‘Strong’s Interface’ (Yeshuah)

‘Strong’s Interface’ (Yeshuah)…In My name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.’—Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:15-18

Strong's Interface (Yeshuah)

it takes a warrior soul
to conquer fear
and a warrior soul
is usually found
in the weakest of bodies

the amount of pain 
that a warrior soul inhales
is, at times, unreasonable
or so it seems

it is I†, Yeshuah†
let Me† explain

there are many avenues
of My† Father's† kingdom
a soul has many choices
this soul: your being within
has a placement

you can elevate your placement
or lose elevation
that depends on what you do
while still in the body

there is a plan
but there is also choice

while in the body
you have a choice
what way your being goes

the world is true in its saying
'the hardest way is the right way'
there is an exception‒
when you continue down the right path
when you keep following
what God† is asking
the path itself
starts awakening for you

this doesn't happen early
it happens later
and only if you keep following
God's† path for you

and His† path is not always
but it is always right

to live in absolute truth
is not accepted by the world

the world wants to kill truth

this makes the path of truth
that much harder

it is up to you
to follow

God's† words are true

in a time of confusion
you have to decide
what is God's† words
and what are man's

there are many false prophets
I†, Yeshuah† can assure
you of this
they are full of trickery
using fancy words
and taking Me† and
using Me† to further their

don't be fooled too easily
you are headed into 
more confusion

confusion has been released

the Father† will tell you truth
the Father† deems truth
the Father† will reveal only truth

awaken from nonsense
you who know the Father†

He† is above all
all over, all through
all under

it is I†, the Son†
speaking for the Father†
you will come to know Him†
you will desire Him†
for the darkness is coming

open your eyes
see all that He† has given
open your ears
hear all that He† is saying

it is all
for your being
to be saved
an entrance to the kingdom
has been opened

it is up to you
not the collection
to enter

the choice is yours

go in peace
I† am standing
at the entrance

what will your heart speak

Notes: The picture David chose is from January 21, 2020: Aladdin’s Genie Lamp. It’s one of the photographs I didn’t post. David said to put it, so I’m putting it.

(July 2, 2022)―After ‘Strong’s Interface’, He led me to His ascension. This was given yesterday. I didn’t post it. It was God’s worse in the writing He gave today that has put an urgency in posting all that has been given and I have not yet posted. He stilled me this week. I didn’t understand at first. How did He still me? Popping my tire on my Jeep. A new tire had to be ordered and, of course, here in America, it is fourth of July weekend. He stilled me. Now, I know why. So you will be seeing a number of works posted by me, all new.

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