‘Keynotes of Woman’

Men: Satisfy Your Woman!

A sample from Book 8

 Keynotes of Woman
woman remains undefined
her complete design
‒never a crossing line
she's God's† greatest mystery
she'll never give
totally clarity
‒it's the journey of he
enjoy this road of discovery
here's one simple note
you should know
‒keeps her from go
pay attention
this one simple lesson
keeps you
out of option
a woman
puts a man
in complete

when she's wrapped up
tight and neat

a little explaining‒
those stuck
in lame
‒heads up
no time for sleeping
or you'll miss
keys to keeping
woman summits
everything he'll get
only when
he knows
the right tricks
he can leave
abandon, lie, cheat
blame her
‒destroy her complete
but there's something
he...just doesn't get
in every case‒
the same, the same
he's the true blame
‒her wanting didn't remain
he's the guide
making her open wide
or inside
tightly hide
she must see
all that's in him‒
she must feel
continually free
‒totally complete
when she feels
his every treat
when she sees
his deal
‒his desires, strength...real
trust builds‒
moving her to free will
her heart‒
he steals
her inner self
the most important reality
gaining for he
simple stability
when he
brings her to melt‒
that place
she loses herself
all her desires
she's ready to face
‒her inner fire
begins floating
losing herself
in feelings of ease
when she's brought
to that place
over and over
‒without any need
of race
not one single trace
when her body's needs
in complete's please
the rest of her‒
in receive
all makes her whole
complete's package
without findings
of shortage
no feelings
lost in bondage
then...only then
she moves him
to complete
wanting to please
his every, single need
no need to plead
for actions of he
moved her to total's free
‒everything in she
leaving him
in the gift of pleased
when he
slips into sleep
fulfilling her needs‒
some sort of disease
she knows
as kisses flow
her body grows cold
react fades
lonely consumes
her days
‒her inside make
turns to fake
woman holds no control
‒how her body rolls
she desires feelings in gold
(passion's bold)
she loses to cold
when he folds
forcing feelings‒
move on down the road
her shutting down
all around
‒her heart
moves in stealth
to some place else
warnings to heed
to that of he:
keep her in free
her sexuality‒
something to see
she'll hide
in he‒
open and wide
she'll fly
bringing he
to high
Continue reading “‘Keynotes of Woman’”

‘Pity-Party Me Not’

Don’t Fall To the Devil’s Trap and Lose Yourself to Pity!

A sample from Book 8

 Pity-Party Me Not
save your grace
‒me crying in your face
maybe it's best to walk away‒
not have your good spirits replaced
with my selfish-daunting embrace
don't let me crowd your space
in a lost self-pitying race
I have to find my way
backward steps
not to trace
get up
move forward‒
there's a dream to chase
‒a gift
in my heart
God† did place
in all that oh-poor-me lace
‒wasting day after day
I put aside what's great
for others' self-demeaning fate
‒those who lost faith
not giving time of day
to words God† had to say
that day after day
turned to year after year
willingly serving myself up‒
a circling, dead-horse tray
my own bed made‒
self-pity's prized bait
around and around
up and down
burying my I
around, around, around‒
a circling maze
‒down, down, down
in self-pity I laid
to whomever'd sit and listen
I'd saturate‒
serve self-pity's cake
jump in with pleasure
without thought‒
smothering my I in hate
on self
adding burdensome's weight
flying free
in the greatness of unease‒
my eyes‒
lost in sedate
‒shielded behind bondage's tape
over my happy‒
anger's blackened cape
misery's base
I did drape
I closed all gates
let the sun's ray
slowly sink to night's blackened gray
‒down, down, down
in a mercury-ladened lake
'til I laid in waste
seemingly sealed in a darkened cave
I held on tight‒
my wilderness-mentality trait
fighting against moses' trusting faith‒
doing whatever it took
‒forget heart's break
with constant play‒
attending every sinful date
‒hearing God's† words
refusing to obey
falling down, down, down
not caring what's at stake
from reality‒
wanting to separate
losing to evil's webbing spray
everyone turned‒
from me
ran in haste
'til self-pity became my only mate
then came the day
deep inside me‒
God's† hand began to vibrate
my wavering faith
evil couldn't take
‒mixed-up signals
my heart began to translate
at first
a slow rate
raising from a bottomless crate‒
I began harder to pray
through all my mistakes
for me
God's† patience did wait
cradling me
as I lay
‒drowning in self-pity's tears
softly patting my back‒
knowing how slow this I operates
telling me:
it's going to be okay
take your time

it's your way to make
no matter the pace

it's never too late
‒whatever the case
I'll† help you break

evil's enclosed vase
harder I did pray
hearing clearer His† words
stronger became my faith
'til that magical day
His† light alone‒
out of that darkened cave
my way
He† did pave
here and there
self-pity comes, says hey
for moments‒
I lose my way
but as light as a needle of hay
He† lifts me
‒His† light pours within me
an abundance of rays
blinding evil's come what may
filling me with gentle's taste
‒oranges, apples, grapes
fruits of my labor
the brilliance of grace
my truth in faith
proving to me
nothing stands in my wake
so, each time
I seem to embrace
just give me space
let me alone face
find my own way
backward steps
less and less to trace
each new day
faster and faster
I replace‒
that wilderness-mentality trait
‒evil's webbing embrace
oh-poor-me beckoning date
soon to disappear
without a trace
the deeper I pray‒
quicker and quicker
I re-find my way
with purer, stronger faith
it's not just a dream to chase
it's a gift‒
in my heart
God† did place
so, my self-pity
please don't embrace
turn away
give me my moments
to pray
my special one-on-one date
just me and my Lord†
‒heavy in faith
immersing my I
in words He† has
to say
‒no time limits placed
on days I pray
just know when I emerge‒
I'm stronger
heavily armed in His† way
so each tomorrow
I'll easily face
for I'm endowed‒
smothered happily
in His† amazing grace
Continue reading “‘Pity-Party Me Not’”

‘Brave Hearts’

Before You Give Up On Yourself, Try Practicing Compassion!

A sample from Book 8

 Brave Hearts
(Sweet Man)
compassion takes patience‒
a digging in
bracing-the-heart kind of thing
it's taking all we know
all our experiences‒
good and bad
tossing them out the window
stepping up
‒with another
filling our cup
without needing to know
what's up
it's holding on
through bumpy rides
sitting next to another
letting them cry
it's running out in a street
to someone you instantly meet
offering a hand
‒doing what you can
without needing a return
without thinking you'll be burned
it's meeting anger straight on
‒not moving along
but hitting its head
with praising words said
instead of seeing all wrong
living life selfishly
on our own
it's restraining ones self
‒eager to help
instead of putting those in need
on forgotten, dusty shelves
watching them fall apart...bleed
it's opening our heart‒
trusting in faith
instead of just wanting
to feel safe
it's forgiveness and hope‒
with our warrior ways
away...we chase hate
in another's eyes
sadness replaced
with just our smile
showing a will to walk along
no matter the struggle
no matter the miles
it's bringing joy
to another's face
instead of disappearing
without a trace
compassion is pure heart
God's† way‒
‒showing the hard
the light
of a million stars
He† passes it to each of us
free will
a choice
love or hate, run or face
fight or lose
‒to be silent
or our voice‒
freely use
it's easy to walk away
to say
farewell...good day
lose ourselves
in our self-made cave
‒our forbidden world of safe
it's hard to stay‒
hang to faith
forget the comfort zone
‒through adversities
use pure heart to sway
lift our heads
give it to God†
let Him† light the way
compassion...our gift
to share‒
not to spare
‒to show we truly care
in happiness, in despair
here, there, everywhere
it's not a switch
to turn off‒
when we deem fit
to put individual needs
in moments
when well doesn't fit
it's a constant wave of heart‒
for it to spread
we must honor
words we said
we must release anger...hate
release places of safe
those lost from self
‒open our hearts
let it be felt
pay it forward‒
then in each
God's† reward
unconditional love
‒experienced here on earth
our awakened dreams
plus a full, peaceful cup‒
a beautiful seeing of life
where only glows
God's† pure light
without even
having to fight
Continue reading “‘Brave Hearts’”