've heard

straight up
without reconnaissance
without a wonder
in mind
the cause of time

prepare in dimes of time
in prayer
in truth

how can you not see
the advance
the given ramifications
if not taken
in prepare

a dream awakening
a darkness in frightening
but not quite
a fear of 'nots'

like a gone history
what existed
but doesn't anymore
a change of range
the time of nines

a solo of bearings
from the one who is solo
the Lord† of all creation
awakening you
to My† hand

awaken you
seek refuge
seek forgiveness
seek truth
don't falter in the truth
that you seek

so many hands in the pot
the boiling pot
one that's about to spill over
lost in the grounds
of confusion

a set way
for I† set the way

go and see
what the Lord†
is about to do

stop meddling
where meddling
is not due

focus within
prepare the within
for the coming

it is coming

a hand moves
across all nations
history disappears
new takes its place

the history is not mapped
it just won't be
the absence of Me†
is too vast

they cry out to the Almighty Lord†
after My† hand passes
but they don't change
their ways

they relived
what I† destroyed
and carry on
their sinful nature

how quetes are they!

I† have become
climate change
how unsure are they!
weak in faith
leaving My† heir out
of their reckless lives
and they wonder
why do they have such tests?
such hard times?

all their lives are connected
crossing each other
and they remain blind
to why!

without My† Son†
there is no steadfast
no breath to breathe

I† gave the one true gift
of all gifts
why are you forsaking
this gift?

bow your heads
pray for My† mercy
pray to the one
who can give life
and take life
the one I† put over all
My† Son†!

awaken! you peas
and bold
to think I† don't know

you do not know
true suffering

how can you endure
true suffering
when I† remove materialness
you cringe at the sight
losing materialness
is vastly a world problem
too much lies before you
then you leave waste
on My† mountain
you abandon what you
can't fix

who gives you this right?

who took your heart of gold
and replaced it with ice?

maybe, I† need to replicate
what you have done
to the temple of My† name!

will you then see truth?!

maybe, I† will give
you a taste of this

maybe, I† never say maybe
but instead
I† do
after words are given
to My† prophets
but you do not listen

how can stiff-necked
bold peas listen?
how can they hear
without ears to hear?

I† will show them
then they will know
I† am the Lord†

says the Lord Almighty God†!

(March 5, 2024)— This was written September 30, 2022. I’m beginning the editing of the final books and came across this. I don’t believe in accidents. He had me not post this in 2022 for a reason.

In my notes after this piece, I wrote: He led me to 1 Chronicles 7:6-12 through 1 Chronicles 8:1-40. I had to read it out loud, every name.

I looked up the word ‘quete’ and it is close to a french word spelled pretty similar meaning to collect, or collection

The photograph David chose is from September 13, 2019: My 5:55 Visits, God, the Sun and Me. Notice the marking on my neck to the left. I am told these markings are colds. They appear in a number of photographs on different days. This is for you. (The photograph was taken at 5:55:11!)

You can read all of the visions, dreams and words, as well as see all the images and see the time frame in which they were given by clicking on Message Index.

Author: k. e. leger

I'm a writer.

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