‘Wisdom’s Variant’ (Yeshuah)

‘Wisdom’s Variant’ (Yeshuah)…You are to allot it as an inheritance for yourselves and for the aliens who have settled among you and who have children. You are to consider them as native-born Israelites…—Ezekiel 47:21-23

Wisdom's Variant  (Yeshuah)

days go by
as they should
heat, cold
all the various days
the ways and the hows
are decided
it's how you go through them
that matters

are you going to have strife
or are you going to have peace

age sets in
as it should
the body withers
as its deemed
its what's in spirit
that counts
how we hold on to dignity
how we help others
how we love

it is all matters of life
its beginning
and its ending

it is deemed proper
to hold one's self
with honor
as the years go by

it is deemed proper
to care for each other
in times of need

it is I†, Yeshuah†
go in peace
strive for peace
with others
and with self

all these changes must come
for new beginnings to arrive
trust in the process
let yesterday be yesterday
and today be today
tomorrow hasn't come
don't worry about tomorrow
tomorrow will be
what tomorrow has been deemed

stay true to thy self
honor God's† ways
His† commandments
do them with love
forbearance is forbearance
don't decipher life
let life happen

be diligent to self
seek love
as love was deemed to be

don't lose hope
stay in true
love one another
be kind
strip selfishness away
don't be greedy
live to help
live to love

the ways of justice is easy
without crime involved
the utopia of life
will be
you will experience it
if you walk in the ways
of the Lord†

it is righteousness
walking upright
knowing you are
because He† is
as I† am

be well in your endeavors
seek comfort
in His† word
be well not to strip meaning
to suit thy self

He† is and will always be
no matter who's in command
on earth
He† is always in charge

rest in Him†
He† will show you comfort

Notes:  The photograph David chose is from My 5:55 Lake Visits.

(June 27, 2022)―After He gave ‘Wisdom’s Variant’, He led me to Ezekiel 47:21-23.

After the resurrection and before, we are all Israel. We have all become part of the body. Who is alien to you, is the people to God. All nations are charged with this. All nations have failed the Lord. You must right your wrongs. You still have a chance. We are still in the prayer session. We still are being tested and we are still able to redeem our hearts, free our hearts of the scars that are on it. It is your choice. It is our choice.

Inheritance of Aliens‘You are to distribute this land among yourselves according to the tribes of Israel. You are to allot it as an inheritance for yourselves and for the aliens who have settled among you and who have children. You are to consider them as native-born Israelites; along with you they are to be allotted an inheritance among the tribes of Israel. In whatever tribe the alien settles, there you are to give him his inheritance,’ declares the Sovereign Lord.—Ezekiel 47:21-23

‘Dawned Twilight’ Part One (Yeshuah)

‘Dawned Twilight’ (Yeshua)…’Every plant that My heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. Leave them; they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.’ Matthew 15:10-20; Mark 7:14-23

'Dawned Twilight' Part One (Yeshuah)

you don't see it
do you
the whisper of God's† hand
it is
if you see it or not

confusion's been sent
this you were already warned
in order to fight confusion
you have to have Me†
the one and only Son†
the magnificent
and the anguish
you have to be ready
when the tempter knocks
he sneaks up on you
like a thief in the night
he'll trick you
molest you
before you know
what hit you

it's not about
how he comes
or even why
it's about how
you respond
‒what do you do

the situation is just that
the situation
I† put you in it
the tempter comes
meddles around
for he is allowed

it is up to you
to learn
each time he comes
what to do

failure is expected
no matter
how many times
he comes

you stay stuck
in each situation
until you learn
what to do
when the tempter comes

stay focused
be calm

it is not always
easy to do
it is not meant to

you are not a bad person
bad things happen
it is the situation
that is bad

it is a maze
you have to find
yourself out

but you can't do it

no one can

the vine
My† vine
it is broken
in so many ways
but it still is

parts of the vine
come to you
in many forms
some to help
some to not help

the choice is left
to you
for you to recognize
for you to understand
for you to move
to the next level
of your journey

many will try to halt
many beings
which you cannot see
for they work for
the tempter
many people
whom you can see

all have different journeys
all intersect

it is up to you
not to fumble
another's journey

it is up to you
to obey God's† commands
or deem them too hard

only one sums them up:
with love
anything is possible

but what is love
to not hurt others
to not want to hurt others
to not hurt God
to not want to hurt God†

you hurt others
you hurt God†

for He† is in all
as all is in Him†

He's† not of the world
He's† all the world
He† allows all things
He† gives all a choice
in everything they do
every single human
through the course of life
how each choice
affects others
good or bad
recorded on the heart
to be tallied on that
final day
not a 'world's' final day
a human's final day

this isn't new
I†, Yeshuah†, told you this
many times

but in order for testing
of hearts
veils must be put on
to see what truly
is in a person's heart

it is not a trick
it is truth
what most…you deny

how many you hurt
during this testing
is marked on your heart
for you to heal from
for them to forgive
‒heal their own hearts

confusion is set
the confused

go in peace
then peace I'll† give you

Notes: The photograph David chose is from October 8, 2019: Oil Spill Warning. The daisy is from David. I asked him to send me a daisy to prove it was him and God and Yeshuah I was talking to. A prophet always needs signs to understand the task being asked of them. God insist on me asking for signs and being precise about the sign. He has not let me down, which makes my boldness even more bold when He tells me to tell  you what He instructs me to say! I’ve had a huge number of signs that I asked for and they were given and I have written them all down, not all of them I have disclosed here because they are part of the promise. I will disclose them when the promise is made complete. The double orb is part of the promise made to me. The baby in the sky to the left of my head, which later turns to an old man, which God gave me that image to depict Himself, and the ring that isn’t complete, which He sent an actual ring to my apartment that isn’t complete. I still have the incomplete ring which is also part of the promise. Once the promise is complete, the ring will be complete.

(April 18, 2022)—I need you to first understand before you read the commentary that this Scripture titled ‘Defilement Contrasted’ was received AFTER He gave me the writing. AFTER! This is very important that you understand this.

*Defilement Contrasted―[Mark] Again Jesus called the crowd to Him and said, ‘Listen to Me, everyone, and understand this. Nothing outside a man can make him ‘unclean’ by going into him. Rather, it is what comes out of a man that makes him ‘unclean.” [Matthew] Then the disciples came to Him and asked, ‘Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this?’ He replied, ‘Every plant that My heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. Leave them; they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.’ Peter said, ‘Explain the parable to us.’ ‘Are you still so dull?’ Jesus asked him. [Mark] ‘Don’t you see that nothing that enters a man from the outside can make him ‘unclean’? For it doesn’t go into his heart but into his stomach, and then out of his body.’ (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods ‘clean.’) He went on: ‘What comes out of a man is what makes him ‘unclean.’ For from within, out of men’s hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance, and folly. All these evils come from inside and make a man ‘unclean.’―Matthew 15:10-20; Mark 7:14-23

Continue reading “‘Dawned Twilight’ Part One (Yeshuah)”

‘Times of Forgiveness’ (Jesus)

‘Times of Forgiveness’ (Jesus)…I had to define Cypress (Cyprus) in 2019 for spiritual work that I’m doing. It is NOT an accident that this combination is found where it was found.

Times of Forgiveness (Jesus)

reach out to them
forgive them
long goes...those who live
even those whom have died
reach a hand out
in glory...to them...shout
the Spirit†
is what it's about

I† give you permission
all the glorification
forgive...bless them
in love
through the holiness
of Me†

who am I†?
I† am He†
the first
His† Son†...Jesus†

with the Spirit† I† give you
bless them
oh singled out blessed one
bless them
give them the strength
to forgive

seek Me†
the holiness of the One†

don't falter
in strength...love
through redemption
you will be saved

it is all going to be
the atrocities must be
for redemption

oh holy, holy is the Lord†
the God† of all mankind
seek refuge
in Me†
dawn the light of grace
shelter within the coming storm
for I† am He†
the shelter of all
the refuge of the broken
seek Me†
and I† will give you strength
come to Me†
and I† will hold you
through the coming calamity

do not falter
all is not what it seems
be in grace
honor His† words
He† will forgive
come to Me†
so you'll be forgiven

the choice is yours
bow down before Me†
outside of your crossed buildings
outside within Him†
for He† is 'free'
for He† is all things

awaken oh wonderful you
the temple of He†
the makeshift wonder of Him†
His† love is boundless
His† fatherly ways are vast
‒without understanding
love the One† whom He† sent
do not appease Him†
love Him† for His† discipline
for His† correction is just
He† is firm
He† is gentle
He† is vengeful and jealous
awaken to your sins
come to Me†
to be washed clean

I† am He†
the One† who saves

it is coming
all that has been written
for the word is true
for the prophets speak truth
for the prophets see truth
their words must be
for truth to be known

a war is waged
I† threw the stone
‒a forced redemption
it is
for the Lord† Almighty says so
His† will will be done

Notes: The photograph is from October 7, 2019: Faces. Screen shot of what David pointed out is below.

(January 9, 2022)―This afternoon I chatted with a friend about my writings and what God is saying to us, about what a past prophet had warned and how it is matching some of what I am writing. I didn’t know this and I cried. Selfishly. I cried because why tell me what’s already been given. It is a waste of time. God says no.

Then I was led to a writing, ‘Times of Forgiveness’, Jesus.

It gets even more remarkable. I had sat my phone down near me because I have several alarms on my phone set to certain feeding times. Yes, I have to remind myself to eat. I have a 4:00 p.m. snack time, and it was close to that, so I didn’t want to have to get up. I didn’t close out the chat because my phone makes a beep sound when I get a chat and it is disrupting.

Continue reading “‘Times of Forgiveness’ (Jesus)”

‘A Vessel of Use’ (Jesus)

‘A Vessel of Use’ (Jesus)…All of these writings given from Jesus our Lord are indeed from Him. It’s up to you to see before it’s too late.

A Vessel of Use (Jesus)

they say it is already condemned
this body
that it should be covered
concealed, hidden

why? they say such things

adam and eve weren't covered
it was only in sin‒
that place where shame came
entered the body
that the body screamed
to be covered

I† wore a simple frock
yes, it is He†...I†
I† didn't wear furs or crowns
I† didn't dawn jewels and a scepter
I† didn't need to

the body is all I† needed
that which is made
in the image of God† the Father†
My† hair, My† skin‒
their color wasn't important
the body is important

to condemn the body
is to condemn Him† who sent Me†
thus He† will condemn those
who condemn the body

He† is ahead of all things
all things
I† am beneath Him†
I† am His† son
He† put Me† ahead of you
nothing is above Him†
and only Him† is above Me†

I† was tempted on earth
this is satan's job
to test our hearts
satan is not separate
from God†
but put beneath
for his sin was great
he rules what's beneath
but not fully

My† Father† has not changed
since the dawn of creation
He† remains
He† is ahead of all
there is no debate
He† is
therefore I† am
therefore you are

the body covers what is sacred
the temple of life
you are given the charge
you are to protect what is sacred

anyone who pillages
this sacred vessel
is dealt with harshly
‒their torment is great

these things only they see
they know of their condemn
they become satan's toys
they become worse or better
depending on the vine

prayers are important
praying for another
doesn't spring them to life
rebuilding takes time
time must be given

the body is slow in healing
for good reason
those employed to heal
are important and
must not look for greed
to sustain
but instead faith

every body has their moment
once their moment
is complete
their moment is over
they return
get another moment

little or old‒
their moment
not yours
their life as yours
‒tests for each other

'what will you do'

the body is a vessel
just a vessel
carrying a very important being
no matter where on earth
no matter how little or
how big
no matter how young or
how old
God† cherishes every seed

each seed grows
then put under each one of you
to protect and nourish
as little or as long as that seed has
it is as employed to you
from God† the Father†

it is He†

go in peace

Note: The photographs were taken Feb 9, 2020: Rough Waters…Millions will Die.

(December 14, 2021)—‘A Vessel of Use’ given this morning. The Scripture below was shown to me first, then I was to write the explanations given. This is for you.

In this piece He talks about ‘our moment’ again. He did this in ‘Dripping Deeds’. Just like the collection, which He’s mentioned a number of  times.

*Success of MinistryBut thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task? Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God.—2 Corinthians 2:14-17

Note: I have written so many times that I can’t make a profit from the work I do for God or Jesus. I have written many times that anyone with millions in the bank, wearing fancy clothes, having big houses, multiple houses, built big extravagant buildings and ‘preaching‘ the Word are not of God. People have asked me many times, ‘Where is that in the Bible?’ Here’s just one spot. There are many more. God is not some circus. Jesus is not some idol. They are the beginning, the end and everything in between. For those making millions off the Word, they are imposters of the highest degree. God calls for them to sell everything and feed the poor, the hungry; clothe the poor; tend to the lame and ill. God calls for them to stop using His Son for monetary gain.

Continue reading “‘A Vessel of Use’ (Jesus)”

‘Ominous One’ (Jesus/Poison Dream)

Ominous One’ (Jesus/Poison Dream)…’So do not be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.

Ominous One 
(Jesus/Poison Dream)

you are in blindness
the truth has been hidden

'what is happening?' you ask
'is it the end?'

I† gave you everything you need
to know
I† told peter to tell you
isn't it printed in every language
isn't it known in every group
tens, hundreds, thousands

I† didn't interpret for you
I† left that to you

I† give more words
in plain language
in the language affecting the most
in the language of the arrogant
still...it goes unheard

do you know who I† am?
I'm† not your christmas
I'm† not just for one
I'm† for everyone

I'm† not just for one of
your man-made churches
I† didn't say build shrines
I† didn't say build large buildings
with stained glass windows
this action is of the world

My† church is inside the body
its covered in skin
its surrounded by gold and silver
it’s the temple of My† Father†
it beats life into My† vine

your buildings
could house the homeless
your money could feed the poor

you decided buildings
and comfortable seats
were more important
than the human body

you take what's given
and build enormous wealth
as people go to sleep hungry
as people lie in beds dying

your 'stuff' makes you popular
with man
you manipulate them
and they buy your 'stuff'

a continuous cycle

I† will throw a stone in it
a rippled wave will dislodge
your perfect scheme

kneel down and pray
accept Me† as the Son† of God†
beg Me† to forgive you

all this wealth is not grace
it is of the world
testing you

'what will you do?'

many have failed
buying 'stuff'
building more 'buildings'
instead of giving
instead of stopping
the suffering

instead you bring poison

I'm† here
I'm† the way
Jesus†...the first
the Son† of the only living God†

the stone has been thrown

Notes: The photographs were taken November 9, 2019: Certainty of Visions. This is when God revealed the artist in Himself…how fast He can do things. It is also when He pointed out every single thing He revealed to me using the elements around me. Believe. Don’t. It’s not for me to make you believe, but to present what God, our creator, revealed to me. I posted the photographs in November of 2019 and forgot about the details because more was coming at me. Then David pointed out again the masked lady in early 2020. A friend of mine and myself have shown this photograph to several people personally and they cannot see her. This is strange because my friend and I can see her plainly. David said it is because those who cannot see her are veiled. So, I drew a circle around her and pointed out her eyes and the mask. I think after you see those elements, you should see which way she is sitting and her hair and her short sleeve dress. I hope your eyes open soon.

(September 9, 2021)—I had a very vivid dream a number of nights ago and I didn’t want to write it, but it remained in my thoughts as clear as when I first had it. Then yesterday I was told that I’m to write it down and that words would be sent. This morning: ‘Ominous One’. I had to look up ominous (definition below).

Continue reading “‘Ominous One’ (Jesus/Poison Dream)”

‘Conditioned Response’ (Jesus)

‘Conditional Response’ (Jesus)…Following the way of Jesus is really simple. It is those who must be part of the collection that make it hard because they ridicule, criticize, compare, judge, insult, hate, and abuse physically, mentally, and spiritually all of Jesus’ sheep.

Conditioned Response (Jesus)

whatever the noise
whatever the poise
it's always a choice

except when it comes to the collection
then they 'must' be followed
to be accepted

they flock to popularity
even if it is not true
even if it is all lies
as long as it's popular
it doesn't matter

dictation by popularity
seems the way of the world
it was the same‒
when I† walked the earth
nothing much has changed

when the collection speaks
everyone listens
they follow

the truth...the way
not lying
love without betraying
love without resenting
love without hate
love without abusing
love isn't hard
yet it is the most difficult
to love without sin
seems impossible

I† am Emmanuel†
I† taught love
what it means to love

to burden another soul
with hurt
is not love

to betray is not love
to hold grudges is not love
to hate and judge is not love
to cheat, obstruct, conjure is not love

love is easy
when done without sin

to get to the kingdom
is easy
with pure love

My† sheep know love
My† sheep are few
they spread love
listen: hear them, listen to them
follow them
for they will lead you 
to My† Father's† door

Note: David chose the photograph from October 8, 2019: Oil Spill Warning. It is a screen shot taken from the below photograph. He was showing me the faces, hence, spiritual beings that are around us all the time. The eyes of God whom keep watch on us. No matter how hard our life is, there is a purpose for it. Trust in God. Go to Jesus and find your way instead of following the collection, which always lead with lies and betrayal and hypocrisy.

(September 3, 2021)—Jesus. Teaching. Teaching after the following Scripture was presented to me. God’s love is hard love. My love is hard love. Since He put His hand on me in 2019, since I contended with Him, He has changed me from Soft to Hard, even in my appearance. Don’t contend with the Lord. If you belong to Jesus, He will scold you to the fullest, but He will let you live. And by live I don’t mean as in the body. I mean as in the spirit, which is more important when it comes to life. Jesus’ sheep pay their prices while on earth, so they remain in life. Remember this when you complain and cry. Don’t let envy and ego cloud your judgment of what is really happening in your life.

God IS. His power is beyond awesome. Currently, His wrath is on us. Yes, He sent the virus. Read Numbers 16. That is just one account of God sending a plague (virus) on those whom He needs to scold, punish. The preachers of the world lie to you. As when they lie to you about money. No, you are NOT to make money off of God and Jesus. You can only make enough to support your family in a most humble of manners then the rest is for the poor, the hungry, etc. , etc. All these YouTube preachers…of the world. Popularity as Jesus teaches.

Continue reading “‘Conditioned Response’ (Jesus)”

‘Stay the Course’ (Jesus)

‘Stay the Course’ (Jesus)…Jesus instructs and warns about what the Father…that would be GOD!…said. I saw Him push the button. I heard Him say that it was pushed and that there’s no turning back.

Stay the Course (Jesus)

you don't see what I† see
you don't see the end game
you just see the 'now'
what you see
it is hard to see the how

way over there
all the chaos
you seeing it
makes you question God†
makes you question Me†, the Son†

why do you question?

your hearts want to protect
but of the world
they deny Me†
they lie about the Father†

peace does not remain
when the Father† is taken in vain
and His† Son† is denied

glory must fall on the Father†
years and years may go by
peace, prosperity‒
all of the world
satan's little tricks

the Father† has turned His† back
allowing satan to play

all is not what it seems

the punisher has been released
the punisher has been given a path
as the servant has been given her path
the servant accepted her path
without question
the punisher was pushed onto its path
it seemed easy
it was
the Father† took down doors
the punisher walked through

the punisher has many parts
they seem separate
they are not

darkness is here
as the Father's† command:
The Button's Been Pushed
as the Father† deemed:
There's No Turning Back

His† wrath
His† hand
His† heart

your discipline

not one nation...all nations
all fall under His† hand

this is the Son†, the first
what is warned
has been written

Note: The photographs with this post were taken October 8, 2019: Oil Spill Warning. Jesus chose this photograph. It’s the green orb reconfigured into a Ninja Turtle. God has done this a number of times during the course of my photograph taking adventures with David. To me, He’s added humor to a very dire writing. Thank you, my Lord.

(August 22, 2021)—It is so sad to watch. We have a virus that has claimed over 4 million lives. We have flooding, fires, hurricanes, droughts. We have hypocrisy going in over-drive. We have false leaders. We have false prophets. We have greed and arrogance and pride and ego…all sitting center stage as the punisher is put to work right before our eyes, and NOTHING stops.

Sad. The saddest part is that all these people proclaiming they know God don’t SEE Him. And He is making a BIG debut in front for everyone to see. The sadder than saddest part: Man fears man when they should be fearing God.

Jesus. He’s been talking to me a lot these days, this year and last year. I’m so honored. Jesus. The Son of God has me writing for Him. When I first met Him, it was quiet, peaceful inside of me. But the second time, He was a rock star to me. You dumb people are jumping through hoops for man when He…Jesus…is the ultimate. Damn, His Father created everything! He’s the ULTIMATE. And to hear Him, be chosen to write for Him and only a handful of people understand this, it’s disheartening. I want to give up. Then He sends me a piece like, ‘Stay the Course’.

Continue reading “‘Stay the Course’ (Jesus)”

‘Do You Know?’ (Jesus)

Do You Know? (Jesus)…The bus story, the watchman’s charge…I’m going to obey the Lord and forego all the thoughts that people think I’m nuts. Afghanistan…I’m not nuts.

Do You Know? (Jesus)

do you know
what delights the Lord†
it is easiness of heart
‒not a rebellious heart
but an easiness of heart
one that forgives
one that overlooks‒
childish behavior
damaged behavior
‒one that is innocent
within itself
one that pours anger
on all that tries to consume it
one that stands firm
in the ways of the Lord†
one that fell but rose
returned to Him† whom created it

do you know
what the Lord† hates
malicious intent
a deceiving heart
one that acts nice and kind
hiding dark wantings and desires
jealous and envy
one who wraps itself around the innocent
one who uses good for bad
one who can't even cry for others
one who pretends

rest, rest well
for the Father† knows the difference
this is He†, the Son†
I'm† speaking to you
through the prophet, the scribe
you will know in time
truth of all that's written
‒then and now

there's still time to correct
each individual
there's still time
for some...the time has come
the choice is no longer theirs
it's time to correct

the lie is coming
to be revealed
you will soon know
what has made My† Father† so angry
man thinks he can hide
he can't
the Father's† patience has grown weary

it's time to correct
what you think you know
your interpretations seem a bit
out of sort

the Father† is not with you
every second of the day
if you disobey His† commands
He† leaves you
gives you time to see your ways
gives you time to make the right choice:
to continue your self-directed path
or return to Him†
you return to Him,† He† returns to you

if you deny Me†
I† deny you

He† will not see you

if you deny Me†
and good things happen to you
trouble will eventually come
because the good is not from Him†
the Father†
‒it comes only from the world

it is time to correct
do you know what you know
because of the Father†
or because of the world

‒these are words from Me†
the first

Notes: The photograph was chosen by David. He said, ‘Close your eyes and click’ and I did and this frame was the frame that opened. No accident that it was taken at 5:50.55A. The A means that two frames were taken at the same time but a half a second apart. It was taken October 2, 2019: Wave Warning.


(August 17, 2021)—First the two Scriptures that He led me to after the writing: first 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15 and then 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12.

Warning Against IdlenessIn the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers, to keep away from every brother who is idle and does not live according to the teaching you received from us. For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example. We were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyone’s food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to make ourselves a model for you to follow. For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: ‘If a man will not work, he shall not eat.’ We hear that some among you are idle. They are not busy; they are busy-bodies. Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the bread they eat. And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right. If anyone does not obey our instruction in this letter, take special note of him. Do not associate with him, in order that he may feel shamed. Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother.—2 Thessalonians 3:6-15

Continue reading “‘Do You Know?’ (Jesus)”

‘To Move Within Ranks’ (Jesus)

‘To Move Within Ranks’ (Jesus) ‘…I† am the way, there is no other way, it is a free of will, to choose to follow Me†, ‒sell your riches, house the homeless, give away your medications, feed the poor…’

To Move Within Ranks (Jesus)

you can't redeem yourself
by yourself
you can't fortify riches
by yourself
you can't celebrate loss
by yourself
you can't praise My† name
by yourself

this is He†, son of man
born again
the Son† of God†
Jesus†, He† named Me†

to move in your world
others must follow
in all that you do
someone must tag along

in faith, you cannot do this
each person must decide
what is, what is not

notice the crowds
how people follow
was it truly their choice
or was it influenced
by one means or another

to truly say
what is in your heart
takes a lot of courage
it is scary, frightening
to stand by
what you truly feel

don't be afraid
each one of you
has a choice in all things

your individual choice
may be wrong for others
but right for you
‒no one is wrong
in their individual choice
‒that choice was meant to be

of course, that is not how your see it
you see war…conflict
that, too, is a choice

(There was a long pause, then He continued)

death is a choice
to die
to live in the light
a choice made on earth
God's† tests help you
make this choice

there are two kinds of death
the first is God's† choice
but you're given a choice
how to die this death
you 'can' choose not to die
depends all on you

the second is God's† choice
but you have a choice
a choice to work out
all of your life
‒the darkness or the light

that final day
that day when I† come
your choice is no more
it is then My† choice
if you are worthy enough
to meet the Father†

all of this depends
how you live your life
crowds...with [to] Me†
are worthless
but that is a choice
the Father† demands 'choice'
He's† given you your own mind
to allow the Spirit† in
or ignore the Spirit†
He's† given you the ability
to see and to hear
you have the ability
to remove His† veils
but it is a choice

you have a choice
to remain of the world
to enjoy your material world
to ignore those suffering
it is your responsibility
to help each other
God† sees greed in all places
He† knows all of satan's tricks
He† can overpower them
but that is a choice
made by you

I† am the way
there is no other way
it is a free of will
to choose to follow Me†
‒sell your riches
house the homeless
give away your medications
feed the poor

the Father† sees the crowd
He† sees the poor suffering
things are coming
the prophets warned
the prophet is warning
it's a choice
I† am here for the asking

go in peace 


Notes: The photograph October 15, 2019: The Phoenix. This long, bright green object appeared in a lot of photographs on a lot of different days. God’s energy, as David explained to me. I know it is. It’s your choice to know it is as well.

(August 6, 2021)—I’m indifferent to a lot of things going on in today’s world. I get and I deliver. You don’t have to like it, as in ‘Truancy’. I didn’t like it, but I still had to give, deliver. Like ‘Stagnated Waltz’…He was firm. God. And I can’t explain to you how I am getting these writings. I’m just getting them. It is. And He has constantly been one step ahead of all governments and all scientists and medical doctors. What He said stands. Period. Your faith is so weak.

Continue reading “‘To Move Within Ranks’ (Jesus)”

‘There Is’ (Jesus)

‘There Is’ (Jesus)…I was against the promise from day one. God came over and over, counseled me and instructed me and disciplined me to why this promise was given. It is very important to what’s going to happen in the future.

There Is (Jesus)

there is this dream
it comes from way down deep
it is not meant to keep
‒it is meant to release

I† give them

'who is this', I asked
'it is I†, the Son†' He† replies

I† teach you 
each and every one
what to do
I† could just say it
‒something you would say
I† do
but your ears are too closed
to hear
so I† send images
not to confuse you
but to show you
to get you to pay attention
to give you a choice
and…you 'do' have a choice
you don't have to follow
My† advice
you only follow Me†
if you are willing

if you are willing
then I† am willing to give more

there is always a choice

'I† am above all' says the Lord† Almighty
My† Father† and yours
and He† is
there is nothing created
without Him†

He† wants you to rise
I† am to help you with this
the tests are easy
the tests are hard
either way
your goal is to pass them

you're not expected
to be happy all the time
I'm† here for the asking
I† will not come if you do not ask
I† come when you are ready

confusion mixes you up
confusion test you
it is meant to be
confusion pulls at your heart
where truth lies
confusion sorts through

you have to trust in Me†
that is not easy

go in peace
peace I† give you
if you are willing

Note: The photographs included were taken November 9, 2019: Certainty of Visions. I have reposted these particular pictures over and over. God sent these pictures to us, this art to us to warn us and to show us who He is. Still, ignorance plagues the world. Still, arrogance plagues the world. Five years. That’s what I got. This virus will be around for the next five years: 2026. All because of your arrogance. People will die prematurely because of your arrogance. I do NOT write anything without the Lord’s help. He helps me. He won’t help you until you erase this bold, prideful arrogance. Holding games and concerts during a plague is the most arrogant thing you can do. Welcome to my visions. I saw plenty of death. Now…you are going to get to see it too.

taken 11.09.2019.13.36.08
Screen shot, enhanced of the shadows behind me in the above picture.

(August 2, 2021)—At the end of this commentary, I’ve included the Scriptures I was led to concerning this writing. Of course the ‘Parable of Servants in Debt’ is really important.

The following I was told to write down on August 1, 2021 and that I would receive a writing to go with it. ‘There Is’ is that writing. The following is what I had to write:

Continue reading “‘There Is’ (Jesus)”