‘Who’s Counting’ (God)

‘Who’s Counting’ (God)…The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.—1 Timothy 4:1-5

Who's Counting (God)

in today's eulogy
let's think how Christ† died
then let's think how man is dying

I† know all the words you write
I† know all the by-laws and ceremonies
I† know all your stances
all your judgments
I† know all your condolences

all the christians abiding by My† Son†
all the jews abiding by Me†
and everyone in between
all separate thinking
all separate believing
all wrong

do you not know that I† am!

go back and study the words I† sent
because along the way
you have missed something

you don't have to believe these words
these new words formed
why should you 'o arrogant beast
you don't believe the old ones!

you take scrolls and transcribe
from old language
then you translate them
in all kinds of languages

don't you know 'o arrogant
I† gave all languages!

I† chose what words
put before My† prophet
I† chose what to teach her

'o arrogance, you are so spoiled
where are your authorities?
where do they get their knowledge?
is it from words I† have not
shown the prophet of words?
do you understand
why I† haven't?

do you, 'o arrogant, know
what it takes
to preserve truth?


I† watch your struggle
I† watch you demand  you 'know'
and then you demand
ALL must know exactly
what 'you' know!


do you not know
that I†, the Lord Almighty†
withholds mysteries of My† kingdom
and I† release them
when I† deem

do you not know enoch?
do you question as My† scribe does?
do you ask the hard questions?
or do you just listen to each other
and take those answers as fact?

do you sit around in rooms
at tables with all your papers
and debate My† words?

how about all of these new words?
are you taking them into account
'o arrogant?

how unreasonable you are
not to debate these
when these are actually
coming from My† mouth!

you live in a life of luxury
don't you?

the majority of earth
are in luxury
they have homes, clothes, food, water
they have markets and vendors
merchants that sell everything
even children!

aren't you pleased with yourselves?

you sit in your government seats
setting up authority
and at the same time
you allowed an instrument to be
that will turn around on you
because that instrument
(which I† allowed you to have
but you are weak)
grows sin

your weakness has cost you

your ingenuity will backfire
and force your house to fall

all those living in luxury
because of the very instrument
which you were entrusted with

all its buttons and pullys
will return to you
buttons and pullys

it will button you down
and pull you in

a sealed format in behavior

you, 'o arrogance, are being watched
your enemy is coming
and tear you down
from the inside out

be well 'o red
I've† watched you from the beginning
I† promised you'll get generations
I† have given you
what I† promised

'o israel, My† weakened child
no longer stable together
you've been pulled apart
like the tender loin
strip by strip
pulled and separated
placed throughout earth
given people of your own
and I† watched you fall away

a strained sortment
wielded and weeded
then rejoined
and wielded again

now the time is upon you
a time long ago told

but you 'o arrogance
the weeds of My† people
have conditioned them all
with lies

I've† come to sort through them
and just the remnant
will hear
for I† deemed it so

pour over all your stacks
pour over them with sweat
all day and all night
and  you still will not find
what you are looking for

the truth!

Wisdom knows
She entered each one
and then left those
where deception lies

Wisdom does not soil Herself
She remains pure and white
the most brilliant of stars
the most delightful of lights
She knows when to leave
so Her beauty is not soiled

and those She leaves
remains searching for Her
but She will not be found by them

hear these words, 'o arrogant
your pillage of Me† and My† Son†
has met these ears
high above the stars

all of these words sent
will keep being sent
they will get lost in all the
useless words given
to be rescued by the remnant
that will inherit the earth

by them
these words will be found

because you, these generations
that locked in arrogance
and deception
have welcomed in greed
lustful desire, hatred, blaspheme
and all sins that I† hate

you live two lives
like the two promiscuous sisters
locked in each body, each mind
overriding the truth of heart

double standards
using your useless words
to teach falsely
then behind closed doors
closed hearts
thinking and acting
in ways 'un-Christ†-like'
as you judge others
by your 'un-Christ†-like' behavior
and thoughts

your outward judgment
will fall back on you
when your heart
is read out loud!

be gone from Me† sinful world
My† grace is being taken out
I† will rest
let man sort things out
for a time

the sun will still appear
but her light won't be felt
only the rain will be felt

all sheep prepare for the coming
for it is coming
a new harvest to be planted
words will still be given
an unmatched time

it is I†, the Lord Almighty God†
directing the scribe
in all words

(July 14, 2023)―He led me to 1 Timothy 4:1-5 directly after in case I had a question that it was Him that I was hearing or not.

*Human DoctrinesThe Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.—1 Timothy 4:1-5

My reluctance in writing what God explains to me is always present. It’s sad. I truly see that the world does not want to hear God’s warnings. They only see the individual needs for God and all is loving grace to them; but they don’t see that He is over all things and that He directs everything, so even the really bad stuff when discipline is needed. That time is now.

He pointed out these things to me: China and Tic-toc, their social media platform; the Amish; Israel scattered all over the world; the United States and their constant stance of separation of church and state, but yet they are constantly ruling on church; and the Covenant Christian Coalition. I don’t want to get involved in any political mess anymore. But God demands that I share His thoughts on the matter through regular talk. By the way, over my reluctance, He sent ‘Who’s Counting’!

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