
Don’t change your independent self because of another person.

a bird flies when its free
it stagnates
in captivity
its colors blossom
in variety
fading in ambiguity
‒plucking them out
in atrocity
in nature...the act in free
all the same
in its facility
a trapping technicality
‒being free has its complexity
as a woman
in her diplomacy
giving true
to her effeminacy
when treated
with significancy
when she's satisfied
in her sexuality
she falls into compliancy
even in another's complacency
giving up her self-sufficiency
even her style in flossy
being, at first
blissful in buoyancy
as it goes...comes the decadency
becoming aware
of the deficiency
–a broken down fallacy
as she meets each exigency
outward...comes her adamancy
as gone goes her sexy
–an inward building pudency
her usual controlled diplomacy
loses its bearing
to rampancy
as goes the controlling austerity
saving-money hostility
‒slowly caving
in her impetuosity
attention...gone its notoriety
even her newly shaped nudity
once praised with delicacy
gone...with looks
words in vulgarity
all her sexy naughty
–leaving vagueness
in commonality
lack of interest
opens a familiarity
once ignoring
so much secrecy
once ignoring the mendacity
pulling forward
all its perfidy
as gone...all her sensuality
its diverted generosity
she becomes lost
in recalcitrancy
–the precious kitty lost
to lunacy
all for giving her free
to submissive captivity
for the awakening
of her sexuality!
Continue reading “‘Channel’”

‘Love in Action’

Actions, in spite of resentment, still say LOVE

 Love in Action
no matter the resentment
it was given then taken
actions of love
still...not just a must
but a do
it's all giving
without judgment
helping without faking
actions in love
without needing a clue
it's helping another
without commitment
being truthful
without manipulation
actions in love
for words are not enough
it's getting over
the resentment
‒those taking without
returning the give
actions in love
still...a beautiful mark
on the heart
in the making
Continue reading “‘Love in Action’”

‘What Comes Out’

Anger: How changing this one emotion can change your entire life!

 What Comes Out
she weighted
the things she's said
‒those retaliating words
she weighted
the things she's done
thinking it all hard love
but it was anger
‒acting out
over another's danger
what makes you do
these things?
she pondered the question
the only answer: retaliation
she bowed her head
in confession
responding to those living
in secret
putting her in the dark...deeper
she weighted
her lost of control
‒all man things took their toll
grabbing at her in hold
her...letting it all
use her in bold
anger's put her in the red
shaped thoughts in head
then actions without thought
knowing the wrong
in every heart beat
then came further heat
she weighted
all these things
knowing too late always rings
seeking truth
sets off anger in sing
it's her life
not just some fling
she sighed just a bit
thinking these things
anger's become a distraction
at times
giving satisfaction
‒the evil whore's demolition
she bowed her head
in greater confession
this her greatest sin
she no longer
wants to blend
a fight she's determined
to win
‒using gratitude
from God's† den‒
the only way to contend
‒be put in the light
from way deep within
Continue reading “‘What Comes Out’”

‘Hidden Treasure’

Discovering the hidden treasure in yourself!

 Hidden Treasure
I found it
in the mince of broken
it was afraid and hidden
an abundantly harvested token
‒over used and forsaken
I took it in
without fear's notion
‒not even feeling a demotion
I bathed
in its scented potion
rolled around
in its storied creation
I overlooked‒
its wicked formation
for I saw‒
a different translation
‒one that needed
a believer's gratification
one with a heart-filled formulation
I listened
to its every beckon
sometimes, in stages of drunken
all around...deemed it poison
something to be shackled‒
in a far-away prison
I threw out‒
traditionalized opinions
nothing stuck‒
rotten or forbidden
its scent just heightened
‒nothing could be wrong
or mistaken
I moved like lightening
intentional burns‒
‒days passing slow, steadfast‒
good ridden!
I drove it‒
to an endless vacation
‒whatever conviction
out...came my eviction
I smiled as I saw its rising
all my stops...fully opened
pulling it out of hopeless‒
with my inner-most motivation
‒a darkened star had risen!
I fought everything
in grand petition
every inside concentration‒
I put aside
rose to the occasion
‒with the fierceness of driven
this hidden treasure
overcoming every treason
to become the lamination
of a new generation!
came its different ideas written
all avenues taken‒
off records...stricken
–beating all those defeating‒
a losing validation!
I lost to its mention
‒there...in its private station
came to life‒
its own treasure hidden
in all its careful motions‒
belts and strings
forcefully tightened
I craved to be enlightened
–nothing valued...given
anything to elevate my vision
halted in moments of frighten
I fought constant bent roads‒
tried to straighten
tried to remember each lesson
through all that glistened‒
it had its own secrets woven
‒knowledge in listen
mixing up pointless decisions
taking all the forgivens
icing them‒
in the forever of frozen
yes, I found it
in the mince of broken
it was afraid and hidden
an abundantly harvested token
‒over used and forsaken
but all the good of will‒
off...steadily shakened
living a horrid token
in anger's hidden conviction
‒all that's been stolen‒
on others
its constant reliving
it found its way‒
in rebuilding
using knowledge given
all help's salutations
keeping to itself‒
a stolen formulation
‒to avoid sharing‒
treasures hidden
as I sit
in lost wanderings–
I took it
out of forsaken
Continue reading “‘Hidden Treasure’”

Commentaries: Matthew 13:44-46

[k. e. leger’s Note: This article and all that goes with it from biblehub.com is not originally written in the English language. It was translated and I will correct spelling and punctuation as in keeping with the meaning of their content. In some places, I had to let it be. I hope that you enjoy this piece anyway. This goes with my article title ‘Discovering the Hidden Treasure in Yourself’.]

Ellicott’s Commentary [Introduction]

The kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field.—Probably no parable in the whole series came more home to the imagination of the disciples than this. Every village had its stories of men who had become suddenly rich by finding some hidden hoard that had been hastily concealed in time of war or tumult.

Then, as now, there were men who lived in the expectation of finding such treasures, and every traveler who was seen searching in the ruins of an ancient town was supposed to be hunting after them. As far back as the days of Solomon, such a search had become a parable for the eager pursuit of wisdom (Proverbs 2:4).

Continue reading “Commentaries: Matthew 13:44-46”

The Case of the Buried Treasure

by Ray Stedman, Authentic Christianity

[k. e. leger Note: This article was written June 27, 1971. Please take note how this article, written 48 years ago, still holds true today. This really helps us to understand the struggle with Israel, and why the governments are acting the way they are. This goes with my article titled ‘Discovering the Hidden Treasure in Yourself.’]

In the great series of parables in Matthew 13 our Lord gave us, as He said, ‘The secrets of the kingdom of heaven.’ The kingdom of heaven is God’s work among men, God’s rule and authority in the midst of human affairs. In this series, Jesus is revealing the work of the kingdom as it is going on throughout the centuries of this present age since His first coming and before His return. We come to the fifth parable this morning, the parable of the buried treasure.

I don’t know what that may evoke in your mind. It always reminds me immediately of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island, of Long John Silver, and doubloons and pieces-of-eight, peg-leg pirates, and all the exciting things usually associated with the idea of buried treasure. It is intriguing to realize that Scripture deals with this subject as well. It recognizes the allure and the mystery, which always gathers around the notion of hidden treasure. God has His buried treasures and He is speaking of them in this parable.

Continue reading “The Case of the Buried Treasure”

‘Anger’s Infest’

Anger wants you steadfast! God wants you moving forward!

 Anger's Infest
feel it beneath your skin
evil's way of getting within
actions in horror's den
‒ways of evil's perfect sin
it'll trap you in cussing
it'll condemn you in swearing
pulling at you...probing
wanting your reaction
for it's only satisfaction
it'll take all
of your triggering notions
as it smiles
in sadistic laughing
craving your giving in
your fight...it's welcoming
your mind's condemn
anger...evil's infested gem
words, actions
its consistency in playing
wanting you
self to defend
so it can celebrate
in its win
feel it beneath your skin
evil's way of getting within
actions in horror's den
‒ways of evil's perfect sin
Continue reading “‘Anger’s Infest’”

‘His Softness’

That which gives you inspiration to go on!

A sample from Book 12

 His Softness
(Sweet Man)
there's moments
I want to cry
in this aging bit of life
‒not understanding
what to fight
he comes into my sight
deep in my thoughts
I get lost...caught
then he kneels before me
‒my world gets lost
in his sea
cradling me in his arms
all that fight...gone
aren't you tired of this yet
his question without hiss
we both knowing
we keep rocking a boat
that just needs
to float
my response in insist
over and over...rowing
this knotting rope
without losing
gentle's hope
feeling it all melt away
with soft words‒
he has to say
as he pulls me
in his sway
I want this‒
not just for today
but every day, in every way
I know the truth‒
when I look into his face
love...in every line
to trace
as his black hair
fades to gray
by his side
I feel everything safe
when he leaves the room
behind...closes the door
I'm left with my thoughts
shifting deep
in my core
yes, I'm tired of this
love is far more perfect
surrounded by his softness
then sitting in a room
lost in miss
his love
trying to forget
Continue reading “‘His Softness’”

‘You Bitch!’

Simple Ways for You to Defeat Negative Self Talk

A sample from Book 12

(October 16, 2018)—Are you mad at me for cussing? Get over yourself. This is a commentary that screams—It’s time for some cussing!

I’m going to give you some good information here if you suffer from depression, anger, negative self-talk to help you start turning things around in your life. Don’t worry. I’m taking this same journey, so let’s ride!

Continue reading “‘You Bitch!’”

‘Humble of Mercy’

You Want It to Be! So Bad….

A sample from Book 12

(September 26, 2018)—

Praise for Joy and Security of the RighteousKeep me safe, O God, for in You I take refuge. I said to the Lord, ‘You are my Lord; apart from You I have no good thing.’ As for the saints who are in the land, they are the glorious ones in whom in all my delight. The sorrows of those will increase who run after other gods. I will not pour out their libations of blood or take up their names on my lips. Lord, You have assigned me my portion and my cup; You have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.

I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because You will not abandon me to the grave, nor will You let Your Holy One see decay. You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.―Psalm 16

Continue reading “‘Humble of Mercy’”