‘Restrain’s Two-Fold’

Written March 20, 2024: ‘Restrain’s Two-Fold’

Restrain's Two-Fold

above all…faith
saving face
in every way
fearing the Lord†
keeps you safe

‒living in love and concord
using words of righteousness
keeping in truth
having patience
all are the way
giving self
a brighter day

above all else
nothing holds more sway

leave out self-restraint
in these acts
the Mighty rest in its clay
‒all basted in the light's ray

stand up, say, 'hurray'
there's no holiday
from this simple essay

there's the good
'do it'
so all will be okay

help the widows, the orphans
the needy
fulfill the necessities
of all God's† servants
be hospitable
without over-indulgence
or opposing‒
those being quiet
having fewer needs
than all men‒

respect the aged
practice righteousness‒
watching out for each other
bear insolence and long-suffering
without devious compliant
be encouraging to the sick
in soul‒
don't cast them out
show them the way

turn them back
show what they lack
restore them
but admonish sinners
for their slack
but hold debtors and the needy
for their faith
without oppression

being in these…courageous
brings you into the Father†
and you'll see the Son† someday
‒holding to great faith

keep hold of yourself
return after the stray
your time of disobey
‒doing against God's† say
what's deemed‒
the lost of self-restraint

adultery, fornication
unlawful reveling
wicked luxury and extravagant riches
self-boastfulness and haughtiness
insolence, lies and backbiting
keep from remembering wrongs
and from all slander‒
stay away

there's more to say
to evil's sway
restrain thy self
from the perpetual
lies, theft, robbery
false witness, overreaching
wicked lust, deceit, vainglory

exceedingly wicked
in the Father's† way

keep in the faith
never be two-faced
be a yes, or a no
never a 'be' in 'may'

all these not a touché
but the weigh
of a Kingdom's tray

(March 20, 2024)—The eighth commandment given to Hermas.

The photograph David chose is from October 7, 2019: Faces.

You can read all of the visions, dreams and words, as well as see all the images and see the time frame in which they were given by clicking on Message Index.