‘The Great River Prophesy’ (God)

‘The Great River Prophesy’ (God)…Yeshuah: If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.

The Great River Prophesy (God)

It is in counting blessings that you wander away from the true meaning of why you were given them. You were given them to demonstrate My† sincere love. Don't over estimate these blessings, nor take them for granted. Once given, twice removed. The pillage that can be granted is far grander than the blessings first given. Due a lesson in return for disobedience.

I† awoke you 'o sleepy one so you'd hear the silence of night so you'd understand the coming disaster to your homeland.

The great river moves slowly but precise except when I† wake it up, then it is raging. The dry and the wet. I† have deemed it so. A great plan is awakening. I've† shown you bits of this plan.

The hand of man and this great river are on a collision course. I† want you, dear prophet, to tell them what their hands will do.

They will create a great arm off this great river. They will stretch it left over the mountains to feed their massive corruption. They will feed great sin with this man-driven arm.

As they deplete the flow of this great river, its slow and preciseness, as they change more of its chore, they will abandon ancient lands it's already created.

These corrupted peoples, who do not belong to Me†, will distort shepherds, strip them of their flock. This land, I† sent them, will disappear from under their feet.

One sinful city sacrificed for a more advanced sinful city.

The oceans will collide as this great river is changed by man's sinfulness. A great earthquake will arise from the depths of the seas, moving the Earth in another direction, left of its present assigned position. A great wave will push down into the land to meet the diverted great river through its arm created by man.

Man never learns. He cannot continue to change nature as nature was meant to be. Instead of moving his settlements to a more diverse land, he forces nature to abide by his rules.

This is the Lord Almighty God†,

only I† have this authority to tell nature what to do. Man's hand has always proven wrong in its try.

Because of actions this generation has done and is about to do, the future generations will know a life entirely different than what is now.

On the scales of what is coming in the world, you only need to look to science. They already know but refuse to say. Instead they say to the wealth of the world. The wealth of the world is stealing all the gold they can believing they share the upper hand leaving the ignorant to die and suffer.

I† am the God† of all the Earth. I† say what stays and what goes.

The boiling pot is beginning to boil. Its lid can barely stay on. As the fight begins for the freshness of thirst, so begins the change of Earth itself.

A new Earth is coming. Its birthing pains have begun. The core is pushing as the chariots wait in anxious anticipation. But before some things must happen.

Death arrives in massiveness. A struggle in fever. A struggle in breath, man's egoness in creation of great profit which has already taken place will erode in the price to be paid.

An upset in greatness as the great river stretches left, as tensions build in the massiveness of arrogance. Sins have a price. An eagle, a lion, a bear and a wasp go to war. The precious land of the great river bleeds torment, destruction, disease and slavery in a way its never experienced before. It will rain mourners' tears. Inside its forest, wails will be heard throughout its boundaries.

Bleed 'o troubled souls, bleed for the Lord† has come to collect.

The land of the great river will break apart. One nation will become many nations, none of them sovereign.

The future nations will have to read about your generation because they will not be able to visit the land you now call home.

A new Earth is coming. One of pureness left to the remnants of destruction. A destruction this generation is beginning.

Enjoy your great lands, says the Lord Almighty†, take pleasure in your endless excursions, your selfish pleasures.

This generation has been condemned except for My† scattered people. They will reunite once more in the most profound way.

I† have sent instruction. I† have sent words to be given to this generation. Words they will not listen to except those who belong to Me†.

I† have chosen carefully those who belong to Me†. You will know them by their hearts, by their fruits, by their vines. They are scattered. I will protect them all for they love Me† and I† love them, for they know Me† and My† gift to humankind and they abide by the laws given, by the commands passed through the one I† sent.

It is I†.
I† have spoken.
It will be done as it is written, as instruction has been given.

cící rey còm

the Lord Almighty† has spoken.

Notes: The photograph David chose is from November 11, 2019: The Avenging Angel. I didn’t not choose this. If you can’t see the anger of the angel in the sky, pray that God opens your eyes soon.


(July 17, 2022)—This writing was given in the early morning hours of July 13. At 2 a.m., I was suddenly awoken. I didn’t want to get up, so my ear began to tickle inside. I jiggled my ear then rolled over. Then that ear began to tickle inside. I knew who was summoning me.

This happened before. On August 25, 2019, I was awoken by being shocked. I am a hard sleeper, a lazy one. I woke up, rolled over and went back to sleep. I was shocked again. It literally felt like a jolt of electricity went through my body. I went back to sleep. Then it happened a third time and in my ear, I heard ‘Prophesy’. I wrote about this in detail.

He did not title this piece. He just started talking. I didn’t know how to take this. It frightened me. He knew it. He has consoled me for the last few days. I have been a bit stressed because I’ve been in a test of calm. I moved and my stuff has not arrived. I have spent a lot of money, in what I’ved learned is overpriced. Basically, I’m being robbed and I have no choice but to pay. This is the world we are moving in at a fast rate. ‘The Stone has Been Thrown’. So, I’ve been praying. The next pieces I post are from this time as well. After a number of writings that I didn’t post, in the deep part of my mind, I said that I won’t post until I get my things.

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