The Day of the Woman

How Narcissist Play Their Game

A sample from Book 9

(Written in 2016)—It’s the day of the Woman! This quote says it all right there. I write about abuse and the five stages of grief (the process of surviving through them by-way of my personal journey) and it’s ALL public. [It is in my books.] It would make sense that I’m a child of God. A stubborn one. My mama always said so, too. My daughter swears this, too. So, I am sweet. But being a survivor that I am, I’m also a raging warrior when I need to be. That’s what makes a strong woman strong.

I’ve stated that my writing was going to squash all them narcissist abusers out there. I wasn’t kidding. They can see their ways or not. Of course, none of them will because they believe they are perfect, they refuse to see how they treat people as wrong.

This is how they play their game: They come off as so into you, all sweet and nice, lovable and adorable, making you feel all that then once they have you…the change comes. Sometimes it’s slow…as in years as long as they are getting what they want from you. ie…you are bowing down to them, catering to a need of theirs. Sometimes it’s rather quick…a few months to a year…they get you to marry them then they start their manipulating control or they gain their control over you in other ways. Once they think they have complete control over you, they do what they want and don’t give a damn about your well-being or your emotions. They don’t care how you feel at all. They throw the victim role at you or they expect YOU to accept how they live without one iota of concern for you!

For me: God has shown me from five different perspectives (two very personal) on what narcissists are capable of. As I go public with my work (books on this), I’m so prepared for the fire. I look at it as my walk with the devil and I have to pay the price for that. But when you clearly see what and who a person is, it gives you a step back moment and God gives you the strength to do what you have to do. When you reveal truth, what does the devil like to do? We already know. I’ve already said ‘I’m a sinner.’ But God has taken me and directed my journey to reveal so I have my Mighty Warrior ready for battle as we all should. Be gracious but be prepared. Don’t let anyone drag you into the darkness with their conniving charm.

Pay attention to the change ladies. Especially ladies in your forties. These guys are slick. I went through it twice. I know a few others going through it. If you are a single lady over forty with your own income, glue that purse to your hip. My God-fearing guy friends, the same goes to you. This is a shame to say this, but the things going on out there is quite amazing, but the narcissist is the most dangerous. They like to play with your mind…twist it and turn it.

They go after you when you are weak. You are going through a divorce. You are freshly divorced. You are from an abusive relationship. You are lonely. You are a single mother struggling. Trust me, they are paying attention. They know how to pounce. Stay strong. Be a child of God and let Him be your Mighty Warrior. These guys can use God in such a sly way. They say they are ALL with God, may even go to church with you…they are NOT with GOD.

Celebrate your womanhood! You are strong! You have the strength to walk away. They will easily turn on you when you confront them. Don’t believe a word they say. Trust your heart. Trust that sixth-sense. Trust me. When you start asking those questions: You become the Drama Queen and they did NOTHING wrong. Every time! Walk away! Put your ducks in order…Be ALL woman, and walk out that door! Be All the warrior that you are. Learn the difference between lust and love. Good and evil. God and that evil whore because that evil whore likes to play games. God does NOT play games. Ask for God’s help. Ask Him to put a guard on your mind to guard against that evil whore’s games. Remember: The truth NEVER changes. LIES exhaust you…they change all the time and the blame game starts! You are WOMAN! Let them hear YOU roar! You are worth every bit of the LIGHT!

Get Your Copy Today!

Paperback: The Metamorphosis of Self—A Delicate Walk…Fighting to Separate Anger and Codependency from Self Book 9

Kindle: The Metamorphosis of Self—A Delicate Walk…Fighting to Separate Anger and Codependency from Self Book 9

Additional On Abuse…Codependency, Narcissism, Trauma…and Healing

(Each page has loads of additional books (in every format), videos, instruction materials, and inspiration gift ideas.):

Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself by Melody Beattie

I Know Why the Cage Bird Sings by Maya Angelou

I Am Malala: How One Girl Stood Up for Education and Changed the World by Malala Yousafzai

Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited by Sam Vaknin

It Wasn’t Your Fault: Freeing Yourself from the Shame of Childhood Abuse with the Power of Self-Compassion by Beverly Engel, LMFT

Pathways to Recovery, A Strengths Recovery Self-Help Workbook by Priscilla Ridgway, Diane McDiarmid, Lori Davidson, Julie Bayes, and Sarah Ratzlaff

Power: Surviving & Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse by Shahida Arabi

Stop Walking on Eggshells: Taking Your Life Back When Someone You Care About Has Borderline Personality Disorder by Paul T. Mason and Randi Kreger

The Anger Control Workbook: Getting Through Treatment and Getting Back to Your Life by Dr. Matthew McKay and Dr. Peter Rogers.

Triggers: Creating Behavior That Lasts – Becoming the Person You Want to Be by Marshall Goldsmith and Mark Reiter

Author: k. e. leger

I'm a writer.

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