‘Times of Forgiveness’ (Jesus)

‘Times of Forgiveness’ (Jesus)…I had to define Cypress (Cyprus) in 2019 for spiritual work that I’m doing. It is NOT an accident that this combination is found where it was found.

Times of Forgiveness (Jesus)

reach out to them
forgive them
long goes...those who live
even those whom have died
reach a hand out
in glory...to them...shout
the Spirit†
is what it's about

I† give you permission
all the glorification
forgive...bless them
in love
through the holiness
of Me†

who am I†?
I† am He†
the first
His† Son†...Jesus†

with the Spirit† I† give you
bless them
oh singled out blessed one
bless them
give them the strength
to forgive

seek Me†
the holiness of the One†

don't falter
in strength...love
through redemption
you will be saved

it is all going to be
the atrocities must be
for redemption

oh holy, holy is the Lord†
the God† of all mankind
seek refuge
in Me†
dawn the light of grace
shelter within the coming storm
for I† am He†
the shelter of all
the refuge of the broken
seek Me†
and I† will give you strength
come to Me†
and I† will hold you
through the coming calamity

do not falter
all is not what it seems
be in grace
honor His† words
He† will forgive
come to Me†
so you'll be forgiven

the choice is yours
bow down before Me†
outside of your crossed buildings
outside within Him†
for He† is 'free'
for He† is all things

awaken oh wonderful you
the temple of He†
the makeshift wonder of Him†
His† love is boundless
His† fatherly ways are vast
‒without understanding
love the One† whom He† sent
do not appease Him†
love Him† for His† discipline
for His† correction is just
He† is firm
He† is gentle
He† is vengeful and jealous
awaken to your sins
come to Me†
to be washed clean

I† am He†
the One† who saves

it is coming
all that has been written
for the word is true
for the prophets speak truth
for the prophets see truth
their words must be
for truth to be known

a war is waged
I† threw the stone
‒a forced redemption
it is
for the Lord† Almighty says so
His† will will be done

Notes: The photograph is from October 7, 2019: Faces. Screen shot of what David pointed out is below.

(January 9, 2022)―This afternoon I chatted with a friend about my writings and what God is saying to us, about what a past prophet had warned and how it is matching some of what I am writing. I didn’t know this and I cried. Selfishly. I cried because why tell me what’s already been given. It is a waste of time. God says no.

Then I was led to a writing, ‘Times of Forgiveness’, Jesus.

It gets even more remarkable. I had sat my phone down near me because I have several alarms on my phone set to certain feeding times. Yes, I have to remind myself to eat. I have a 4:00 p.m. snack time, and it was close to that, so I didn’t want to have to get up. I didn’t close out the chat because my phone makes a beep sound when I get a chat and it is disrupting.

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