The Magnificence of the Lord† (A Petition of Continued Redemption)

‘The Magnificence of the Lord†’ (A Petition of Continued Redemption)…Tremble before Him, all the Earth! The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved. Let the Heavens rejoice, let the Earth be glad; let them say among the nations, ‘The Lord reigns!’ Let the sea resound, and all that is in it; let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them! Then the trees of the forest will sing, they will sing for joy before the Lord, for He comes to judge the Earth….

The Magnificence of the Lord† (A Petition of Continued Redemption)

how can I not tell
the wonders that I see
the power of the Almighty God†
He† gives me what I need
to keep hold of my belief
in this promise
He† gave to me

one of great value
that is hard for me to hold
'how can this be'
over and over
from way down deep
I pledge the words of me

then, again and again
He† shows me
He† tells me
then shows me again

He† waivers off all hope
because hope comes alive
and in the mighty of His† hand
I see the visions float
right before my eyes
I see in plain view
then He† makes me understand

the magnificence of Him†
all around me
the beautiful words
that come to be
as tears fill my eyes
for when I look around
the question fills my heart
as I see them all
continue down the road
of fall

then He† dries my eyes
and fills me up again
with wonder
for His† magnificence pours through
what is seen by so few

if only they knew
cries fill my heart
the judgment coming due
the final sort
before the new age
comes in start

hear me, 'O Lord†
as I lift up my hands to You†
please give them
one more shake
yet another chance
to make good
what lies deep in their heart

so much pain
hidden is their shame

please give them a rattle
bigger than the  one before
shake them, 'O Lord†
send them back in their rooms
where they'll close the doors
get down on the floor
and pray
instead of tattle

I beg You† Lord†
one more enduring chance
for them to take their stance
see Your† true magnificence
Your† glory in range
to the coming change

the reason behind
healing from their pain
and releasing all shame

through all that You've†
shown me
through all that is said
through me
I beg through this pen
send them back in
for them
to bring to an end
their senseless sin
heal all that's broken
before this age ends

please in all Your† wonder
in all Your† graciousness
don't end too soon
the discipline needed
for them to heal
what inside…bleeds

You† are King† of all the universe
You† are King† of all the heavens
You† are King† of all the earth
if I have found favor from You†
and if it pleases You†
I lay this petition
at Your† Son†, Yeshauh's Feet
at Jesus' feet

in Jesus' name

(May 4, 2023)—God led me to the below Scripture (1 Chronicles 16:7-36, Psalm 105, Psalm 96) a few days ago. It is titled in my Bible as ‘Songs of Praise’ committed to Asaph by King David. I did not read through it until today. I don’t know why. I just put my pen between the pages to read another day, then He sent the two works prior to this writing and the visions.

Early this morning, I woke up and got out of bed, but then went back to bed. I stared at the dark ceiling wide awake, and then there it was. Whatever it is, wherever it comes from, it’s an opening, an opening into another place. I can see it opening. The darkness opening up to an illumination. Like a door opening with my eyes fully opened. Then images. A man’s face, the side view. Then another with shields, like war shields on his face. Both very large. As I’m seeing this, my eyes got very tired, so tired that I couldn’t hold them open, then the door closed as my eyes were still seeing, watching it close.

Continue reading “The Magnificence of the Lord† (A Petition of Continued Redemption)”

‘Mistakened Weakness’

‘Mistakened Weakness’…To look at the big picture is so very hard. But if you are going to get through the hard, you have to force yourself into seeing this big picture.

Mistakened Weakness

tragedy struck my inner self
no blood or guts was worse
‒betrayal by those
in trust

I was weak
‒for a moment
I pivoted
stripped all love's endowment

but your strip of me
came way before‒
when I left home
got out
on my own

we always bickered
you and I
you never told me‒
giving me reason to stay
so I left
‒I went away

then…you canceled me out
just like that
I became replaceable

it all made me strong
living on my own
crying 'til dawn
a little lost sheep

I grew and soared
‒through all of it
even war

by myself

I returned to you
I busted trains and plans
all for you
to watch you
say 'I do'

you never knew
the hoops I went through
for you

then it wired down
like normal
me and sis doing our thing
‒it was like
when we were kids
hanging and singing
just being us

a third wheel returned
then another and another

I never knew
what changed the view
who can throw such a curve
between sisters
‒who has such nerve

I never asked
I never will

I grew weak
a spell or two
‒but just a few

through it all
I stood alone
all own my own

by myself
in stealth

with no one to comfort me
but the one who created me

I learned through misery
love left my family
‒all that I felt inside
was all just for my eye
making me see
how much
none of them knew me

not at all

strength built
through what others' misery
tried to kill

I forgive you
I made it through
all that happened to me
because I let you
get to me

thank you
for hating me
for betraying me

for if you hadn't
me and Jesus†
wouldn't have met
so intimately

Notes: The photograph David chose is from October 7, 2022: Faces. Interesting that David picked this particular day to go with this writing. God’s eyes are every where and this is what this day shows. No matter what you try to hide, it won’t work. At all. So why hide? Why think you can outsmart God? That’s just dumb!

(March 29, 2022)―Today, I was directed to write from the heart. Lately, my little sister has been on my mind. I called her for the holidays. She didn’t answer. So, I left her a message. She never called back.

Again, after the work, I was led to Acts 5:17-6:1-7. After writing ‘To Wait Amongst Men’, I was led to these same pages.

It’s a strange thing when you get older and realize all the things that happened to you, happened for a reason. It is really sad to see people who were taught as you were, who were raised as you were, don’t grow as you did.

The Scripture shows how jealousy works in us and how faith prevails. There is no stopping God’s plans. No matter how smart you are. No matter how much money you have. No matter who you marry or who your friends are. God prevails.

Continue reading “‘Mistakened Weakness’”

‘Free Falling’

‘Free Falling’….What am I told? That two or more variants will attack one person, one cell, and that cell will have a baby…the author of the toxicity dream. You fail to heed the warnings.

Free Falling

it's nonnegotiable–
the ways of the universe

it's strange...this principle
even if things get worse
they'd rather take the hearse
then focus on verse

warnings for all municipals
a saving-soul burst
–they won't pay attention
it's already been rehearsed

they insert their own decimals
when God† truly comes through–
they see it as a curse
–for Him†, there's not enough thirst

they won't do the sensible
they don't see
how far down they've immersed
they don't see
even with all the advancements
how much they've reversed

the noah-infectuality

they always start with a blank verse
then they willingly free fall
back into perverse

in the sincere of impartiality:
they could be together
or dispersed
it doesn't matter–
there's always an adverse
to all the good in burst

in time
will come the eventuality:
in all the intended controverse
there's more and more converse
less and less remains the reimburse
'til the utopia...up...emerges
the second coming–
will be surprisingly diverse
–with zero coerce
in His† extreme of burst

Note: The photograph is from October 23, 2019: The Dragon and the All-Seeing Eye.

(January 7, 2022)—’Free Falling‘ written January 4, 2020 says it all. Jesus’ ‘Called‘ and God’s ‘Murderous Tenant‘…the first two divine pieces of this year says it all. As in the dream I included with ‘Called‘, we are still putting new on top of old instead of healing the old first.

The same as in Jeremiah 43:4-7, the Lord’s truth will come through no matter what man does or believes.

The corona virus…putting new on top of old. You are still doing it. And He will not let up, as in

Stagnated Waltz‘ written in July 2021. Man has entrapped so many that they can’t see God anymore. Man has confused so many that the burden is just too hard to bear.

Continue reading “‘Free Falling’”

‘Under Skin’

‘Under Skin’ ‘Do good, O Lord, to those who are good, to those who are upright in heart. But those who turn to crooked ways the Lord will banish with the evildoers.—Psalm 125

Under Skin

I don't belong out here
I belong within
where there's no skin
where I don't have to bend
to fit in
where I don't suffocate
in a color
I don'

I don't want
all this I hear
words thrown some way....
to win

I don't belong to this den
‒too many unaccountable fiends
trying to contend
some cause to defend
everything around‒
to fit in

I can't be blacken
caucasian or indian
not even amercian
not even a citizen
locked in some societal

I don't belong in skin
I'm what's beneath
deep within

that place‒
where God's† been living
all along...given
what I've been desiring

I had to descend
struggle in abusing
lost in false traditions
listen to the screaming‒
all the manipulating
the lying
the deceiving
‒all that's done in wronging

to embrace the ascend
let Jesus†
His† truth‒
totally comprehend

this color of skin
God† doesn't attend
so its completely assassined
fuck all these cold, slimy
squirming around in
that just brings around‒
acts in babylonian
‒all turned into romans
spread throughout the world‒
colors of skin contend

no, I don't belong in skin
I've been elevated within
what's seen outside‒
is for you in judging
‒fruit in rotten
hearts...malicious vixens
who have to win
instead of listen
to the true brethren
‒that of the kingdom

Notes: The photographs were taken October 15, 2019: The Phoenix. The numbers below the photographs are the time stamped on the photo when it was taken. The Angel. In the first shot, she’s making her way across, her arms are bent at her side. In the second shot, you can clearly see here. Of course the daisy sun and the orb. This day, as well as on other days, the signs are in abundance. Signs or code rather than images. This isn’t a joke. This is real. Play around with your imagined reality…what God has shown us will still happen. It still is.


(July 29, 2021)―‘Under Skin’ was written June 7, 2020. I didn’t think it would get worse. I was told this but I didn’t want to believe it: Skin, and all its shades, is given as our greatest test. Again I’ll say what I’ve been saying: You are all failing!

I get highly agitated when mentions of words like racism, prejudice, black/white, hate…I have been washed in such a way that this all screams: SIN! I don’t want to hear it anymore. Confusion has been set lose upon all humans, ALL HUMANS. If you are not open for the hear and are veiled to see truth, you will gallop within this confusion until hate rules your very core. Wherever God is taking us all, you will be on the side that condemns the innocent. I would be careful if I were you. That side may prosper on earth, but there is a place beyond. You will not prosper there.

Continue reading “‘Under Skin’”

‘Heal’ (God)

‘Heal’ (God) ‘If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve Me; if you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman. Let this people turn to you, but you must not turn to them. I will make you a wall to this people…’ Jeremiah 15:19-21

Heal (God)

heal to restore
heal to make forth
intentions made for you

says the Lord† Almighty

it is all being done
once done
it can't be undone

your absentness is on you
I† told you what not to do
but like peas
you've got to be alike
follow the wrong collection

your majority will not save you
your rulers are acting
on their own accord
I'm† halting them
they failed to preserve
what needs preserving

stop using malice to avoid
your arrogance won't save you
only the humble are worthy

look at your troubles
O peoples, O nations
troubles follow the unhealed

the liars...O you deceivers
woe to you

says the Lord† Almighty

wrap yourself around the healed
absorb their light
for I† give them enough to share
watch what they do
follow what they do
break down your walls
and I† will come and rescue you
I† will send Him†
who serves Me† day and night
without complaint
I† will send Him† who I named
He† will be the key
to your resurrection

My† anger will not last forever
but it is
because you have broken faith
I† will pardon those I† choose
those whom I† don't choose
will stand before the Judge†
and accept their sentence

I† have spoken
it will be done

says the Lord† Almighty

the beginning and the end

Notes: The photographs here were taken October 8, 2019: Oil Spill Warning. The Daisy sun, the orb all are explained on this page. Above me to the left of the sun is what is most fascinating. First the image above the incomplete ring was a man, an older man, then it turned to a child. By October 8th, this was the second child the Lord sent to me. Some will see an angel. I see that as well. The child for me is significant, so is the incomplete ring. I’ve written about both of these a lot under God’s Mercy and all the writings since. It has a lot to do with the promise God has made to me. So far, I still have a very hard time accepting it and believing it because it is that hard to comprehend the promise remotely coming close to happening. Trust me, when it does, God will truly reveal His and Jesus’ total power in what they can do to the human being.

(July 26, 2021)—He lead me to Jeremiah before He gave the writing. Jeremiah 15 actually. It feels like a direct answer to questions that I’ve been having. Questions about all that is going on…from this virus to all these vaccines and the confusion that is surrounding all of it. Of course, He said He was setting confusion upon us. And He has. He said that He was changing this virus and they wouldn’t be able to keep up. He’s doing. So for me, personally, He has instructed me not to get this vaccine, to trust Him. I have.

If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve Me; if you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman. Let this people turn to you, but you must not turn to them. I will make you a wall to this people, a fortified wall of bronze; they will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you to rescue and save you,’ declares the Lord. ‘I will save you from the hands of the wicked and redeem you from the grasp of the cruelHe has already told me this. He has already had me write this. No matter who confronts me, criticizes me…it doesn’t matter. He is in charge. He can deal with me ever so severely if I write against Him, if I write what is not true. So far, He has proven true. The promise He made to me is in the works. He is awesome in all ways. And I just need to get out of His way. amen

Continue reading “‘Heal’ (God)”

‘Break This Down!’ (Jesus)

‘Break This Down!’… He sent all this before…BEFORE…the virus for you to be able to understand HIM! It is on you that you bypassed all that He sent you through me because of pride, lies, manipulation, jealousy, hate, sin of all kinds. He is and therefore what He says He will do IS! Pray!

Break This Down! (Jesus)

it is, you know
all that He† gave
all that He† gives
all of the old
all of the new

it says: 'do not add to this book
do not subtract from this book'

but they have
they have subtracted

I† am adding
this is He†, the first Son†
He† is adding‒
the Father†
My† Father†
your Father†

long after your body is no more
these words will remain

you have left out your teachings
the truth
you've added sugar
everything nice and neat

yes, everything is in the book
but you don't listen
to what the Father† had written

you passed on words
not many understand
then you sit there
you are the only one who understands

you have lied over and over

the prosperity the Father† promises
is not of the world
the prosperity given in the book
as it was written
was only given after the receiver
followed His† laws, His† decrees

none of you follow properly
you speak of Him†
you speak of Me†
then you gossip, slander, hate, judge
you have no place to do such things

then you commit all sorts of sin


you don't know much

new has come
in order for new to come
old has to be destroyed

I'm† here to destroy
the old

nothing happens without Him†!
He† moves everything
including Me†!

you misinterpret what I† say
all the time
it is meant to be
I† have much to say on this
but the time hasn't come

I† have given you the proper way

I'm† not in a building
buildings will fall
the temple isn't in a building

that which is written about
My† Father's† way of teaching
go back and read
learn who He† is
you don't know Me†
if you do not know Him†

'do not make an image in My† likeness'
He†  commanded, but you do

'do not lie'
He† commanded, but you do

'do not have other gods before me'
over and over
He† said all these things
‒you still disobey

'love thy neighbor as yourself'
in doing so
there's no room for sin
love is too great

if you were in love
you wouldn't have room for sin
as long as you sin
there isn't room for love

go back and read
learn who the Father† is
His† wrath 'IS' because of love

there is discipline
and there is hate
He† is love
the world is hate

the words of Jesus the Christ†

Note: The photograph is from September 27, 2019: Love from Heaven when God reveals more of His power and use of technology, and His messages byway of the Sun! Using orbs and bubbles and codes…His messages are there. You just have to be open to the See! He sent all this before…BEFORE…the virus for you to be able to understand HIM! It is on you that you bypassed all that He sent you through me because of pride, lies, manipulation, jealousy, hate, sin of all kinds. He is and therefore what He says He will do IS! Pray!

(July 21, 2021)—‘Open the book’ came first, then Psalm 133:

Joy of Brothers Living Harmoniously (A song of ascents. Of David.)—How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron’s beard, down upon the collar of his robes. It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the Lord bestows His blessing, even life forevermore.—Psalm 133

Then the words of Jesus in ‘Break This Down!’.

Continue reading “‘Break This Down!’ (Jesus)”

‘My Magnificence’

‘My Magnificence’ And you don’t have time for silly unbelievers. You just keep talking because the truth is on you and sooner or later that seed is going to get in. And you are going to save not lives, but souls…the jest of what truly matters. Amen.

 My Magnificence
I drown in my own malevolence
singing a cadence
I'm not sure I deserve
I struggle through my intelligence
hoping for a bit of indulgence
‒just to breathe in competence
but the over-indulgence
gets the knowledge
or rather the eye
‒a stern hand stops
my reckless self-indulgence
even if it's just a thought‒
the halt comes like a turbulence
I bow my head in an acceptance
for I sure have an audience
‒forever am I trapped in a sentence
but celebrate in reverence
oh the slightest suspect
wanting a bit of prevalence
‒in any type of insistence
down comes the hand
taking my bold nonsense
placing me in obedience
‒keeping clean my conscience
as tears fall‒
wanting my independence
my Father† insuring‒
with a bit of inconvenience
I remain free of selfish indulgence
‒in total acquiescence
to His† every forward affluence

Note: In the picture that I included with this writing, there’s a genie lamp. I’ve included all the pictures from this day, January 21, 2020 on the following page: June 26: Presidential Wake Vision; April 11: the Jackass Dream; January 21: Aladdin’s Genie Lamp. I’ve explained about the Aladdin lamp on this page as well. It means a lot here when we are talking about God. You can have what you want. Ask. But be sure you know what you are asking. When I contending with the Lord last year, I was angry because He was promising me something I didn’t want and couldn’t, for the life of me, comprehend how it was even possible. So, I yelled at him and said, ‘Make me fat and ugly!’ Yes, I was that angry. And He did. Now, He said to prove to myself I love myself, I have to work for my figure back and He will not make it easy. Be sure you know what you are saying to God before you say it. Be sure you know ALL that involves with what you desire because everything is not what it seems. Example: Fame. Do you know what you seek when you ask for this? You risk the very thing that gives you life. Are you truly willing to risk the light for a few years of everyone knowing your name? Like I said, be sure you know what you are asking for.

(June 25, 2021)—I’ve written before about my weight gain last year. I’ve written how I contended with the Lord and it was like He put a vice on my hips and I couldn’t exercise without feeling this fire in my legs. I’ve written how once I began doing what He intended for me to do, He removed the vice and the fire.

I’ve written how God uses my life to reveal truth. And that I have to write about what He reveals. I’ve written how He fixed my heart because I did what He wanted and wrote how He wanted me to write no matter what people thought of me, no matter what people think of me. I’ve written about it all. I’ve written how He put His hand on me in 2019 and revealed Jesus in a very personal way to me. I’ve written how He’s been sharing secrets to the kingdom with me and having me write about it.

Continue reading “‘My Magnificence’”

‘There’s This Time’ (God)

The ONLY KICKER: Honest heart! You must possess it. You aren’t healed until you have it! Get to that child heart. You do possess it.

 There's This Time (God)
 there's this time
 time times time
 this taught together
 to take together
 this time taught
 to twine together
 time times time
 talk together twice
 thrice together talk
 truancy times twilight
 tangle two times two
 time times time
 the twine twisted
 together twisted twine
 twine times time
 there's this time
 time times time
 twiddling tangled twist
 to touch together
 twice times time 

(January 23, 2021)—I do not pick these photo frames anymore. David picks them out. This one is from October 2, 2019: Wave Warning. The elements in the frames are explained on the page. Nothing happens by chance. No matter what you think: Nothing Happens Without Reason!

On July 19, 2020 I received and posted the following message: ‘Wow to you O America!’ Declares the Lord, ‘You failed to govern, you failed to correct your young, you failed to hear My warnings. Woe to you, you will know that it is I. The ravage of My wrath has just begun. Like Tyre, you will know! Woe, to the peach, who I will take. Woe to you who say you know Me and do nothing to help heal. Your place is worse than that of the rapist. Woe to the young. Woe to you! This is the Alpha and the Omega! The beginning and the end. Woe to you who have angered Me! Woe to you! A sign will soon be given. You will know that I, the Lord Almighty, am speaking to My servant. Soon you will know a prophet walks among you!’

Continue reading “‘There’s This Time’ (God)”

‘Sad Silver Bells’ (God)

I can NOT post what He sends me and be normal and accepted by mankind, or…OR I can post what He sends and be accepted by Jesus! Let me see…Jesus wins EVERY TIME! I can’t deny Him.

 Sad Silver Bells (God)
 can you hear it
 the wailing, the moaning
 it's everywhere
 no blood, no, there's none
 no funerals
 or sad goodbyes
 just wailing
 ‒a dim shock
 at how real
 the Judge's† deal
 there are eyes staring
 into empty space
 there was no time
 to heal
 no where's
 can you hear it
 there's strings of lights
 here and there
 glistening crimson and gold
 but the packages‒
 they stopped coming
 there's no desires
 ‒just wailing
 that doesn't seem to stop
 won't they be quiet
 I'd rather the silence
 I don't wanna see
 too much in their eyes
 ‒this answer of why
 oh! hold me
 while, I, too, sigh
 ‒turn to my God†
 but He† already answered
 can you hear it
 the lack of praying
 even as they lay dying
 oh! that it
 is that prayers to God†
 is that prayers seeking
 is that love
 is that what I'm hearing
 'no, it's your imagination,'
 they say,
 there is no god
 look at all this death!'
 oh! my sweet, sweet Jesus†
 why can't they hear it
 look! He's† there
 riding on His† white horse
 bow down
 worship Him†
 He's† standing in
 standing between
 you and God†
 seek Him†
 the sickles are ready
 the judging is already begun
 look! how shiny they are
 He† sweeps a silent sweep
 absent of blood
 they fall to the ground
 the dove is here
 open your ears...hear
 be not afraid
 in comes the age
 ‒time, times time and
 a half
 the beginning has arrived
 all says the Lord Almighty†
 left up your head
 can you hear it
 the sound of His† voice
 can you hear His† anger
 'I† am He†,' the Lord† says
 'I† am the alpha and the omega
 the beginning and the end
 I† am in Him†
 and He† is in Me†,'
 says the Lord Almighty†
 find your glory in My† Son†
 find your redemption in Me†
 the time has come
 I† am
 I† am
 this is the only living God†
 the one above and below

Note: The photograph is from October 23, 2019: The Dragon and the All-Seeing Eye. The dragon is in the center, it is at an angel slightly to the left. The head is facing to the right and the wings are behind him. The message is clear: GOD IS IN CHARGE!

(December 9, 2020)―I got the title, as I always do, then, ‘Write,’ came. Half way through He took over. That would be God. Then when He left, David told me, ‘Open the book,’ and Revelations! It is the first time in all of this writing that I have been led to Revelations directly after a writing!

Continue reading “‘Sad Silver Bells’ (God)”