‘Doubting Occurrence’

Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life—in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing. But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you. So you too should be glad and rejoice with me.—Philippians 2:14-18

Doubting Occurrence

I've come down this road
guided along
by the hand of the old
the One† who held me
in blindfold
so truth
could be told

I stand here‒
in the middle of this road
not one bit
in bitter cold
no longer in blindfold
no feelings in explode
no longer feelings in limbo

I'm alone in my home
but not at all
in hollow
around me‒
I feel a hallo
in the smart
of gold

often, in the past
I allowed the incommunicado
to cause my emotions
to off load
in voice‒
not so much, the de facto
but in text, online
I would off balance
a freeload
looking for sympathy
be part of the 'following' flow

not any mo'

I'm out the ghetto

freedom…sometimes in cognito
but balanced
in and out…my soul

now 'a days, I get holy hellos
from Heaven's front do'
I see truth
when everyone else
sees mumbo-jumbo

I was given a seat
not in a gestapo
but seeing…it's a LIFO

I accept this human gallow
I know its truth
but I'm on the other side
behind me…the inferno

out of the fires in burrow
into the golden glow
of the Boss† in honco

He† says I am His†
|that my redemption
is the winner
in bingo
my faith‒an abraham tornado
that couldn't be stopped‒
no matter the embargo|

I sit down to write
with gusto
for I sincerely know
I'm no religious gigolo
but a servant
with eyes in magnifico

I don't have to wonder‒
I don't have to abide
by man's echo

I know
from where comes
the rainbows
and in my mind
there's no echo
but the voice
of the One†
who casted my mold

above all things
God†, the Most High
has been the hand
through my kaleidoscope
'til I evolved
into the 'dope'
in which my inside kinetoscope
is plain and clear
for He† put me into the hands
of the ultimate loophole
the one true Son†
who took me out of hold
‒released me
I give you the Father's† manifesto
tell them
the warnings are so'

this is no human designed lingo
it is His†
the part that I know
is pure heavenly gold
I know it is so
for He† told me so

UPDATE: As I was discussing this piece with the Lord, after I posted it, He said: ‘The Lord says of American political machines, ‘I will break both the right and the left then they will die.’

He told me to add this to this post as an update and to the top of the post. So I have.

(August 6, 2023)—This morning, I asked whether to read or write. The answer came slow until I knew what to do: Write from my heart. But, lately, I feel trapped in writing from my heart because I couldn’t possibly match those of the Lord. So, they helped me and ‘Doubting Occurrence’ is the result. Then I was led to Philippians 2: 3-11 and 2:14-18. Perfect! (The Scriptures follow the commentary)

Last night…this work is an answer to my shortcomings when I had to cry and I felt my heart break. He answered me!

I have never changed…in the since of my faith. You can go back to all the writings here on this site or get my books (they are still available) and see. What did change was my emotions, my grasp on life, my pain. And I could not do that without God! I could not change to the point of not wanting to sin without Yeshuah! That is fact.

Here’s some more fact: I know I was a good mother up until my divorce. I raised my children to know God, to know Jesus. I never backed down from this. I taught my children right from wrong and how to be productive, but creative people. I taught them not to hurt others and to be mindful.

When my divorce took place, I became a hypocrite in my children’s eyes. I didn’t see it. I didn’t see anything but what was right in front of my face. My world crashed, I was drowning and fighting my way to the surface. My voice was my weapon of choice. Violence, anger, hate, selfishness…all took hold of me like a leech. And I fought with everything I had.

That was what I knew.

What I didn’t know was the answer to another prayer. GOD. I offered myself up to Him. What I didn’t know was that I was always meant to be exactly where I am now. And the one thing that I thought would never happen, happened! It happened in order for me to be at this place I am now.

And I became another person for a while, after and during my divorce. I was truly a sacrificial lamb and all betrayed me. The constant of why was always on my mind and in my writing. I was a good person, a good mother, a good daughter, a good sister, a good friend, a good wife, why would they all abandon me?

Well, in all their eyes, I was good until I was not. I was judged! I was theirs as long as I went with the crowd, as long as I didn’t rock the boat.

I rocked it.

And, as I learned later, it was meant to be done. God wanted me to see the truth. Why? Because I asked to see it!

A friend of mine died recently. She had a good heart and she helped me out of a bind I was in. But she didn’t accept Yeshuah. She prayed or rather talked about God, rarly…but she didn’t know Him. She didn’t die in a good way. She was nearly blind and she had major health issues. She fell and broke both her lower legs. Two days later, she died. Maybe, that was sort of a redemption because she talked about suicide openly, like it was an accepted thing!

Let me enlighten you: Suicide is not accepted by God. Neither is homosexuality, nor changing your male/female status, nor using the rainbow to glamorize your sins against God, nor is refusing to accept Yeshuah/Jesus because you want to ‘fit‘ into the ways of the world!

Sorry, these are sins against God. If you want to be welcomed into His house, you need to search your heart and see what is really there before the Judge comes for you, because you never know when that hour will be, like my friend who just fell, broke bones and then died!

Life sucks at times. The pain that others cause is really unfair. Or so it seems. I still, at times, wander back to that pain, then I beg Yeshuah to remove the emotions and He does. You are fooling yourself if you refuse to accept Yeshuah. You are fooling yourself.

Here’s some God-directed info: Left. The world will go left instead of right. That is what I’ve been getting since 2019 when God put His hand on me and said I am His. Whatever going left means, we are going there! (After I wrote this, my clock read 1:11! You figure that out!)

My heart hurt when I was told my friend had died. I confided in someone and that person, of course, said the sorrys for my lost, and I told that person that my heart hurt the most because I know she didn’t accept Jesus as her savior. Then that person said that I just lost the sympathy because I said what I did about Jesus! This broke my heart.

Do you see which way the world is going?

Some time ago, a person whom I thought was my friend questioned my role as a mother. She said if I was so close to God, then why are my children the way they are? I love my children. They were really good as young children. They got into mischief, but they never caused me much strife. I taught them to speak their minds, follow their hearts. I wrote a lot about my children in the books. I was going through darkness, and so were they. I complained to God about this and He said to leave it to Him. I did.

He came through. They are all back into my life, but they are different. They aren’t the same children I knew when they trusted their mother and loved her with all their hearts like all children should do. They don’t treat me like their mother most of the time. But that’s okay. Time is time and God has to work on them as well. I can’t force God’s time. Neither can my children. Neither can you.

I was told recently that the ‘unforgivable sin’ spoken about in the Bible is not accepting Jesus as the Savior. I know when a person dies and they haven’t accepted Yeshuah, they don’t go to the Kingdom. But I also know that throughout a person’s lifetime, they have choices. Read all the writings given to you through me since 2019 alone, over and over is written about choices. A person who takes a life, through Yeshuah, they have a choice and if they make the right choice, they save their life! Isn’t that something!

Taking your own life is a whole different story…it is unforgivable. You have to trust God…taking your own life is the most selfish act there is and against ALL God stands for. It is unforgivable in the eyes of God! And you, the world today, celebrate those who take their life…those in the arts…instead of just abandoning that person like God does.

You need to stop and look at what you are doing because the confusion we are in right now will only get worse…and more, who do not know God and Yeshuah, will take their own life because they cannot handle the confusion. Let me tell you something, from personal experience, constantly putting that world SUICIDE in faces of those who are hurting does NOT help them. It just makes them think about offing themselves more. Talk about GOD and YESHUAH instead and SHOW them that you care. Those hurting don’t need your stupid words, they NEED your God-driven action!

All this tradition…you need to rethink what you were taught, because a lot of it has short-changed you.

My children were raised in the Catholic church. I renounced my attachments to tradition and the church, because the church I attend isn’t in a building! So, my children witnessed this at a young age. I was in my 40s when I was brought to the truth! My children have to go through the steps just as I had and while they are low on those stairs, strife finds them, hardship finds them, wrinkles finds them. They have to iron all that out and be humbled…

You may ask: Well, what happens if they don’t find Jesus in time?

I can’t ask ‘what if’ questions because I’ve been taught by the Master Himself and the plan of our life has been laid, the choices given are on us as individuals alone. It is their choice, my children’s, I can’t interfere. Each time I try to interfere, I’m rebuked. So, I leave their paths to God. He’s the captain, the chief of the watch, the warren…He’s top! And no one can override what He has in the books, unless He approves.

Once everyone learns this, the better their lives become. You don’t have to believe me…but I can tell you, walk with Yeshuah and He fights the battles and you don’t have to! He gives peace to the heart who loves Him with all their soul and all their heart and all their mind. Take time out of your busy lives and learn God and Yeshuah. Don’t rely on going to a church building and listening to someone to spoon-feed you what that person deems you should know! No! Do the hard work, pick up the Bible and learn on your own! Just about every single soul on Earth can read now, or if they can’t there are tools given that allows them to hear. Don’t rely on all these man-made churches and these high-ticket preachers! God says not to. Do the hard work because your soul is worth it!

The photograph David chose is from October 15, 2019: The Phoenix. Go to that page and see the extraordinary things God did. The symbols alone are interesting. The daisy…awesome because it was a direct answer to a sign I asked for.

Note: I can’t help you if you stick to your traditions. So many times, since 2019, people have called David evil! I find this amazing because ALL of them accused me also of blasphemy and saying I was speaking for Satan! God had me write tons of writings on this. Read the Bible. Read the writings from Enoch, Gad, Isaiah….the ones maybe the churches didn’t want you to know about because half of the Jews didn’t believe in angels. I knew about the messengers before I read Enoch, Gad, and Isaiah.

All of those who say these things about spirits are hypocrites and would have never built an ark, would have went insane if they became pregnant as a virgin, would indeed find Moses a lunatic. David is real. He’s more real than this very computer I am working on. And the messages I received are real…the fault lies in those who received them and denied God altogether and, at the same time, say they believe in God and rebuked His servant! I just wonder what if He sent me to a governing body…I know this won’t happen because of my journey, but I wonder…humans rebuke what doesn’t fit ing their collection, and they follow what should be rebuked to fit into the collection!

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross! Therefore, God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in Heaven and on Earth and under the Earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.—Philippians 2:3-11

Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life—in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing. But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you. So you too should be glad and rejoice with me.—Philippians  2:14-18t

You can read all of the visions, dreams and words, as well as see all the images and see the time frame in which they were given by clicking on Message Index.

Author: k. e. leger

I'm a writer.

Roar Loud!

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