‘Depression’s Mango’ (Yeshuah)

‘Depression’s Mango’ (Yeshuah)…But in order that sin might be recognized as sin, it produced death in me through what was good, so that through the commandment sin might become utterly sinful. We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin.—Romans 7:13,14

Depression's Mango (Yeshuah)

it's words you
don't want to hear
wanting to survive
with anger in your heart

the sadness draws you
pulling you deep
twisting knots
avoiding good
for the sadness
begins to feel good
it becomes familiar

let Me† take you
on a journey
walk with Me†
I†, Yeshuah†
can help you see through
this dark void

there's light
through Me†
I† can help you
find it
but you've got to be

if not
the suffering continues
you begin to use means
any means
to make you feel good

it's an illusion
it is not truth

use Me† instead
to give you strength

the strength comes
but it comes

it wages up
small little walls
none was found

it's preciseness
giving what you need
to see pass the darkness
giving you a strength
to stand alone
in all the confusion
hate and anger
jealousy and envy
that surrounds you

in this time
your strength builds
the pain has given you
lessons to teach

the sadness turns
to wisdom
little by little
you rise
from way down deep

a careful way
for you
is being paved

it is your choice
once you call upon Me†
to take the path
being laid out to you

I† will offer a cup
to you
it is a choice
to drink from the cup

don't let man fool you

there are many cups
being offered

how can you tell
from which cup to drink?

is it the one in force?

no, it is the one felt
deep in your heart
one of sorrow
the one to humble
the one which brings upon you
questioning your very self

this cup I† offer
is divine in nature
it becomes in you
the seeker of truth
your truth
that which made you
into who you are becoming

it is a solo journey
one very much needed
tears of anguish will fall
but so will anger and hate
jealousy and envy
even pride
they all fall to the ground
down the sides
of your face
they begin to fall away
as sin begins to fade

until you emerge
washed clean
by the tears shed
tears of My† hand

then you have defeated
it falls beneath your feet
no more
does sin live inside you

I† can help you do this
I† am the strength
you need
for sin to be defeated

from this fear
of diving into this sadness
to not be afraid
of what awaits you
of not being afraid
to let tears fall
strength shows its wonderful

a new self emerges
as sadness dissipates
and your rebirth
given to the Spirit†
and the Spirit† returns
to you

it isn't easy
but it isn't hard either

you must overcome pride
and face self
your God†-self
without interference
of the sinful nature

be well in your journey
many are too afraid
to take this journey
they fear the pain
to truly let in the light


Notes: The photograph David led me to is from November 9, 2019: Certainty of Visions. These below screen shots were taken from the original photograph. This day, God reveal is magic! I know you can see the man!

(October 30, 2022)—This writing was given on October 29, 2022, and after He led me to Romans 7: 7-12 through Romans 7:21-25.

Continue reading “‘Depression’s Mango’ (Yeshuah)”

‘Death March’

Deal! Lies kill. Lies destroy. Manipulation and living a fake life…God sees ALL!

 Death March
God† brings in tests
evil, the prince of sin
freely plays
for the win
–it's all testing
each person involved
in each test
who's going to lie
who's going to hide
who's going to fall
to ego and pride
who's going to confess
ease their soul
to rest
who's truly the enemy
in disguise
in captivity
–on their backs
a haunting spirit
lost in unrest
who's going to pass blame
who's the target
of their aim
who'll seal it
with a kiss
of a snake's hiss
God† uses each
for each's test
–those fallen
to the hiss
covering up their sin
for secrets
shh, hush, hush
are best
protecting their darkness
as they steal innocence
–do whatever it takes–
blacken a stolen light
God† sends in
the hardest tests
–the devil's unquenchable taste
its darkened thirst of lust–
to those His† heart knows
will win
–taking its time
in condemn–
for His† brethren
as the eating away
takes its place
of the one
who brought in sin
or rather–
those covering up–
the true ones in sin
the ones forbidding
the healing
protecting their own skin
–they are the ones
to the pit...condemned
failing God's† tests
for their own
fake rest
Continue reading “‘Death March’”

‘Men of Songs’

Understanding depression and the veils by-way of Job!

 Men of Songs
I thrash out my complaints
I take the hurt, the blame
put it all on my shoulders‒
through all this rough terrain
not one showed sincerity
not one came
so I let tears fall
like rain
open my mouth
my worded train
feeling alone, empty
wondering if I'm really insane
I cast out my stones to You†
‒Your† broken little dame
all these tasks
my life...so drained
not knowing the final aim
just take it all in‒
the arrows of false names
on invisible ropes...I hang
told...life is but a game
learn to play it...you win fame

You† and I know‒
that's not how it's framed
life isn't at all a game
You†...no one can tame
someone so righteous‒
You† easily cast in flames
and that person
will never be the same
when this heart
feels weak in faint
I look at all my I can'ts
I re-hear all those filthy names
know...none of them...I ain't
but I know‒
I'm such a tiny piece of grain
and the only fame
to be claimed
is that of Your† sweet, sweet name
I'm so, so tired
of being maimed
so tired of lonely's strain
what have I gained
on this hateful, lonely lane
I know it's part of Jesus'†
each and every vein
I'm so weary...feelings‒
my work done in vane
so, I call on you...Jesus†
please take all my complaints
straight to our Father†
‒pull me out
this agonizing drain
forgive all my trespasses
turn me over‒
to at least one heart
who feels the same
‒a bit of hunger
a bit of tame
to do works of good‒
in Your† sweet, sweet name
Continue reading “‘Men of Songs’”

‘When You Are Sure!’

The veils revealed through Ezekiel 38 and 39.

 When You Are Sure!
self righteousness
won't get you far
look to the stars
get out of your cars
not at mars...stars
your petty judgments
your petty arguments
have not compared to wars
the Lord† has charged
out of peace
He† can forge
start from nothing...wars
use the enemy
for a cause
that didn't exist
until veils barged
your evil thoughts
won't get you too far
for He's† in charge!
you don't have a say
on your part
when He† needs
to move forward‒
His† barge!
Continue reading “‘When You Are Sure!’”


Don’t change your independent self because of another person.

a bird flies when its free
it stagnates
in captivity
its colors blossom
in variety
fading in ambiguity
‒plucking them out
in atrocity
in nature...the act in free
all the same
in its facility
a trapping technicality
‒being free has its complexity
as a woman
in her diplomacy
giving true
to her effeminacy
when treated
with significancy
when she's satisfied
in her sexuality
she falls into compliancy
even in another's complacency
giving up her self-sufficiency
even her style in flossy
being, at first
blissful in buoyancy
as it goes...comes the decadency
becoming aware
of the deficiency
–a broken down fallacy
as she meets each exigency
outward...comes her adamancy
as gone goes her sexy
–an inward building pudency
her usual controlled diplomacy
loses its bearing
to rampancy
as goes the controlling austerity
saving-money hostility
‒slowly caving
in her impetuosity
attention...gone its notoriety
even her newly shaped nudity
once praised with delicacy
gone...with looks
words in vulgarity
all her sexy naughty
–leaving vagueness
in commonality
lack of interest
opens a familiarity
once ignoring
so much secrecy
once ignoring the mendacity
pulling forward
all its perfidy
as gone...all her sensuality
its diverted generosity
she becomes lost
in recalcitrancy
–the precious kitty lost
to lunacy
all for giving her free
to submissive captivity
for the awakening
of her sexuality!
Continue reading “‘Channel’”

‘Shouldering Damage’

You deal and accept the physical damage caused by narcissism’s carelessness

Shouldering Damage
upon her shoulders
carries the weight–
shouldering damage
from those who couldn't stay
–a go-getter
they couldn't take
she...never wanting‒
any kinda hate
‒that was never
her intended fate
‒she let love lead the way
ending in heavy price's
to pay
only in moments
she lived in sedate
all them medical doctors
had to medicate
she just needed room‒
a bit of space
to grasp the idea
of her body ache
never using it as an escape
‒it hurt...and she was its bait
she knows she gave it all
she wasn't some pity rage doll–
standing somewhere in stall
she answered a simple call
–but others led her to fall
not caring the damage at all
upon her shoulders‒
she wears the cape
an anti-depressant to mask
a different kinda ache
–emotional chains
she couldn't tolerate
a burning heart
left in saturate
mixed with anger
lust and hate
without intentional berate
from love
that just couldn't stay
then again‒
she let love be her mate
a heart damaged‒
in too many ways
–again...a turn in obliterate
a brain burned in uncultivate
all that damage‒
on her shoulders
in blissful weight
men who couldn't bear
the cape
of her physical‒
being in waste
she knows she gave it all
she wasn't some pity rage doll–
standing somewhere in stall
she answered a simple call
–but others led her to fall
not caring the damage at all
she now wears‒
a suit of armor
from love's mate
as the heavy scars from fake–
I can't stay
you...I could only tolerate
builds her face
straight to a destiny's fate–
the writer in massive create
she...to never deny God
in whatever she faced
so she shoulders damage
left behind–
by carelessness
and self hate
building her rose‒
from a destroyer's
intentional state
she knows‒
she gave it all
she wasn't some pity rage doll–
standing somewhere in stall
she answered a simple call
–others led her to fall
not caring
the damage at all
oh! how
she can stand tall–
she picked herself up
from the fall
using the rest of her life
in God's hall
lost to true love's
missed call
she knows‒
she gave it her all
–it was not her
that caused
the fall!
Continue reading “‘Shouldering Damage’”

‘Anger’s Infest’

Anger wants you steadfast! God wants you moving forward!

 Anger's Infest
feel it beneath your skin
evil's way of getting within
actions in horror's den
‒ways of evil's perfect sin
it'll trap you in cussing
it'll condemn you in swearing
pulling at you...probing
wanting your reaction
for it's only satisfaction
it'll take all
of your triggering notions
as it smiles
in sadistic laughing
craving your giving in
your fight...it's welcoming
your mind's condemn
anger...evil's infested gem
words, actions
its consistency in playing
wanting you
self to defend
so it can celebrate
in its win
feel it beneath your skin
evil's way of getting within
actions in horror's den
‒ways of evil's perfect sin
Continue reading “‘Anger’s Infest’”

‘Humble of Mercy’

You Want It to Be! So Bad….

A sample from Book 12

(September 26, 2018)—

Praise for Joy and Security of the RighteousKeep me safe, O God, for in You I take refuge. I said to the Lord, ‘You are my Lord; apart from You I have no good thing.’ As for the saints who are in the land, they are the glorious ones in whom in all my delight. The sorrows of those will increase who run after other gods. I will not pour out their libations of blood or take up their names on my lips. Lord, You have assigned me my portion and my cup; You have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.

I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because You will not abandon me to the grave, nor will You let Your Holy One see decay. You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.―Psalm 16

Continue reading “‘Humble of Mercy’”

‘Unconditional Terms’

‘Unconditional’ Fades When Another Takes Your Place!

A sample from Book 12

(July 25, 2018 [Didn’t post on Facebook.])—When toxicity takes its toll, there’s nothing to say or do.

A weak heart turns to go, finds a new heart to rip apart. A strong heart cries alone, struggling to regain ground, move on. You don’t lose to cheating. You lose to betrayal. That’s why those who don’t marry, stay single. They can just hang it up, move on to another. The faithful one can’t do this.

Continue reading “‘Unconditional Terms’”


Surviving the Knife of Those Who Betray You!

A sample from Book 12

(April 21, 2018)—That knife becomes weaker when we gain the support of others, when we start to see the true meaning behind our life. That knife doesn’t come out that easy especially when you see everyone’s true disclosure.

There’s so much to say, then there’s nothing to say. I have this much on my mind: If they don’t want to see you, it doesn’t matter what you say or do, they won’t see you.

Continue reading “‘Knife’”