
February 28, 2024: ‘Illuminous’….’I tell you the truth, no one can enter the Kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit….’—John 3:1-21


awaken to simple
make it your primary principle

this is not negotiable
but noble

don't be gossip's mumble
or speak ill in dribble
for others will enable
slander's fumble
‒cast doubts
on the honorable

slander and peace‒
never compatible
peace always runs unstoppable
from slander's rambling quibble
keeping its host
in honorable

don't be the negotiable
succumbing to emotions
in grumble

fight the urge to quarrel
let joy overcome the miserable

don't let your labors
be a hassle
let them be ethical
and desirable
doing is credible
more so
than speaking in musical

keep your life simple
don't complicate the vessel
give in actual

give without being questionable
without complaint in mumble

leave hesitation
at the door
in feeble

without it
needing to be accountable

don’t discriminate in giving's preamble
don't just dabble
be the exploding giver's pimple
turn giving into the gospel
‒a continuing, ongoing ripple

the receiver receiving
under false pretenses
will tremble
for the gable of judgment
will fall heavier
on their deceiving assemble

the giver noted notable
walking in the commandment
of the giver
is immeasurable
to the Most High†
without being
lost in mystical

(February 28, 2024)―For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been instructed to write on the Twelve Commandments given to Hermas. This account is recorded in the Apocrypha. This has proven very difficult in a way because the writings have to do with what makes a good servant of God. In our society, this marks a huge ray of confusion for what you all see as true servants of God.

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