‘Fortified Cities’ (God)

January 20, 2024: ‘Fortified Cities’ (God)…’…Then he opened the door and ran. When Jehu went out to his fellow officers, one of them asked him, ‘Is everything all right? Why did this madman come to you?’ ‘You know the man and the sort of things he says,’ Jehu replied. ‘That’s not true!’ they said. ‘Tell us.’ Jehu said, ‘Here is what he told me: ‘This is what the Lord says: I anoint you king over Israel.’ They hurried and took their cloaks and spread them under him on the bare steps. Then they blew the trumpet and shouted, ‘Jehu is king!’—2 Kings 9:1-13 (841 B.C., Ramoth Gilead)

Fortified Cities (God) 

[The Scripture presented to me before the writing is about Ahab and Ahaziah, and the destruction thereof. I've included this in the commentary. If you read that first, the following will make sense, or rather more, sense to you the reader.]

times come as in justice
for centuries you overlooked
peoples of nations overlooked
the vastness of time

you sought each other
and pretended to seek Me†
the Almighty Lord†
you set precedents
ignoring precepts
that were before

a lendingness took place
your names and titles
escaped Truth

here in these writings
you expect certainty
this is what you are looking for
when you read all these words
you are looking for exactness

'o israel came and read
and quickly turned their backs
so many peoples of nations
then forgot
then turned their backs

I† proved to the prophet
truth of your hearts

the terror of jezebel
lives in many
the brutality rages on
this next generation

look at all the dead children
and broken women
look at them!

look at the torn churches
who waddle around
in wealth
preaching the way
My† Son† paved
is through wealth!

how dare you insult
My† Son's† name!

the evil of money
is of the world!

I†, the Lord Almighty God†
have said it
as many times as needed!

My† Son† has said it
as many times as needed!

for My† Love is unconditional
but you, many, many peoples
forfeit that summons
for wealth of trinkets
and fine clothing
and houses of wood

don't you know
that wood will burn
and not live?

jezreel did not survive
its inhabitants scattered
its wealth is gone
for evil ruled
for evil shattered lives
as its fortified kingdom
ruled in wealth
and its people suffered

as the wealth of the world
its starving people
its homeless people
while the wealth
live in false pleasures

I† will destroy again!
My† hand will destroy
not satan
or whomever you blame
will banish from the light
those destroying My† seed
for pleasure
those destroying My† women
for pleasure

your hate and anger
will destroy you
as I† remove the seeds from you
in your death cry
you will mourn

for I† have deemed it
not anyone specific
ALL who destroy My† seed!
ALL who destroy My† women!
both man and woman
whoever takes part
I† already know your name!

I† am the Lord Almighty†
no one comes before Me†
I† have spoken
the Lord† has spoken!

(January 20, 2024)―After the writing, He led me to the official records of Israel after Ezra and Nehemiah. After this, comes what many deem as ‘God’s Silence’. He wasn’t silent. There was much more that was written, but many Bibles do not include this. Then comes the years between those events and the birth of the Messiah, i.e. Jesus, the Christ, Yeshuah. It is not for me to say what He is trying to tell you, but He is relaying much more than the words He sent. That is for you to decide. He said you are intelligent enough to know. I’ll leave that alone!

The photograph chosen is from October 15, 2019: The Phoenix. It’s actually a screen shot of what David called “God’s Footprint”. You can argue all you want. You can deny all  you want. You can say the orbs in the pictures are just camera light messing with the sun. And that would be true. But…always a but…God uses this light, which He created, for His advantage. As in this particular photograph, which was taken while I’m sitting on a park bench and David tells me ‘take pictures’ and I snap but can’t see the screen. Only when I return to my apartment and he tells me where to look in the photograph do I see these things. The ‘footprint of God‘…are you going to argue? Still?

Note: I have several pieces today that I was told to hold until today. They will be given to you before the end of this day. I’m told to give them to you in reverse order. He’s done this before and I do not know what this means but I’m sure some out there will.

Fortified Cities’, ‘Wangled Time’,Detached‘, ‘Blasphemist Iconic, and Aged Renascence’.

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