‘Advanced Notice’ (God)

September 30, 2022: ‘Advanced Notice’ (God)…This was written September 30, 2022. I’m beginning the editing of the final books and came across this. I don’t believe in accidents. He had me not post this in 2022 for a reason.

Advanced Notice (God)

you're give the words
all the words
you've heard

straight up
without reconnaissance
without a wonder
in mind
the cause of time

prepare in dimes of time
in prayer
in truth

how can you not see
the advance
the given ramifications
if not taken
in prepare

a dream awakening
a darkness in frightening
but not quite
a fear of 'nots'

like a gone history
what existed
but doesn't anymore
a change of range
the time of nines

a solo of bearings
from the one who is solo
the Lord† of all creation
awakening you
to My† hand

awaken you
seek refuge
seek forgiveness
seek truth
don't falter in the truth
that you seek

so many hands in the pot
the boiling pot
one that's about to spill over
lost in the grounds
of confusion

a set way
for I† set the way

go and see
what the Lord†
is about to do

stop meddling
where meddling
is not due

focus within
prepare the within
for the coming

it is coming

a hand moves
across all nations
history disappears
new takes its place

the history is not mapped
it just won't be
the absence of Me†
is too vast

they cry out to the Almighty Lord†
after My† hand passes
but they don't change
their ways

they relived
what I† destroyed
and carry on
their sinful nature

how quetes are they!

I† have become
climate change
how unsure are they!
weak in faith
leaving My† heir out
of their reckless lives
and they wonder
why do they have such tests?
such hard times?

all their lives are connected
crossing each other
and they remain blind
to why!

without My† Son†
there is no steadfast
no breath to breathe

I† gave the one true gift
of all gifts
why are you forsaking
this gift?

bow your heads
pray for My† mercy
pray to the one
who can give life
and take life
the one I† put over all
My† Son†!

awaken! you peas
and bold
to think I† don't know

you do not know
true suffering

how can you endure
true suffering
when I† remove materialness
you cringe at the sight
losing materialness
is vastly a world problem
too much lies before you
then you leave waste
on My† mountain
you abandon what you
can't fix

who gives you this right?

who took your heart of gold
and replaced it with ice?

maybe, I† need to replicate
what you have done
to the temple of My† name!

will you then see truth?!

maybe, I† will give
you a taste of this

maybe, I† never say maybe
but instead
I† do
after words are given
to My† prophets
but you do not listen

how can stiff-necked
bold peas listen?
how can they hear
without ears to hear?

I† will show them
then they will know
I† am the Lord†

says the Lord Almighty God†!

(March 5, 2024)— This was written September 30, 2022. I’m beginning the editing of the final books and came across this. I don’t believe in accidents. He had me not post this in 2022 for a reason.

In my notes after this piece, I wrote: He led me to 1 Chronicles 7:6-12 through 1 Chronicles 8:1-40. I had to read it out loud, every name.

I looked up the word ‘quete’ and it is close to a french word spelled pretty similar meaning to collect, or collection

The photograph David chose is from September 13, 2019: My 5:55 Visits, God, the Sun and Me. Notice the marking on my neck to the left. I am told these markings are colds. They appear in a number of photographs on different days. This is for you. (The photograph was taken at 5:55:11!)

You can read all of the visions, dreams and words, as well as see all the images and see the time frame in which they were given by clicking on Message Index.

‘The Sin of Reuben’ (Yeshuah)

October 28, 2023: ‘The Sin of Reuben’ (Yeshuah)…reuben’s sin of rape, lustful and taking, without a victim in knowing, sets the pace, to the Spirits within….’ ‘The Sin of Reuben’ (Yeshuah)

The Sin of Reuben (Yeshuah) 

the impunity of sin
defines where we've been
then a stop
a slight bend
 in the road of forsaken
‒a forwarding way
of looking
to seek sound
in finding

let Me†, Yeshuah†, help the searching

reuben's sin of rape
lustful and taking
without a victim in knowing
sets the pace
to the Spirits within

the beings given
in youthful beginnings

the being of life
creating man's constitution

then that of sight
bringing awareness to desire

then that of hearing
enabling the subject of teaching

then that of smell
drawing in air and breath

then the  immaculate gift of speech
to initiate the power of knowledge

then that of taste
to eat and drink favorably
for strength, not for pleasure
‒food being the foundation of strength

then finally the power of procreation
and sexual intercourse

where in youth
man discovers pleasures
of the body
where sin enters in
for out of ignorance
youth leads a blind man
(one without knowledge)
to the fiery furnace below

then that of sleep
the trance of nature
as well as the image of death
where dreams come in
that of those imaginary
and that of those given by the Father†

these beings are given within
to every human

the desires awaken
through more beings given

that of fornication
nature combining the senses
leading to the impurity of the body

that of insatiableness
its energy hovering the belly
an up-rapture of desires
pulling a person to sinfulness

that of fighting
its energy hovering the liver and gall
puffing up a desire of anger
a desire of retaliation and bitterness

that of groveling and trickery
its energy in craving, desiring
attention that consumes one
in attuned to manipulation
that outwardly seems fair

that of pride
its energy lies in the mind
where arrogance and boastfulness
in things of man
and most importantly
in one's self
its energy overpowers all else
and it demands attention
and satisfaction from others
idols created by man
live here

then that of lying
its energy hovers in the mind
and spreads throughout the body
building shame and resentment
from self and from others
leading to the worse uncomfortableness
a human can experience
it’s a carrying of deceits
in perdition and jealousy
concealing and manipulated

then that of injustice
its energy also is in the mind
when covers all other energy
it rises up theft
rapacity (greed)
its ultimate goal is
fulfilling the desires of a man's heart
here is where cravings are satisfied
which lead to all other sin

injustice is party to all other beings
and words hard to steal
the gifts of man
using whatever means possible

awaken to the sin of reuben
for I†, Yeshuah†, can bring forgiveness
upon repent of your soul

horde nothing within
aggression and injury
to the body‒
which holds the Spirit within
is of great value
and scars embed deep
on hearts
who bring aggression and injury

for the act of rape
not only injuries the body
but also the Spirit

take heed to the laws
passed through 'ancient' times
to you of modern
for they still remain

there are many beings
there are many ways
in which they are used
by the Father†

take heed
the power of the words
can protect your being
your Spirit within

I†, Yeshuah†, give these
through the prophet
to reschool you
on what the Father† in Heaven

you are not bad within yourself
what makes bad, bad
is what you allow in
what you allow to overtake you

if you don't recognize what is
overtaking you
then another should
and without fear
carefully help you overtake it
conquer it
without this help
you are being allowed to be overtook
and those allowing it
are just as the fault
as you are

I† have given this to you
but you refuse to understand

it is time for understanding
to overtake pride
in those who have ears to hear

the sin of reuben
has manifested in great numbers
and in great numbers
satan's house is filling

you can overtake satan
through Me†

(October 28, 20230)—He led me to the story in the Bible of when Herrod proclaimed that every child under the age of two be killed because of fear of a king that was prophesied to overtake him. After I read this, I heard, ‘Pride.’

Shocking of Stupid’s Genius’,Devil’s Seeker’, ‘The Paradigm of Israel’ (God), ‘The Sin of Reuben’ (Yeshuah),‘Lustful Content’ (Yeshuah),‘Brave In Its Wings’ (God),‘Abomination of Priesthood Among Men’ (Yeshuah/God), Sactionarism of Judah (Yeshuah),‘Single-Minded Waywardness’ (Yeshuah), ‘A Patriarch of Mercy’ (God), The Look of Despair’  (God),‘Be Ware of the Forsook’ (God), ‘Synchronism (Yeshuah),The Patriarch of Empathy’ (God),‘Weapon’s ‘a Wrath’ (God), ‘The Rites of Benjamin’ (God), ‘Remnant To be Saved (God), andLoved By The Father’.

The photograph David led me to is from October 8, 2019: The Oil Spill Warning. The screenshot below is what he actually led me to. Blow it up and see how God transformed the orb. See if you can tell what it is. I tell you on the page containing this set of photographs.

‘Doubting Occurrence’

Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life—in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing. But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you. So you too should be glad and rejoice with me.—Philippians 2:14-18

Doubting Occurrence

I've come down this road
guided along
by the hand of the old
the One† who held me
in blindfold
so truth
could be told

I stand here‒
in the middle of this road
not one bit
in bitter cold
no longer in blindfold
no feelings in explode
no longer feelings in limbo

I'm alone in my home
but not at all
in hollow
around me‒
I feel a hallo
in the smart
of gold

often, in the past
I allowed the incommunicado
to cause my emotions
to off load
in voice‒
not so much, the de facto
but in text, online
I would off balance
a freeload
looking for sympathy
be part of the 'following' flow

not any mo'

I'm out the ghetto

freedom…sometimes in cognito
but balanced
in and out…my soul

now 'a days, I get holy hellos
from Heaven's front do'
I see truth
when everyone else
sees mumbo-jumbo

I was given a seat
not in a gestapo
but seeing…it's a LIFO

I accept this human gallow
I know its truth
but I'm on the other side
behind me…the inferno

out of the fires in burrow
into the golden glow
of the Boss† in honco

He† says I am His†
|that my redemption
is the winner
in bingo
my faith‒an abraham tornado
that couldn't be stopped‒
no matter the embargo|

I sit down to write
with gusto
for I sincerely know
I'm no religious gigolo
but a servant
with eyes in magnifico

I don't have to wonder‒
I don't have to abide
by man's echo

I know
from where comes
the rainbows
and in my mind
there's no echo
but the voice
of the One†
who casted my mold

above all things
God†, the Most High
has been the hand
through my kaleidoscope
'til I evolved
into the 'dope'
in which my inside kinetoscope
is plain and clear
for He† put me into the hands
of the ultimate loophole
the one true Son†
who took me out of hold
‒released me
I give you the Father's† manifesto
tell them
the warnings are so'

this is no human designed lingo
it is His†
the part that I know
is pure heavenly gold
I know it is so
for He† told me so

UPDATE: As I was discussing this piece with the Lord, after I posted it, He said: ‘The Lord says of American political machines, ‘I will break both the right and the left then they will die.’

He told me to add this to this post as an update and to the top of the post. So I have.

(August 6, 2023)—This morning, I asked whether to read or write. The answer came slow until I knew what to do: Write from my heart. But, lately, I feel trapped in writing from my heart because I couldn’t possibly match those of the Lord. So, they helped me and ‘Doubting Occurrence’ is the result. Then I was led to Philippians 2: 3-11 and 2:14-18. Perfect! (The Scriptures follow the commentary)

Last night…this work is an answer to my shortcomings when I had to cry and I felt my heart break. He answered me!

I have never changed…in the since of my faith. You can go back to all the writings here on this site or get my books (they are still available) and see. What did change was my emotions, my grasp on life, my pain. And I could not do that without God! I could not change to the point of not wanting to sin without Yeshuah! That is fact.

Continue reading “‘Doubting Occurrence’”

‘Gain’s Innuendo’ (Yeshuah)

‘Gain’s Innuendo’ (Yeshuah)…The reason My Father loves Me is that I lay down My life—only to take it up again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of My own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from My Father.’—John 10:11-18

Gain's Innuendo (Yeshuah) 

do you understand
the threshing floor? 
is it comprehensible to you?

let Me†, Yeshuah†, explain

it is in nature
that comes the wrath
from plagues to storms
from violent winds to earthquakes
from biological disasters
to sickness of the common

but there's more
the hearts of men
hold the tools
for the strongest of wrath

do you know
who sends the wrath?

I† should tell you
because you seem to have forgotten
you seem to think
that earth moves
all by herself

here's a pointer:
God† is the instrument
who sends wrath

upon nature
He† is the sole instrument
upon man
His† use of satan is powerful
beyond man's comprehension

do you not understand
this yet?

where are you My† children?
where are the lost sheep
of israel?
what are you waiting for?

the wrath at hand
is great
it is beyond human understanding
the confusion has been set
all the earth
is in its wake

pray, yes, pray
but the wrath
is still moving

confusion wreaks havoc
on the mind
bring it to injustice
for the injustice it has done

keep on doing
what God† hates
and the confusion

the wrath of the Father†
is upon you
it will spread
throughout the land

wake up 'o sleepy ones
prepare your heart and mind
equip them with the tools
at hand

sleep well 'o restless ones
your pity is not counted
but your deeds
will be held
in accountability

keep warning them, dear prophet
those who know My† voice
will read them
all others are blind and deaf
by traditions and money

all their pretty grassed lawns
will turn to mud
all their high built homes
will slide down the mountain
the beautifully paved streets
will crumble
and earth will raise
her hands
and push out the new birth
of its wakening

rise, 'o earth, rise
hear the Father's† commands

be well, 'o servant of the pen
tell them what the Lord† will do

I† hear their moans
I† see their worship
singing high in song
dressed well in fine clothes
but I† also see
their hypocrisy
their arrogance
just as their first foot
steps out their well-built buildings

I† will crumble the most prestigious
of these buildings
where wealth roams its hall
and stain laces its windows
it scrapes to the sky
pointing toward Heaven
beautiful it is
its name bearing that of
My† prized student

come now, do you not believe?
you shall
you shall watch the earth split
you shall hear its howl
you shall feel its rumble

I† am warning  you
the Father's† foot
is soon to land
one toe at a time

be well in your hearing, dear servant
tell them it is so
a prophet holds the pen
a protected one
of great need

hear 'o peoples
I† have spoken
I† am speaking

the Father's† commands are accurate
an account is being 
called in
the collection is due
the first of many collections
on many accounts
the debt will be paid

I† am He†, the Son†
go in peace
then peace I'll† give you!

(August 4, 2023)―First, I’d like to apologize to the readers of these words. Any typos that are present are due to my short comings and they will all be corrected in the books that will be the result of all this writings. ‘The Good Shepherd’…the Scripture John 10: 11-18 that He directly led me to after the writing, which He directed me to start this commentary with.

‘I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. I am the good shepherd; I know My sheep and My sheep know Me—just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father—and I lay down My life for the sheep. I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to My voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. The reason My Father loves Me is that I lay down My life—only to take it up again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of My own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from My Father.’—John 10:11-18

He first told me to read. He has me reading the writings of Gad the seer. I was on a particular chapter and He told me to finish reading it. It was about when God told Gad to tell David that he had a choice of three options and whatever he chose would be the wrath for the sins committed. David chose the three days of wrath, a plague that killed 70,000. Trust me the other options where worse. This is how God works. He is the King…the Ruler.

I have been reading about the prophets, Enoch and the messengers. I suspect that The book of Enoch and Gad’s writings, in particular, were not included in the Bible because they speak about the messengers. In Enoch, he explains the giants in the Old Testament. It’s in there, the giants, but no one took the time to explain this when I was growing up. They just concentrated on Yeshuah and left the makings of God alone. Well, God is pointing out this to me in a big way. He says, basically, how can you presume to know His Son, when you don’t even know Him!

The messengers. This is sort of where David comes from. He’s already explained to me the Kingdom and its ranking system. And we have a chance to elevate or de-elevate if we choose. That was the explanation of having dejavues.

I’m not assuming here. He led me to the papers titled ‘Influences on a Dispersed People’ and ‘Hellenism and the Jews’ (both included below) for a reason. Read them so that you can understand, a little, how we got to this point. Just a small point: the synagogue was man’s creation, not God’s, so was all these church buildings.

Continue reading “‘Gain’s Innuendo’ (Yeshuah)”

‘Confusion’s Set’ (Yeshuah)

‘Confusion’s Set’ (Yeshuah)…You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. …Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!—2 Corinthians 9:10-15

Confusion's Set (Yeshuah)

in the mince of great atrocity
life settles down
even though
you know it's happening
you force life to continue
until the atrocity
happens to you

it's a bit of compromising
settling into the new reality
you accept it
thinking the world is ending
but it's not
your world is changing
a slow and preciseness
all around

you can either fight it
or go with it

in all of the atrocities
of the earth
most go with it
few fight it
for fighting it means death
most want to keep their lives

it is I†, Yeshuah†
teaching you the realms of life

very few go up against
the evils of the world
they want their stuff
they want their livelihood
and go a normal day
they'll fight one or two
to save it
even killing for it

but few will go up against
an atrocity happening to many
they tend to survival up
their courage desipitates
they put their hands out
let the shackles be clamped on

you speak of standing up
you speak of being strong
but few actually stand up
even the bravest of followers
of truth
lose their strength
during an atrocity

man is very convincing
their ways instill fear
the collection is powerful
their ways become one
those believing and those not

all for the collection‒
they must be right
if so many are standing
even if it is wrong

be careful who you stand with
an individual thought
renders useless in the collection
courage shrinks

be bold in your faith
be bold in truth

the words I† warned
are true

when I† walked among you
I† spoke what is

in an atrocity
your faith must hold
the shackles go on
but I† remain
this cannot be taken
from hearts that are true

many proved to be true
they lost their lives
but gained life

atrocities are birth pains
of a new beginning
the punishers never last
even though
during their presence
it feels they have won
they never win
their present glory
is not real
it never is real

I† am speaking
a preparation of the prepared
don't lose hope
I† am always here

to keep faith in the chaos
of atrocity
reveals true courage
of heart
it has always been this way

man has not conquered
for anger and hate
revenge and disturbance
always exists

what will you do?

the question God† the Father† asks

you are the only one
who can give Him† the answer

what you see all around
is answering that question

everyone takes
in the mince of atrocity
everyone wages, scrounges
betrays, dishonors

it is shown the same
every time
it is a time that truly separates
God's† children from the rest

are you one of them?

go in peace
then peace I'll† give you

even in the darkest of times

Notes:  The screenshot is from October 15, 2019: The Phoenix. The symbols. The screenshot was taken from the photograph below.

(June 7, 2022)―After He finished giving me ‘Confusion’s Set’, ‘Open the book’ came and 2 Corinthians 8:1-5 through 2 Corinthians 9:10-15.

Continue reading “‘Confusion’s Set’ (Yeshuah)”

‘Days Gone By’ (God/Classroom Dream)

‘Days Gone By’ (God/Classroom Dream)…His judgments are in all the earth.

Days Gone By (God/Classroom Dream)

it is in sorrow
that the heart
is planted
a ream of emotions
an instrument
of chaos
not easily mended
which wages wars
strife and hate
but also 
love and forgiveness

why are you so afraid
to stand up
to do what's right
in the eyes of God†

why are you treading waters
instead of stepping in
why are you so afraid
on just getting by

'o mighty eagle
of the plains
of the mountains
of great waters

'o iridescent shoulder
sandy islands
'o walled countries
solemn vasts
what is in the hull
that can't be brought
to sea

come all you plentiful
stand up for the weak
the sick, the blind
the homeless, the widow

why is money
so much grander
than sacrifice
of comfort

the hand that made you
wails at your cowardness
at your selfishness
at your reluctance

be the bear of the foe
be the lion of the cub
set pride aside
drop fear
to the ground

wage discomfort
on the enemy
know the right
and the wrong

sing, sing praises
'o iron maiden
of chaos
sniff,  sniff your nose
an echoing
beyond the rose

come mighty lion
awaken from your sleep
the eagle reaped
now sinks deep

'o islands in sass
what is your intended
the bounty is waiting
in your vast

wage up, wage up
your mighty hand
the Lord Almighty†
is taking His† stand

carome of delight
too many words
to write
the end is in sight
but first
a veiled circumstance
in might

listen 'o wayward one
listen to the watchman
hear the bugle call
the venom's not just for red
but for brown and white

I† am He†
the one with many words
I† am the old
and the new

I† train
I† refrain
nothing done in vane

I† choose
I† accept
whatever pleases Me†

the hand is mighty
My† hand
the Lord Almighty God†
I'm† mighty
mightier than any man

I† wage war
I† wage peace
depending on a man's heart
on a nation's stability

on their lies

I† make it easy
I† make it difficult
vengeance of My† jealous hand

'o idols of worthlessness
why are they so vast
that their worshippers
cannot see
their worthlessness

I† will strip
these worthless idols
out of the ground
I† will pluck them
one by one

the time of pleasure
is coming to an end
'o worthless arrogance
all your money
can't defend
against My† angered hand

'bring peace' you say
seeking money
any which way you can
at the cost
that no one can pay

the death of the innocent

where is she
where has she gone

your vastness of need
will become
your vastness of want

raise up the flag
for it is too late
a surrender accepted
the slow march
marches slow

which way will you go
all along the coast
all along the sea

'o beautiful mountain
and all your intellect
all your genius
without the notion
of deciphering
simple riddles
simple code

all your banks
can't hold
the money to buy Me†

I† am the Almighty God†
the speaker
the riddle maker
the giver
and the taker

courage is lost
bear the fruits
of your labor

'o lion, 'o bear
'o eagle

stomp the ground
your arrogance
is coming around
you tested Me†
so I† shall test you

says the one and only
living God†
the alpha
and the omega

how shall you handle
a plague and a war
how much money
will your greedy hands
cipher from the poor
to buy your way out

how much?

your building
and your surplus
won't last
a stripped maiden
a former prostitute
a conquered soldier
all lay bare
stripped of their clothes
laying naked
on the sand

for the balance
will be straightened
lift, lift your head
watch My† hand wave
then My† feet stomp

a proud man full of pride
last as long as
a lily blooming
in a field

how long do you think
an arrogant man
will last

it is I†
the lessons are being taught
a verbal passage
is coming
wisdom will be hard
to come by
to find her
fading away
as I† will
for I† will allow it

the riddle maker's
last stance
before the time
of concealment begins

says the Lord Almighty God†
the one
you are subject to
the one
who exist
all the time

Note: The photograph is from  October 7, 2019: Faces.

(April 26, 2022)—After ‘Days Gone By’ was given, I was led to the fours again as I explained in ‘Once Given’: In my Bible pages 444 and 445 and King David. This scripture follows the dream and explanation.

Continue reading “‘Days Gone By’ (God/Classroom Dream)”

“Empty Is This Place’

‘Empty Is This Place’…Wisdom is understanding that giving is what God is asking you to do. It is in the ‘doing’ of things for the best interest of the world, the nations, the peoples of Earth, instead of selfish gain.

Empty Is This Place

living in empty's place
saving face
so there's no trace
to sadden's lace

a 'try' in keeping pace
as goes by‒
all my days
seemingly a waste
done in erratic haste

but knowing the truth‒
in the race
without anyone knowing it‒
I fully embrace
cry as I praise
knowing...here in my world
no silver or gold trays

I must continue living the ways
of my precious Lord†
knowing the coming days
will be but a haze
everyone...hoping to erase
‒plunging through memories
in a daze

yes, it's so empty in this place
saving face
as people's judgment‒
conceals me in 'craze'
and the Lord†
wrapping me
in His† embrace

Notes: The photograph is from October 2, 2019: The Wave Warning. In the visions, I saw this massive wave several times. God’s time is not ours. These visions and warnings are not about preparing outside your body. It’s about preparing INSIDE of your body. For what is going to happen outside is God’s wrath and already deemed. You need to worry about your soul, that which lies inside of your body!

(November 20, 2021)—Wisdom is knowing, recognizing and understanding the difference between good and evil. In order to gain this type of wisdom, one has to be brought down to the darkness, wiped fresh and clean, and then rebuilt. It is having everything taken from you and you not hating or blaming, coming to that place where there’s no hating and blaming, and understanding why God did this to you. It does not matter what He takes. It could be a child, a spouse, a parent, a job, a house, whatever it is.

Wisdom is fearing God because you fully understand what He can do. You understand that He can wipe out your life for the so purpose of teaching you, of bringing you down to humble. It is understanding that all the wealth in the world cannot get you into the Kingdom. In fact, you fully understand that the rich stand a very small, tiny, chance of getting into the Kingdom. And you accept that wealth is not the answer to your life.

Continue reading ““Empty Is This Place’”

‘Body and Soul’

‘Body and Soul’…There is a reason why no human on Earth can actually tell you from where love comes. That is because they are NOT the divine, they are humans. Love comes from the divine. It leaves no mark on the body that anyone can see. It does leave marks on the heart.

Body and Soul

body breathe body
soul breathe soul
down you may go
up you may go
bodies stay put
souls continue to stroll

misconceptions reap
misinterpretations keep
‒truth always seeps
from carefully placed seams

on goes every soul
stays, stays every body
from dust he came
back to dust he remains
as the soul leaves
in desperate reprieve
or in salvation's gleam

don't be fooled
by a greedy man's tool

grace is given
grace is taken

life is in the light
life is in the night
for all time
belongs to God

test be test
rest is rest

stay to yourself
'til you feel best
then help those in unrest
help them return
keep them from being burned

mercy is given
when pain is taken

souls do matter
no matter
bodies in clatter

Notes: David picked these photographs out. I want to say it’s because of the daisy he sent me, but it’s not. It’s the image to the left of the sun. A baby. I tried to blow it up, but it doesn’t come out as clear. This frame is from October 8, 2019: Oil Spill Warning. There’s much more in this set then the darkened water. The baby, the half ring below it, which becomes really clear as the frames progress, and the old man, whom the baby turns into is quite amazing. God using technology to relay His messages. Powerful in itself. I’m not guessing here. David is telling me what God is saying in these photographs. This was way before I could actually hear God outside of the visions. In 2020, things did indeed change. I not only hear God but Jesus as well.

(September 16, 2021)—‘Body and Soul’ was written September 4. I wrote it then let it sit there. For today, when I needed it. 1 Thessalonians 3:11-13 to 5:12-22. Those are the Scriptures I was led to. What Paul says here, what God says through Paul or rather Jesus says through Paul, is so powerful. It is plain and simple. Powerful.

We do go to a place after we are done here on Earth. Many try to tell you different. God rebukes them by the way. They are foolish…and some have degree upon degree…they are the foolish of the world. There IS a place and here on Earth, you are being tested in many ways from birth until death. And by ‘death‘, I mean when your body gives out…you don’t. Within the skin and bones of your body is a soul, a spirit…that which you think with, that which you feel with, that which you love with. There is a reason why no human on Earth can actually tell you from where love comes. That is because they are NOT the divine, they are humans. Love comes from the divine. It leaves no mark on the body that anyone can see. It does leave marks on the heart.

Continue reading “‘Body and Soul’”

‘Sand Storms’

God’s tests are the hardest. I think Jesus’ tests are even harder. He makes a person cry. His spirit is so powerful.

Sand Storms

it piles up in heaps
its from nothing‒
man himself reaps
just sort-after leaps
with nothing left
to keep

oh! my precious Lord†
this peril I'm in
I can't see
what You† see
I only feel
the coldness
of the deal

absent is the heat
of truth
its burning flames
has broken down
‒I've turned the fool
watching all its pieces
get smaller and smaller

no glistening of sun
or rainy days for fun
no laughing babies
or pies baking

just left to an empty den
paying for sins
waiting for Your† light
to save me
from this fight

dear Lord†
the God† of david
the Father† of Jesus†
silence all this noise
help me see the promise
added to abraham's deal
‒how can this be real

alone in this den
it all seems pretend

where in the desert
pirates murder children
where the gift is raped
where thugs punish thugs
thinking their giving people
justice hugs

where the ocean meets the ocean
they see green bills, gold bars
instead of Your† righteous stars
where people rather be drugged
and beat
then lift their eyes to You†
to see

where fires race and thunder pounds
where soggy goes the grounds
as more murder
meets confusion
eye to eye
‒fall for all the delusion

how, my Lord†, will this be
as my wound is closing
as a plague is absorbing
bringing out true hearts
separating me apart
keeping me from depart

as I sit in this den
feeling the cold within
how can I not say
what I hear today
how can I not bleed
‒these words in heed

oh! my dear, precious Lord†
my love for You†
cast all of my heart
it takes every dart
throws it out in the yard

no one can even sort
all this
that's in my heart

but You†!
You† threw a wrinkle
forcing my stand‒
stick to principle
a promise given 
by the almighty Lord†
breaking my heart
my belief so weak
as my body withers
I stand ready
my arms fully opened
as Your† will
will be done
and I've picked up
the last of Your† crumbs
to cradle this bun
and the one
calling me hon'

and the maker of the storm
will again be reborn
in the hills of catacombs
for him
a temporary home
but blessed
and never alone

Notes: (Reposted from Facebook) Photos take October 15, 2019: The Phoenix. I can’t help but post these in particular over and over again. On my website keleger.com under God’s Mercy, there are thousands of photographs taken between August 2019 and April 2020. God says there is no need to take any more pictures. He gave enough. The angel here was to clear my doubt because David, my spiritual guide whom I hear loud and clear, told me all what God wants us to learn through these photographs. The green, His footprint, was given for us to see parts of Him…I can’t explain it any other way. He did all this, including the visions I shared with you, to warn you, to get your attention for what was coming in the coming years. Instead, I was criticized. Don’t worry I was warned. The angel below, she’s coming across the water. She’s not a trick from me. She’s a gift from God. All the symbols, and there are tons of them in the photographs, are codes, as I’m told. What is happening in the world is already planned. I’m assured that the visions and dreams and writings I’ve shared with you will come to pass. Some already have. I don’t give you all this, I don’t remind you of all this for kicks. I would rather this didn’t happen to me. But it did and I abide by God. And He clearly gave me commands that I will not ignore, including “Listen to My Son!”. Over 5 million are dead. Hundreds of millions have contracted this virus and are suffering, many will die premature. He said, ‘Millions will die.’ He warned you. Racism. War. Murder. Rape. Kidnappings…the weather…it will all increase. You won’t accept His wrath. You don’t fear Him. He said that when He was done, YOU will know that it is Him. I pray for you. He says for me not to waste my time. I will do it anyway. For I know God and I know prayers He hears but our single, individual tests must go on. Our hearts are being tested. The question: ‘Do you deserve a kingdom?’ That depends on what you do when you are backed up against the wall. That goes from individuals to nations. The world. God is your ultimate ruler…many have forgotten. They say the Old Testament doesn’t apply. Funny…the Old Testament is a teaching tool…reveals to YOU who your Father actually is. He doesn’t change. His heart is broken. You broke it.


(September 28, 2021)—After I wrote this, I heard, ‘Open the Book’. I opened it up to Paul’s indictment in Acts and his two-year imprisonment.

I keep getting fives (5)…all the time. I know that as a human race, we are headed towards a major change. I know I’m a very tiny pea in a sea of billions of peas. And that is how God does it. And there is no arguing about it.

The humbling of me has been a hard road, and any time someone crosses the line with me, I lash out. I hate sin. I hate liars. It is amusing to me inside when people lie to me. I know they are lying, but I’m not allowed to say anything. I get upset and say other things, but I can’t address what I truly know. I’m told that that person has to realize their error on their own. It is a time of testing for everyone, including myself.

God’s tests are the hardest. I think Jesus’ tests are even harder. He makes a person cry. His spirit is so powerful.

If you aren’t feeling that, then you need to go deeper.

Lying is the worse other than killing. Lying is the maliciousness that God hates. Lying leads to all sorts of sin including the worse one: killing. I’ve told the truth in all this writing, yet I’ve been called a liar by those who actually had done the lying. I say: Go on and lie. I won’t stop you, nor take up for you.

I’d rather suffer with a bodily ailment any day then be a liar. Liars say, ‘Pray, ask God and He will deliver you from that.’ They don’t know the truth of what Jesus said when He said, ‘Pick up your cross and follow me.’ And that’s a shame.

Continue reading “‘Sand Storms’”

‘Adaptable Indifference’ (Jesus)

‘Adaptable Indifference’ (Jesus)…Jesus said, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.’

Adaptable Indifference (Jesus)

why do you not touch My† words
do you not know
they are true and just

what is in this unbelief
that just because I've† chosen a woman
you prowl yourself away
ignoring because of her

don't you see
this is the very reason I† chose her
she wrote about abuse
no one was listening
how far is it to write for Me†

you don't stand up for those abused
no one stood up for her
no one stood up for Me† either
it's God's† will
testing a person's heart
will you give to that person
will you stand up for this person
will you help mend that person
will you endure and save this person

as I† demonstrate through My† prophet's life
people run at the first sight of strife
this isn't what the Father† calls for
He† has shown through the prophet
now I† tell you as well

strife test the most
it's fire
and many can't take the heat
it is that heat which pushes the hardest
gets under your skin
digs in deep
it wants you to give up
it wants you to walk away
it pushes and pulls
tearing at your very heart
making you the fool
to the outside...the collection

but it is the inside that matters
that push and pull
strife or the collection

'what will you do'

the easy answer comes easy
the hard answer comes hard
the harder the answer
the more confusion comes in
mixing the boiling pot
the heart carries the truth
it is not always what you want
to hear
but it is the truth

the road to the kingdom
will not be the easy road
trust inside instead of out

—says the Lord Jesus† the Christ†
the first Son†
of the one, true living God†

Note: The photograph was taken in October 2019…in fact, October 3, 2019 at 13.56.22…the key: 22. I got 22 several times today. Jesus. David chose the photograph. It is in a set I did not publish.

(September 11, 2021)—Mercy.

Matthew (Levi) Is CalledOnce again Jesus went out beside the lake. A large crowd came to Him, and He began to teach them. As He walked along, He saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax collector’s booth. ‘Follow Me,’ Jesus told him, and Levi got up and followed Him.—Matthew 9:9; Mark 2:13-14; Luke 5:27,28 (Galilee)

Eating with Sinners—[Luke] Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belonged to their sect complained to His disciples, ‘Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and ‘sinners’?’ On hearing this, Jesus said, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.’—Matthew 9:10-13; Mark 2:15-17; Luke 5:29-32

Disciples Not FastingThey said to Him, ‘John’s disciples often fast and pray, and so do the disciples of the Pharisees, but Yours go on eating and drinking.’ Jesus answered, ‘Can you make the guests of the bridegroom fast while He is with them? But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; in those days they will fast.’ He told them this parable: ‘No one tears a patch from a new garment and sews it on an old one. If he does, he will have torn the new garment, and the patch from the new will not match the old. And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the new wine will burst the skins, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, new wine must be poured into new wineskins. And no one after drinking old wine wants the new, for he says, ‘The old is better.”—Matthew 9:14-14; Mark 2:18-22; Luke 5:33-39

Continue reading “‘Adaptable Indifference’ (Jesus)”