‘Actions vs Words’

Pay Attention To What They Do…Not What They Say!

A sample from Book 1

 Actions vs Words
saying words
that want to be heard
is like a song's verse
then forgotten
in time's hearse
saying promises
sounding so rich
becomes an endless nich
becomes an endless list
ballad in a fist
a stream of tears
each...sealed with a kiss
becomes a silent contest
the break
starts to hiss
when words come
—where ever they're from
expectations rise
putting a heart on fire
innocent expectations—
waiting for their revelations
waiting for actions
behind their declarations
end the frustrations
tells the tale
—words not just for sale
to make you feel swell
words said
filling the head
are meaningless
—just an old list
if no actions done
the words
weren't just
for fun
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‘Ignorance of Spirit’

Would You Listen If Someone Tried To Help You?

 Ignorance of Spirit

our bodies are the temple
our hearts...filled with love
a mark placed from above
through the spilling‒
of an innocent man's blood

since that day
comes few miracles
in faith, we must see
when words are sent to believe
to take us out of deceive
words placed in hearts
way down deep
for only us to reach
for only one to receive

we set boundaries, principles
God's† words come in a nudge
giving us a rush
with a unwelcomed blush
‒something He† wants of us
something we can't‒
down toilets...flush
in dreams, in signs
comes the flood
'til we no longer‒
to the side...can shove
we become
a quiet little disciple
knowing what‒
relaying messages to relieve
to tone down‒
the spiritual creed
‒silently waddling in scream
how will they believe
without something in see
any forced retrieve
will just not be!
...goes further the decree
faith...for some...so weak
matching the heart's message in lead‒
a solid force shown in see
disclosing the known‒
small strokes to brush
without any lust
‒crushing every bit of trust
a task so tough
the pull to run...give up
wanting to do away
with this stuff
‒too deep holds the grudge
all the pieces‒
just too much
too many things
running a muck
realizing the struggling pup‒
buried in dirty mud
‒thoughts in heart
begins to be enough
down, down, down
into so much mush
if you don't help
erase the slush
then...comes in
the morning dove
the symbol of love
saying don't give up
‒messages from above
that you can't
Continue reading “‘Ignorance of Spirit’”

Breaking Your Codependency….

…and Moving On To ‘Normal’

A sample from Book 12

That is the question that I had to end this book with. Going through the trials in life are hard. This year I had to face my mother’s death and the destruction of my three-year relationship, as well fight more health issues while being 1600 miles from all my family.

Codependency had still a hard grip on me, but the anxiety that I had fought through was just about gone. I would have to go through a forced intervention to figure out what the true medicine for codependency and all those negative thoughts were.

Continue reading “Breaking Your Codependency….”

‘Thrust in Turns’

Freeing Yourself From Codependency

A sample from Book 11

That’s an interesting question. It’s the biggest question that I tackle in my 11th book of My 12-Book Series. It’s a tough order. Just the Introduction was a tough order to write. The writing extensive and so was my life at the time.

Codependency showed its ugly face over and over bringing me to pure helplessness. I struggled. I fought against everyone. I was determine to find a way to break this crap. I refuse to believe that there was no cure. Everyone was lying and I was determined to prove it! Don’t be put off. There’s still another book that follows this one. Here’s part of my Introduction to Book 11.

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Recognizing Codependency in Yourself!

A sample from Book 9

Oh! Are you in for a treat! I began talking about codependency in Book 6. I didn’t see the horror in it until 2015…that need to make others happy began to affect me in the worse way. The following is part of the Introduction to Book 9 in My 12-Book series.

To heal…to completely heal from abuse, you have to deal with the codependent in you. It won’t be easy. From this book all the way to Book 12, I fought it. You can do it, too. Trust in the journey and get my books…I do have a different answer than most do.

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Bringing Yourself from Hurt to Healing!

A sample from Book 8

It’s a process. Sometimes a long one depending if abuse was in the mix. The follow is part of the Introduction to my 8th book in My 12-Book Series. It’s just the beginning of the acceptance stage. Depression still follows. Anger still follows you. You have a journey, but you can do it.

My journey took a twist by adding another relationship to the mix. This book is only the beginning to that. Oh! You just gotta love those who just think they don’t do any wrong. Life’s quite a ride!

“…This book is an exploration of self: Overcoming the anger, the hurt, seeing the damage and healing, understanding how God brings us to something in order to help us and not hinder us, to understand that God’s timing is not our own…and it doesn’t matter how we want to rush it, He’ll stop us in our tracks, slow us down in order for time to heal…[time to] work its magic.

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This Is What Depression from Betrayal Looks Like

A sample from Book 7

All different shades! No one handles betrayal the same…or do we? We rage. We scream. We yell and cry. What happens after that? Depression. How you handle it is up to you. Many times…we don’t have a choice how that plays out. The following is from the Introduction of my 7th Book in My 12-Book Series.

“There are things you have to do to take care of yourself during this stage. You have to get out of it. I know showing you how I got through the initial shock of it, will help you make through alive!

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This Is What Escaping Anger Looks Like: Bargaining!

A sample from Book 6

You freaking bargain your way out of it! With a vengeance. Everyone will bargain differently. The following is from the Introduction of my 6th Book in My 12-Book Series. The Bargaining stage! In this book I will show you what the bargaining stage looks like. The fight is real! And you are not just up against your anger, but up against everything else around you!

Continue reading “This Is What Escaping Anger Looks Like: Bargaining!”

Anger Controls Your Every Emotion!

A sample from Book 5

Yes, it does. That’s why I felt compelled to write this book. Anger does some awful things to us. When you are going through something you really don’t understand and you don’t have the resources to help you, anger builds.

There was nothing for me to grab hold of. For you, you now have this book to help you understand how anger controls you and how to get a grip. The following is from the Introduction to my 5th Book in My 12-Book series. I hope that this book can keep you from making the mistakes I made.

Continue reading “Anger Controls Your Every Emotion!”

Don’t Fix What Ain’t Broken!

A sample from Book 4

That was my question as I went through year after year of constantly starting over as a teacher. Yes, there’s things broken with the American education system…but they are constantly trying to fix the wrong things.

The following is from the Introduction to my 4th Book in My 12-Book Series during my denial stage where I focused on everything outside of myself and my home instead of focusing on the important stuff. What I discovered will amaze you! The only thing I could do was write a book about it and offer simple solutions to what the higher-ups makes so complex.

Continue reading “Don’t Fix What Ain’t Broken!”